Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 941: Thousand Trees Lian·上

As long as I live in a place where no one knows me, I seem to be able to abandon my future...

With this idea in mind, that day, I set off from Dallas Fort Worth Airport and boarded a flight to Tokyo.

This place feels very comfortable, and I love everyone I meet here.

However, sometimes I can't help but think about where my life came from, and where is my life going?

Where did my life come from, and where did my life go?


His name is Qianshu Lian.

This is the name he took for himself, and this is probably what he enjoyed, the first right to freedom-to give himself a name.

He is certainly not an ordinary child.

Many years ago, humans tentatively conducted an experiment called the "Prometheus Project."

And these children born as a result of the Prometheus project are called "children of Prometheus", also known as "the fire that Prometheus brought to mankind."

The Prometheus Project is an experimental genetic factor project managed by a medical research institution. Based on the theory of super-evolution technology, DNA fragments with specific genetic information are selected from a variety of excellent genes that have been recorded and combined. , A mixed-race baby bred humanly.

Because of this, Qian Shuren has no parents and no family. It is not an exaggeration for children like them to be called wanderers on the horizon.

Of course, that medical institution is now a research institution under TLT.

Recently, because of a problem with the test project, the plan was temporarily frozen.

And children like Qian Shurei were placed in a boarding school at a research institution in Dallas.

When they reach a certain age, they will have a second right to choose freely-to choose the direction they want to learn in the future.

Children like them, although they have certain inherent defects and have a short lifespan, they also have extremely high intelligence.

They can learn the content that ordinary people can only master for ten or even twenty years in just a few years, and even become an excellent researcher when other children are still playing or worrying about exams.

Qian Shuren chose oceanography at the beginning. If nothing else, he should have become an excellent oceanographer.

However, just as there will always be outliers in the crowd, among the children of Prometheus, Qianshuren also belongs to that outlier.

Unlike other people who are content with the status quo, Lian makes no secret of his yearning for freedom, especially after knowing that his life is short, he wants to see the outside world even more.

At the beginning, he actually didn't expect real freedom, but even if it was only a moment of freedom, even if it was just to do what he wanted to do, even if it was a small accident.

But they are strictly restricted in their freedom and are not allowed to go out. They can only stay in research institutes and schools, learning what they need to master, and waiting to dedicate their lives to work in the future.

Qian Shuren didn't want to be limited to such a life, so he made a little resistance.

It was in this situation that he met Kira Sawayu.

You and him are different classes, and they are also different experimental subjects.

You are born specifically for the continuation of superpowers.

Although they, the sons of Prometheus, have more or less superpowers, such as remote communication between the spiritual body and the like.

But unlike Yu, Yu is a true superpower.

His abilities include teleportation, communication of thoughts, and...foreseeing the future.

It can be said that You are a successful product of the experiment and the most ideal son of Prometheus. He is different from their ordinary sons of Prometheus, and is much better than them.

But when Rei saw You for the first time, she saw this legendary young man standing by the window, staring at the outside, watching the flocks of birds flying around in the sky.

Although only looking from a distance, Lian can be sure that Yu, like herself, yearns for the outside world and freedom.

But unlike Lian, Yu is very calm. He hides his thoughts very well, and even if he yearns for it, he won't really touch it, because Yu knows his mission.

Therefore, when Lian sneaked into You's room one night and invited him to jump over the fence of the boarding school, go to the beach to watch the sea, and watch the sunrise, You did not hesitate to refuse.

"You will be caught and locked up. You can't run, and you won't get the freedom you want." You bluntly told pity the consequences.

This is the result he foresaw, it is a destined fact.

But Lian did not follow his advice.

Of course Pity knew that he would be discovered and caught, but even before he was caught, he could take a look at the sea and feel that kind of freedom for a moment.

So, pity oneself set off.

He successfully escaped from the school, successfully ran out of the scope of the institute, and then saw the sea with his own eyes.

In just two short hours, he sat on the beach, quietly looking at the sea horizon in the distance, listening to the sound of the waves, and breathing the free air, even though it was salty.

Then, two hours later, he was caught by the soldiers who rushed over and pressed back to school.

On the way to the confinement room, he met You again.

The two of them stared at each other for a long time, and Lian suddenly broke free, rushed over, grabbed You by the shoulder, and smiled happily: "I saw it, I saw the sea, I saw the beach... Although I didn't see the sunrise. "

Before they finished speaking, the soldiers stepped forward again, pulled Lian Congyou off his body, and pressed it into the confinement room.

For a long time, he will not appear in the sight of others again.

After Rei was taken away, Youcai raised her hand in a daze, and looked at what she was only holding in her hand.

A small shell, gray-white, with some gray-brown speckled shells on it. This is the only "trophy" pity brought back.

After that, the two seemed to have become good friends, no, or rather unilaterally announced that they became good friends.

After that, Rey didn't try to run out again, but later they all ended up being caught back and put in confinement.

And finally, two years later, he planned a real escape.

While the researchers were studying the alien beasts, Qian Shuren quietly escaped from the team when he was heading to his future work place, took the things he had prepared, and took the plane, before everyone noticed it. When I went to a foreign country.

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