In the gap between the alien beasts retreating, the blue Ultraman's palms pressed against each other and placed them on the side.

He slowly opened his palm, and blue electric lights began to flicker between his hands.

Obviously a big move is brewing.

But now, the alien beast is seriously injured, even if it is such a cannon fodder, it cannot be killed casually.

The people behind the scenes felt that they had figured out the strength of the new Ultraman and did not intend to waste this alien beast.

Therefore, a dark purple void suddenly appeared above the golden enchantment.

In the cave, a beam of light intertwined with dark colors and purple enveloped the alien beasts, gradually shrinking. The shrouded alien beast also shrank with the beam of light, and gradually disappeared into the field of light.

As the dark purple hole in the sky disappeared, only the bewildered Ultraman and human fighters were left in the domain.

Oh, there is a red tea watching the show.

"It's surprising." Hong Tu sighed.

Accompanied by this sigh, the blue Ultraman knelt to the ground feebly, and the surrounding area slowly turned into light particles of the primary color, gradually dissipating.

The blue Ultraman disappeared, and Qian Shuren's figure appeared somewhere in the forest.

Wearing an orange coat, he rarely lost that smile on his face, and trot all the way out of the forest.

Standing on a big tree, Hong Tu quietly watched Qian Shu Lian running towards the amusement park, and the solitary door following Qian Shu Lian after finding Qian Shu Lian.

It was like some kind of destiny in the dark, and it was the solitary door who first discovered the Ultraman fit.

However, he also keenly discovered that this young man named Gumen already has a light, although it is not strong enough, but it is already gradually growing.

Is this light so bright before?

It seems not, when did it become like this?


In this battle, outside of the solitary door, it was not that no one had noticed Qian Shuren's identity.

The most intuitive performance was that on the second day, there was one more person monitoring Qian Shuli.

She was a pretty girl, she had a pretty face, but she was a little shy and shy because of her head down.

This girl is just a member of the memory police. Although she looks young and has little experience, she was assigned such an arduous task.

Because of this, her surveillance was easily discovered by her target, Qian Shuren.

But unlike what she had expected, Qian Shuren had no malice towards this girl, and even took the initiative to find the girl.

He knew the girl's identity, and then straightforwardly asked the girl about erasing human memory, and then successfully scared people away.

In the evening when the Hongshi Café was closing, Hong Tu saw a dejected Qianshu Lian at the door.

"What's the matter?" Hong Tu looked at Lian squatting on the ground unexpectedly, and raised her eyebrows.

Qian Shuren raised his head to look at Hong Tu. After a while, he raised his head and asked Hong Tu seriously: "How can I apologize to the girl?"


Hong Tu tilted his head, this development was a bit unexpected.

"Are you unhappy to pity the girl?" Hong Tu quickly showed an ill-intentioned smile, "Is it the girl I like?"

Lian was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hand: "No, it's just a girl I've seen once."

He looks like a young boy who hasn't been with girls much.

Hong Tu smiled: "If you want to apologize, just bring some gifts. If you make a girl upset, go and apologize seriously."

Lian nodded and responded seriously.

So Lian left with joy again.

Mana walked to Hong Tu's side, staring at Lian's back, not knowing what she was thinking.

Hong Tu smiled: "Is it a good boy."

Mana nodded silently, but Hong Tu could see it.

She is worried.

Qian Shuren's fighting style can be seen, this is also a guy who does not care about himself in order to win the battle.

Maybe, like Ji Yazhun, he plans to die on the battlefield.

After this robot has feelings, it becomes sentimental. Hong Tu examines Mana, examines her mental state at the moment.

The light is healthy, and the feelings gradually become more abundant.

It grew too quickly.

Before Mana noticed it, Hong Tu quickly withdrew his sight.

Qian Shurei's physical condition is indeed not so good. But it is not impossible.

After realizing that Qian Shuren was the new fit, Hong Tu carefully investigated Qian Shuren's past.

Because of the immaturity of gene synthesis technology, the synthesized mixed-race babies will have certain congenital defects-when they reach a certain age, the gene activity will be reduced to a minimum, will not be split, and will no longer regeneration.

At that time, Qian Shuli's life will come to an end.

It is difficult for Hong Tu to judge whether these synthesized children can be called excellent, because as superpowers, they are far inferior to the true superpower Muzi, and as geniuses, it is also difficult for them to compete with each other. The true geniuses in the sub-world bred by the earth.

Compared to ordinary humans, they are indeed excellent. But flaws cannot be ignored.

If you can't make a judgment, Hong Tu will not make unnecessary judgments.

Comparing that he is not a human being, he is not qualified to comment on the efforts made by humans.

Moreover, human beings actually have a way to produce pity-saving medicines, but human beings themselves stop researching.


When Hong Tu and Mana returned home, they saw Lizi sitting in front of the window, holding the drawing board in his hand, smiling, and drawing something on the drawing board.

After seeing Mana come back, she immediately beckoned to Mana happily, and then continued to focus on the drawing board.

I ignored Hong Tu the whole time, as if I couldn't see him.

Hong Tu didn't care either, he turned his head and looked at Ji Yazhun who was sitting on the sofa, frowning, with a serious face as if thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?" Hong Tu sat opposite Ji Yazhun and asked curiously.

"I want to leave."

"Your injury is not completely healed." Hong Tu said disapprovingly, "And TLT is still hunting you down."

But Ji Yazhun has already made up his mind: "I don't want to stay here and do nothing."

It can be said that staying here peacefully for half a month is already the limit of his endurance.

He didn't want to go on like this anymore.



"Okay," Hong Tu could only sigh helplessly, respecting his thoughts, "I can send you out of Shinjuku temporarily. For the rest, you have to come by yourself."

"Yeah." Ji Shi nodded quaintly, "Thank you."

"It's not necessary. If you succeed in living, it is the best way to thank you."

"I will."

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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