In view of Hong Tu's inaction, within five minutes of Hong Tu and Riko's departure, Mizo Lumu, who had not yet woken up, was controlled by the white isolation suits and secretly taken to the TLT-L base.

However, fortunately, the first time he was caught, he was not immediately sent to the test bed. Instead, he was given special drugs and locked in prison.

Mizulumu is sure that the people here know him, but he also seems to know instinctively that he must escape here.

He shouldn't have been caught by these people.

Although he didn't know who he was or what he was looking for, he was certain that he didn't want to be caught.

This point can be seen from his previous escape trajectory.

When he was on the road, he avoided the crowd in black suits more than once, just like instinct.

But in the end, he still failed to escape.

But this made him even more at a loss.

Why do you want to catch him? Why would he avoid it? Who is he?


A few days later, Hong Tu once again met Haiben Hayato in her store.

He still carried the camera, but a lot of photos came.

He found a quiet place, just put the photo on the table with a careless attitude, and watched it carefully while drinking coffee.

Hong Tu looked at it curiously and gave an evaluation: "It's like a stalker who takes pictures secretly."

These photos are all about pity.

Pity working, pity going out, pity giving children animal balloons, cheering children happy, pity eating, and even pity taking out the photo-transforming device to transform into Ultraman photos, as well as the Ultraman form fighting photo.

If he didn't know what Haiben Hayato was doing, just looking at these photos, Hong Tu felt that he could already call the police.

Hayato Uimoto who was choked by this evaluation: "..."

He is obviously a good father who cares about his son's life and health. How did he become a pervert?

But he sensibly knew the difference between his and Hong Tu's strength value, and chose to ignore Hong Tu's nonsense. What does he argue with a non-human being, does he know what it means to raise a child? Raising a child is not just a guarantee of food and clothing, but it requires spiritual care!

Well, even though Qian Shuren was not brought up by him, he did not give any spiritual comfort, but! He realized that he must be more like a qualified father than Hongtu, there is no doubt about it!

"Rei has been very happy lately. If he can, I hope he can continue like this." Haiben Hayato looked at Hong Tu sincerely, um, if he ignores the misfortune in his eyes.

"My child is always happy." Hong Tu was even more proud.

He has always respected any choices made by his children, and given plenty of room to grow up freely. They are naturally very happy.

Hearing this, Haiben Hayato glanced at Hong Tu suspiciously, and finally did not go to the bottom of the question.

The instinct of a superpower told him that things may not be that simple, but it is not suitable for him to continue to ask.

The two "old fathers" who still could not reach a consensus were not convinced by each other, but sat down peacefully.

"If you are like this, one day you will be discovered." Hong Tu poured herself a cup of coffee. "It won't be okay to be misunderstood then?"

Hayato Kaimoto was startled and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

He wanted to talk to Lian directly, but he didn't know why. He was always afraid to meet Lian, so he could only look at Lian secretly in secret.

Probably, guilty, or perhaps seeing such a happy pity, not wanting to go forward and disturb.

Moreover, in the final analysis, Pity still failed to get the treatment of "Raphael", and also had part of his responsibility. If he can hold on, if he can persuade that person...

Although it was just a flash of thought in Uemoto Hayato's mind, from Hong Tu's point of view, it was clear at a glance.

It is rare for Hong Tu to feel that he may need to persuade a few words.

"Do you really understand the pity idea?"

Hong Tu has met several people like Haiben Hayato, who thinks he knows Lian's past, so he thinks he knows Lian well. For example, Gumen, such as Jiliang Zeyu, or even Mana.

They have compassion for Lian Huo and try their best to make Lian a happy life.

But perhaps because of perspective, Hong Tu holds a completely different view from them.

Qian Shurei, they don't need such an action. He is a grown-up person who has his own ideas and wants to live his own life. He doesn't even feel that he has anything worthy of others' pity.

In fact, he is no different from other people except the way of birth and the family.


Gumen asked for leave and came to the amusement park.

Last night, an alien beast reappeared, and Qian Shuren still cooperated with the night raid team and eliminated the alien beast.

There was no Unknown Hand's intervention, nor Hong Tu's intervention, the battle went smoothly, and Lian did not suffer any serious injuries.

So, as soon as the battle was over, Gumen couldn't wait to ask for leave, and came to see Qian Shuren the next day.

Even he was delighted and wanted to explain to Qian Shuren that they could fight side by side with him.

But when she really saw Qian Shuren, Gu Men felt helpless.

Because... it was not just Qian Shurei who discovered that he had arrived, but also Qian Shurei's friend Oo White, and the director of the amusement park, Mr. Needle Nest.

Seeing the two mouthfuls of "pity cousin", and the unceremonious dismantling of the stage by Oubai-"Although Gumen is pity's cousin, but he doesn't seem to know anything about pity", he is even more so. Feeling embarrassed.

He is also not a liar character. When the two mentioned Qian Shuren’s family, he could only vaguely try to confuse the past: "My parents... well, they are... all very well, yet Everyone, they all have a good time..."

Of course, the other two didn't understand at all. In the end, the pity who watched the play unscrupulously finally rescued him: "Gumen, let's go clean up together?"

As a result, the lonely door who was rescued put on an apron and went to clean up with pity, and successfully escaped the questioning of two innocent people.

But Lian knew that Gumen already knew his identity.

Needless to think, he also knew who told Gumen.

Sure enough, as he thought, Yu also thought that Gumen was a reliable person.

But when he turned his head, Qian Shuren noticed Gumen's expression.

It was an expression of pain and worry that was overwhelming, and there seemed to be a trace of sympathy in it.

This makes Lian feel a little funny: "Don't put on that painful expression. Me, without parents, I'm just a mixed-race newborn made by a combination of DN fragments."

With that said, he even took out an animal balloon from his pocket, coaxing a child, and handed it to Gumen.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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