Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 951: Hong Tu's difficult choice

After Hongtu repeatedly tossed, and even reached out to pat the red ring, the dark ring finally reacted.

It was like an old instrument that hadn't been activated for a long time, flashed tremblingly, and then dimmed.

Hong Tu: "..."

Even if it is Hongtu, I feel deeply speechless at this moment, and I seriously reflect on whether eating a world or something is really unreasonable.

But... Energy can be swallowed, matter can be swallowed, why can't the universe made of matter be eaten? Obviously it tastes pretty good.

I have to say that when eating the world, there is really a kind of food that is mixed with many special seasonings, which is a bit like Chinese cuisine.

Thinking about it, Hong Tu couldn't help but feel a little aftertaste, so the dark power in his body surged and swallowed a small fragment again.

The taste is quite good.

Feeling the deliciousness that filled him with satisfaction from his body, Hong Tu squinted his eyes happily, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

There are still too few small worlds for him to swallow. Simply, his current power wants to completely swallow a world, even if it is a small world that is not as big as the earth, it will take a long time.

His strangeness was quickly discovered by the Dark Circle.

The Dark Circle was finally willing to pay attention to Hongtu: "..." Is it delicious?

"It's delicious." Hong Tu answered the question sincerely, "It's fascinating."

The dark circle was silent for a while, and flashed in a self-defeating manner: "..." Okay, you just want to be happy.

What's the use of it entangled so much? Can you stop the big devil from not eating the world? Can't!

So, why does it have to entangle these?


"..." Can the alien beast stay and become a card next time?

Dark Circle tried to take a piece of Hong Tu's ration. Sure enough, instead of worrying about how terrible the Scarlet Devil is, it's better to think about whether you can get a monster card in the future. How does it save more monsters from the mouth of the Red Devil?

Thinking of this, the Dark Circle suddenly became anxious.

There were so many alien beasts in that world, it seemed that they didn't get a single card, right? !

Thinking of this, Dark Circle couldn't help complaining about the viciousness of Hongtu eating alone: ​​"!!!" How can you eat alone? ! how can!

Hong Tu: "..." This thinking jumps fast enough.

But this does not prevent Hong Tu from agreeing to the dark circle's request: "No problem, the remaining alien beasts can make you become stuck."

After coaxing the dark circle, Hong Tu focused on the alien beast.

When they were talking, the night raid team was still chasing the alien beasts all over the mountain, but no matter what, this white mist was a good barrier for the alien beasts, which caused them to chase them away from time to time.

At the foot of the mountain, the memory police were already in place, and a group of white isolation suits with weapons, bypassing the battlefield between alien beasts and night raiders, quickly searched the mountain.

In this comparison, it seems that Golumu's situation is a bit worse.

Thinking of this, Hong Tu jumped down from the branch, and his figure quickly disappeared into the fading white mist.


Golumu and Riko once again returned to the abandoned ancestral hall.

Here, Riko told him the scenes in her memory, and also explained the reason why she was so excited when she first saw Gumen.

"The only memory you remember is what happened after your parents became monsters?"

Riko nodded silently.

"Well, you have seen that man in your memory." His tone was complicated. He seemed to have thought of something, but he didn't know how to speak to the girl, worried that it would add to her pain.

Even if the girl herself is already in pain.

At this moment, he hates the culprit who caused the destruction of the girl’s family, but he feels confused about his state. He seems to understand the culprit’s thoughts, and even for a moment feels that if it is himself...

No, how could he have this idea?

The girl knows nothing about his heart, there is no extra sadness on her face, because she was too sad, now that she has lost her memory, she even feels that the memory is more like a dream, the dream is very unreal .

She does not remember her family, and the faces in the memory that are consistent with the photos, because there is no support from the memory, they are more like strangers, so she doesn't even know how to produce sad feelings, only the kind of alien animals. The fear of being squeezed into the flesh after catching lingers from time to time.

But at the bottom, that experience was too terrifying. After so long, the sense of horror was deliberately forgotten, and finally it became the strong sense of unreality.

Therefore, although the girl's mood was low, she was very calm: "Well, he shot directly at that time and attacked my mother. But I know that he should be trying to save me."

At that time, although her parents were still human faces, their arms had become inhuman claws, and they held her mercilessly, leading her to the mouth of the alien beast.

Gumen shot at that time... It should be to save her from the hands of the strange parents, from the mouth of the alien beast.

Miu Lumu pursed his mouth, and finally told the unacceptable truth: "Maybe, your parents were killed before they became monsters...there are still such bad people."

For certain purposes, to kill innocent people, and then use the dead to do more excessive things...

Riko was silent and did not speak.

Sitting on the top of the ancestral hall, Hong Tu stretched comfortably.

He listened to the conversation between the two people inside, while watching boredly at the distance between the alien beasts and the night raid team's fighting of wits, while betting on the memory policemen who were outflanking them, and the white isolation suits. .

After losing his memory, Mizulumu seemed to lose his vigilance, and might instinctively evade when he found the memory policeman. But he has lost his vigilance in normal times.

The traces he left along the way when he returned to the ancestral hall with Riko, like a sign to guide the way, indicated his location to the memory police.

It was only found that there was an innocent girl, so these arresters did not immediately mobilize, and directly arrested Mizulumu.

From this point of view, these people are not so cruel and ruthless.

Just like they would still put the dangerous memory of Riko under an environment where she could feel at ease, paying attention at all times without disturbing her life.

These people protect the human heart and never need to question.

"So, what are we going to do next?"

Should I let Mizulumu be taken away, or should we intervene to save Mizulumu?

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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