The day after Hong Tu returned, Hong Shi Café opened again.

The memory police obviously didn't know when Hong Tu came back.

They clearly and closely watched Hong Tu's home, but they had never seen Hong Tu come back.

But this did not prevent these humans from continuing to monitor, and the news of Hong Tu's return was told to the top.

But TLT did not act rashly after all, and did not rush to arrest him directly.

Hong Tu also ignored the surveillance of these humans, anyway... what he didn't want them to see, these humans were impossible to see.

At noon on the day the Red World opened again, Qian Shu Lian reported on time.

He was delighted to discover that after the Red World opened again, he greeted Mana and Hong Tu excitedly: "Miss Mana, Mr. Hong, you are back!"

Mana nodded as usual, as a response.

Hong Tu smiled and beckoned to him: "It's pity, long time no see."

He looked up and down Qian Shu Lian, and nodded: "Still as energetic as ever."

It was indeed a new fit, and this light still had no plans to save people. Well, Sylvia also followed, so there is no need to worry about being killed in battle for the time being.

Qian Shuren didn't seem to have changed anything because of becoming a fit. He smiled optimistically as always, ordered a dessert, a cup of black tea, and enthusiastically talked with Hong Tu about the interesting things that happened in the past half month.

Hong Tu also showed a proper manner of listening carefully, and the conversation between the two seemed very pleasant.

But Qian Shuren didn't stay too much, and hurried away before going to work.

Hong Tu watched him disappear, and for a while, he withdrew his sight.


In fact, Hong Tu's return caused a lot of excitement to some guys.

So, on the night of Hong Tu's return, the alien beast reappeared.

The black hand behind the scenes seems to have sent out this alien beast with some kind of temptation purpose. It can also be said that it has sent a cannon fodder.

Therefore, the strength of this cannon fodder is naturally weak.

Hong Tu also has no interest in this alien beast at all. To be precise, he is not hungry at all now and does not need to eat, so he has lost interest in these alien beasts.

And the dark circle... the dark circle is still shutting down.

However, this does not mean that Hongtu is not going to go.

Just kidding, the appearance of the alien beast means that the new fit will also appear. After all, this is Qian Shuren's first battle.

And Qian Shuren also perfectly inherited Ji Yazhun's way, um, the way to go to the location of the alien beast-running.

Unexpectedly, although the young man had a thin appearance and physical defects, he actually had a good body. At least after he ran off, he was only slightly panting.

The situation is much better than Ji Yajun.

But also because of the sudden appearance of the alien beast, it took a lot of time to come, and when he arrived, the night raid team had already arrived.

The new alien beast is a alien beast that looks like a bug. It looks like a centipede and a spider. It has many legs. The red reexamination is all over the head with a carapace. It looks very vicious. .

But this alien beast is not powerful.

But the Night Assault team has some unspeakable concealment.

The ultimate ray they had researched before was hacked into the computer when they didn't know it, and all the data was deleted.

The power fluctuations discovered from Ji Yazhun, the light fluctuations that belonged to Servia, and even the researched data, including any spare data, were deleted cleanly, and it was difficult to retrieve it again.

Undoubtedly, this was done by insiders, and there was an inner ghost in their base.

But now, the influence of this inner ghost cannot be ignored.

Without the data of light, they would not be able to use it as a blueprint to launch the ultimate ray.

This simply made the battle of the night raid team difficult. Although it would not lose its combat effectiveness, it also restricted the force of the night raid team.

The new Ultraman appeared at this time.

When the silver Ultraman appeared and attacked the alien beast, everyone was startled, followed by secret joy.

"Mr. Ji Shi?" Gumen called out this name subconsciously, with a relieved smile on his face.

But in the next instant, the new fit person proved to him with facts that this was not Ji Yanzhun.

The standing familiar figure raised his left arm and leaned it against his chest. As the blue light flashed on the arm guard between his wrists, Ultraman's body was also wrapped in blue light.

When the light faded, the silver Ultraman had turned into the blue color of the ocean.

This is not the color of the fiery Ji Yazhun, but a calm and calm blue color.

Blue...The same personality as the little sun that Qian Shuren showed, the completely opposite color.

"New, Ultraman?" The solitary door was startled.

At this moment, far away in the base, Yoshiyoshi Yoshizawa, who watched this scene remotely, smiled slowly: "Welcome, the third person of fit..."


After the blue Ultraman expanded the domain, he slowly assumed a fighting posture.

Unlike Ji Ya Junna who had only learned the intuition system of combat in Sanda, Qian Shuren had obviously undergone professional training.

Although the light will be transmitted directly to the way they fight, it will still show a trace during the fight.

Because of this, the blue Ultraman's fighting style is very structured.

He is agile, flexible, fast, and has a good fighting spirit.

So, easily, he defeated the alien beast.

Even when the night raid team had just entered the field, he had already gained the upper hand in the battle, knocking down the alien beasts again and again.

But after all, it was the first battle, and it was inevitable to make mistakes.

The blue Ultraman didn't pay attention, and was hit by the energy bullets continuously ejected from the mouthparts of the alien beast, and was knocked out.

Seeing that the alien beast was about to attack Ultraman hurriedly.

The night raid team couldn't sit still.

Zog and Saijo wind immediately accelerated, driving the warplane to the alien beast.

Shiori and Gumen sitting behind them attacked the alien beast without hesitation.

The human attack fell on the alien beast, and it immediately attracted the attention of the alien beast.

The mouthparts of the alien beast reversed its direction, and energy accumulated in it, trying to attack the fighter in the sky.

As soon as the blue Ultraman who got up stabilized his body, he saw the attack that the alien beast was about to spit, and the fighter that was too late to escape.

Without hesitation, he rushed between the alien beast and the fighter, opened his arms, and did not hesitate to block the attack for the fighter behind him.

Altman, who had just stood up, fell to his knees weakly again.

But he quickly stood up again, looked at the alien beast rushing over, and knocked it back with a flash of light.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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