Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 943: The fight should be fair

The letters engraved on the silver ring in Lian's hand, "pry" means "fire".

Symbolizes the identity of Qian Shu Lian.

And the so-called son of Prometheus was naturally informed of the solitary door by You.

Gumen and Lian are very close, and this plan, Gumen will know sooner or later.

You told Gu Men about these things, but also concealed Lian's genetic defect.

He can't care about pity, but Gumen's words may be based on pitying what he wants.


Hong Tu sat on the sofa, lazily watching Lian at the door teasing Yitzhak.

And Mana stood in a daze, not knowing what she was doing.

"Mr. Red, what kind of tiger is Yitzhak?" Yitzhak jumped up flexibly the meat in his hand. After snatching it away, Lian couldn't help but look up, "Is it Althu?"

"Yeah." Hong Tu nodded, "Do you know this kind of tiger?"

"Know a little bit," with a pitiful smile on his face, but his words were too straightforward, "I didn't expect to see this kind of extinct creature."

"Itzhak's words are a gift from the earth." Hong Tu beckoned, Yizhak immediately grabbed the meat, glanced at Lian with disdain, and ran towards Hong Tu with his short legs.

With a light jump, it jumped onto Hongtu's leg, and then put the raw meat on Hongtu's leg without any consideration, and began to eat.

But the magical thing is that the raw meat did not stain his pants, but seemed to be separated from his legs by an invisible barrier.

"Eh? Is it a gift from the earth?" Lian looked at Yitzhak in surprise, but didn't have the slightest doubt about Hong Tu's words.

To some extent, because of the lack of this young man, he yearned to communicate with outsiders, which caused him to always hold a sincere heart when speaking and to communicate with people sincerely. Although he would conceal some facts, he would not lie.

Because of this, he will listen carefully to what others say, will not question what others say, and will express his own thoughts straightforwardly.

But as smart as he is, it is natural to see that Hong Tu and Mana are not ordinary people.

Especially for Mana, it shouldn't be too obvious. After getting the light, you can see Mana's identity at a glance.

Moreover, he is also concealing his identity, so Lian will not ask Hong Tu and Mana's identity.

But the curiosity of Yitzhak could not be hidden.

He walked to Hong Tu's side, ready to stretch out his hand to give him a kick.

Of course, Yitzhak, who sensed his attempt, grinned and refused to let him touch it.

Lian could only retract his hand pitifully, and watched Yitzhak eating meat on Hong Tu's leg.

It seems that I really want to touch it twice.

But who is Yitzhak, even if you give snacks, it will only grab your snacks, and then Althu, who walks away coldly, doesn't care at all.


At night, the alien beast appeared again.

Insect-like alien beasts still appeared in the wild, standing carelessly in the mountains and forests, proclaiming their sense of existence.

And the night raid team only dispatched one fighter plane, driven by Gumen and Saijokaze.

They appeared not to fight, but to collect data. Collect the data of Ultraman Blue, collect the world of the new dark realm.

"This field is different from the two fields we have seen before."

Faust's dark domain and Mephistopheles' domain are completely opposite to Ultraman's domain wave frequency. As long as you master Ultraman's domain wave frequency, it will be unimpeded.

The dark realm of Hongtu is a constant and stable frequency, and it never resists human fighters.

However, judging from the wave frequency of the domain of the unknown hand that they have collected before, this domain is completely different.

What is the difference is that they need to collect more data to study. Therefore, for the safety of the driver's life, after invading that area, they can only fly in the air stably, and absolutely cannot release any excess energy. .

"So, please remember that you cannot attack. Just leave the battle to Ultraman." When Kira Sawa said about Ultraman, he paused for a while, but no one noticed his abnormality.

Gumen and Saijo were silent, and looked at the alien beast.

Ultraman hasn't appeared yet, then, before the battle begins, they will attack first.

Komon and Saijo Kaze reached an agreement and began to attack the alien beast.


This alien beast was the one taken away by the "hand of the unknown" last time.

But at this moment, this reappearing alien beast has undergone tremendous changes.

Its breath is much stronger. The arthropod carapace on its body has turned into a bleak gray-green color. Under the yellow carapace on the chest are six air outlets, which can release powerful energy **** to attack. Many of the feet became sharp and sharp, with a dark red color on the edges, which looked very fierce.

This alien beast was strengthened, and as a true opponent, it was released.

When the night raid team's fighter appeared, the alien beast immediately noticed it.

It seemed to recognize this fighter plane that had attacked itself, and without hesitation, it spewed several energy bombs from its mouthparts and attacked the fighter plane in the sky.

Naturally, Gumen and Saijo would not sit and wait. They drove their fighters and avoided these attacks one by one. They even went around the top of the alien beast and attacked its head.

After being unable to defeat the enemy and being severely beaten by the enemy, the alien beast was obviously furious.

It ejected more energy bombs, covering the fighter planes in the sky.

At this moment, a beam of light appeared, blocking these attacks.

In the beam of light, the silver Altman slowly lowered his hand, and his bright and warm bulb eyes directly faced the alien beast on the opposite side.

Directly, as soon as his body shape changed, he turned into a blue form and directly expanded his domain.

But before the light domain was completely formed, the dark purple energy hole in the sky unfolded and began to erode the light domain.

The golden barrier was eroded into dark purple, and the field of light became an unknown dark field.

The blue Ultraman was obviously the first time he saw such a picture. He looked at the evil energy that suddenly appeared above his head in amazement, and appeared a little panic.

But he was unable to stop the erosion of this dark realm, and could only watch the realm he released, becoming an enemy's thing.

Suddenly, a line of pure black energy appeared. Unlike the dark purple dark domain that started from a point in the center of the sky, this black domain began to spread from the ground.

The dark purple energy that fell on the ground was quickly eroded, and quickly eroded away to the energy barrier in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it turned back to the object, turning this unformed dark field into another dark field.

"Fight, naturally it must be fairer."

Everyone has to cut.

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