Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 950: Alien beast watching secretly

While the night raid team was analyzing the sound waves collected from the fog, they received a message from the memory police.

The memory police have been tracking the traces of the fog, and because of Zaki's earlier, the fog stayed in the same place for a long time, and it was naturally discovered by the memory police.

At this moment, the fog is moving slowly, with no trace of dissipating.

After receiving the notice, the night raid team immediately dispatched to this mountain.

At the same time, Mizulumu also took Riko and found the mist.

This alien beast hiding in the thick fog is vague, and can only vaguely see a few pairs of huge compound eyes like spiders.

These huge red eyes are hidden in the fog, spying on their tracks, seeming to be looking for opportunities to hunt these uninvited guests who have broken into the fog.

But at the same time, it also felt a slight threat, and it was this unknown threat that prevented it from attacking the two for a long time.

And soon, it found more intruders.

The alien beast tilted his head in doubt, wondering about the abnormal amount of food today.

It vaguely sensed something, and immediately chose to abandon these two more dangerous foods, hide in the dense fog again, and search for the prey that had just broken in.

Soon, it discovered these new humans.

These humans were divided into three small teams, two by two, advancing vigilantly in the thick fog.

After seeing these humans clearly, the alien beasts finally confirmed the identities of these humans.

"Hiss..." These are the humans who have been hunting alien beasts? It looks very weak.

Alien beasts also have their communication system, and in order to evolve, they will exchange some of the experience they have gained.

Of course, as different individuals, they will retain a little bit of each other's experience. After all, everyone wants to evolve into a higher-level alien beast as soon as possible, so they will not share all the experiences they have gained.

But when it comes to the common enemies of alien beasts, they won't be stingy.

For example, the intelligence of Ultraman of Light, also for example, those humans who in turn hunted alien beasts.

Although most of the alien beasts have died in the hands of Ultraman so far, they also died in the hands of these humans. Therefore, even if the alien beasts don’t care about these counter-cuffed "prey", But still maintained a certain degree of vigilance.

Everything for the survival of the alien beast.

Therefore, it hides in the thick fog, secretly spying on these humans, looking for opportunities to hunt these humans.

Soon, it locked a two-person team.

It opened its spider-like mouthparts, emitting a beam of energy, and hit the two humans who hadn't found themselves yet.

But unfortunately, this attack did not hit the two members of the night raid team, but surprised them.

The two night raid team members immediately turned their heads and found the huge red eyes that had been hidden in the fog. They immediately turned their guns and fired several laser shells directly at the alien beast.

But the fog also caused a lot of obstacles to them, several energy bombs, only two of them hit the huge alien beast.

The alien beast retreated immediately and re-hidden into the fog.

The two of the night raid team immediately entered the fog and chased in the direction where the alien beast was hiding.

But the alien beasts were like a fish in the mist, and they soon chased the target, but instead... met two unexpected people.



Golumu and Riko were taken aback, both of them stopped and looked at the two people who were in front of them.

These two people are the captain of Hecang and Gumen.

And Captain Hecang recognized Mizulu at a glance. Although Mizulu is shabby and shabby at the moment, there is no doubt that this is Mizulu.

"Mizulumu, where's Ji Yajun?" Captain Wakura had pointed the gun at Mizulumu. After noticing the girl Mizulumu was holding, the muzzle was raised again, "Away from that girl. point!"

"Mizulumu? Ji Shijun?" Mizulumu said these two names suspiciously. He seemed to realize that the two people on the other side knew him. He couldn't help but step forward, "Do you know me? Who am I? Please tell me. ,who am I?"

Captain Hecang was taken aback, looked at Miu Lumu in amazement, and saw that he didn't seem to be lying, making him even more puzzled. This person has amnesia?

And Gumen, after a brief surprise, focused most of his attention on Riko.

And Riko looked at him at the same time.

The eyes of the two immediately converged, and the next moment, Riko's expression became horrified: "No!"

Shouting, she released the hand holding Miu Lumu, turned and ran into the fog.

Golumu immediately turned and chased him, and directly abandoned the two people who knew his identity, and chased the girl instead.

Hecang and Gumen immediately wanted to catch up, but in the next instant, several attacks landed at their feet, blocking their footsteps.

When they reacted, they had already lost track of the two in the thick fog, but the alien beast appeared again.


Hong Tu will have a panoramic view of this scene.

"Is Miu Lumu originally this character?" Hong Tu, who was sitting on the branch, couldn't help tilting his head, "completely, it's just light."

But no, after Mizuromu lost his memory, he lost all the sullen temper that he had when he fell into the dark. He was confused and knew nothing about his past and future, but he did not give up on himself. On the contrary, he was kind and compassionate , Can be called a good person, um, the kind of shiny body.

Looking at Mizulumu's back, Hong Tu said thoughtfully: "Probably, if it weren't for Zaki's intervention, Mizulumu might be the second fit."

Hong Tu imagined the scene where Miu Lumu turned into Ultraman of Light, fighting against the alien beasts, and immediately produced a subtle feeling.

Putting aside the arduous karma that Mizulumu had done before, just talking about his way of doing things, we can see that Mizulumu is actually an extremely intelligent person who is good at winning people's hearts.

Such a person, after becoming a light fitter...probably a completely different type from the hot fittesters such as Ji Yajun and Chikirei.

"It's a pity that way."

Hong Tu was eager to protect Mizulumu. He desperately wanted to know what would such Mizulumu choose to do after he had restored his memory and remembered what he had done?

And how will he fight after getting Ultraman's power?

Anyway, this shouldn't be a hindrance to Zaki's resurrection.

Hong Tu slowly revealed a malicious smile, and the troublesome attitude was at a glance.

But at this moment, there was no voice to respond to him.

This made Hong Tu couldn't help but focus on the dark circle again: "Hey, are you still in a daze?"

Circle of Darkness: "..."

This ring didn't react at all, it was quiet like a toy.

Hong Tu: "..."

How long has it been, still shocked?

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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