This twists and turns of development stunned everyone at the base.

You can know who belongs to this familiar field at a glance.

Unexpectedly, the first thing that appeared would be this dark Ultraman who has been hiding on the earth.

But since it is a familiar field, there is no need to wait for data collection.

"Get out!"

The captain gave an order, and everyone immediately dispatched to the hangar, ready to rush to the scene.


Probably only the blue Ultraman didn't understand what happened.

He looked at the sudden changes in the surroundings in confusion, and felt uncomfortable with the suppression of the attributes brought about by this dark field.

Of course, the alien beast opposite him was also very uncomfortable, and even looked around in a panic, issuing a warning version of the low growl, which seemed extremely disturbed.

And Ultraman quickly reacted.

He watched that the alien beast was also suppressed, and he immediately put aside the frustration in his heart, but quickly rushed out, rushing towards the alien beast, with a fierce punch.

After being beaten, the alien beast took a step back, reacted immediately, and fought with Ultraman angrily.

When both sides suffered the same suppression, the battle became fair. Well, at least Hong Tu, who is the culprit, thinks so.

But the battle has become stalemate.

When the blue Ultraman fought, his movements were very dexterous, agile and powerful. He moved quickly on the ground, approaching the alien beast.

And the alien beast also continuously sprayed out one after another attack, trying to hit him.

Finally, the blue Ultraman abruptly relied on his flexible speed to successfully approach Ultraman.

The two behemoths immediately fought together.

But the outer carapace of the alien beast is very hard, and it doesn't matter if Ultraman's fist falls on it. Instead, it clamps Ultraman's wrist with its pincer-like forelimbs and twists it.

Altman immediately cried out from the pain in his wrist, lifted his foot and kicked, breaking free from the shackles of the alien beast.

Forcing the alien beast to loose its pliers, Ultraman turned back and distanced himself from the alien beast again.

But he couldn't help covering his right wrist, which was obviously painful.

The alien beast on the opposite side didn't care. The two rows of exhaust ports on its abdomen were opened, and the orange-yellow energy bombs quickly began to condense.

Altman suddenly couldn't care about the pain in his wrist. His left hand paused in front of the timer on his chest, and the light energy instantly condensed on the wrist of his arm, forming a golden lightsaber.

Facing the light bullet that struck, he quickly split two shots with a lightsaber, but the third shot was too late and was hit in the chest.

Next is the rest.

Counting that the light bullet fell on Ultraman's body, it immediately knocked Ultraman away and smashed it to the hard ground.

The alien beast seemed to have found some way to deal with Ultraman, and once again began to condense energy at the exhaust port in its abdomen.

In the sky, Komon and Saijo were finally unable to bear it.

The human fighter drew a beautiful arc in the sky, circled to the other side of the monster, and fired a laser bomb at the monster's head without hesitation.

The monster immediately turned around and aimed its muzzle at the fighter plane in the sky.

The Ultraman behind it reacted promptly and immediately got up and began to gather strength.

He put his palms together on his waist, and the blue electric light quickly converged.

After quickly condensing, his arms became L-shaped, and a stream of colored light immediately emitted from the side of his palm, hitting the back of the alien beast, interrupting the unfinished concentration of the alien beast's energy.

The alien beast moved for a while, slowly falling down.

The blue Ultraman breathed a sigh of relief and slowly lowered his arm.

At this time, the pain in his wrist made him bend down.

And just as he relaxed, the dim compound eyes of the alien beast that should have been wiped out brightened again.

The alien beast got up from the ground shaking his head.

Although Ultraman's rush of abilities just brought him serious injuries, it has not yet completely killed it.

But the alien beast was originally a combat weapon that appeared for survival, so even if it only took a breath, it could get up again and continue fighting.

At this moment, even if the alien beast's stand up movement was slow or even a bit crooked, it still stood up firmly.

Altman immediately ignored the injury on his body and once again prepared for battle.

And the alien beast turned his head and stared at Ultraman.

Needless to say anything, its abdominal cavity opened again, and after counting the shells, it attacked Ultraman.

But this time, Ultraman no longer tried to put aside these attacks, but... rushed forward.

"Reckless." Hong Tu frowned.

And the blue Ultraman jumped, avoided a blow, and flew into the sky again to avoid a blow, but was hit in the abdomen by the third attack, and was engulfed by the explosion of fire.

But in the next second, the blue figure rushed out of the firelight and approached the alien beast again without hesitation.

If he could hide, he would hide, and if he couldn't hide, he would just endure it abruptly. Even though the timer on his chest had flashed crazily, he still never stopped.

In this way, Ultraman finally approached the alien beast, and three golden dart blades flew out of his palm, hitting the alien beast's chest.

The alien beast stiffened and fell to the ground again, losing its sound.

Altman landed on one knee, but did not stop.

In order to prevent the alien beast from getting up again, he folded his arms to the side, and the dim red Y-shaped timer under the timer blinking on his chest lit up with a golden light.

He placed his right arm horizontally in front of the timer, and the golden Y-shaped energy immediately attached to his armguard, forming a triangular bow.

The blue Ultraman pointed the tip of his bow at the alien beast on the ground, and made a string-pulling movement with his left arm.

The colorful triangular-shaped energy blades quickly gathered, and as his left hand loosened, the triangular-shaped energy blade immediately flew out, cutting the alien beast on the ground into two halves.

The body of the alien beast immediately exploded from the incision, and even the body with the alien beast exploded into countless light particles.

The blue Ultraman breathed a sigh of relief, and fell to his knees weakly, his chest undulating violently.

The light bow in his arms on the ground dissipated and returned to the timer on his chest.

The surrounding dark field slowly faded, and they returned to the real world.

And until this moment, the other fighters of the night raid team finally arrived, but the battle was over.

Ultraman's figure has disappeared, but the fighters of the night raid team have not landed for a long time, and the captain has not issued an order to search for the Ultraman fit.

Even Saijo didn't mention this.

Hong Tu raised his hand to look at the newly-appearing monster card in his hand, squinting to think about something.

In the studio of the distant TLT base, Kira Sawa crossed his hands and leaned in front of his nose, looking down and thinking about something.

After a while, he said softly: "Are you ready?"

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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