"I didn't feel lonely either." Qian Shuren said with a smile, "I didn't have parents in the beginning. It's natural to have no parents. The nanny of the research institute, and the professor, they are all good people!"

He emphatically emphasized the fact that everyone is a "good person" in order to try to convince Gumen not to worry about him anymore, feel sorry for him or something.

In fact, he is also living very well and very happy.

But Qian Shuren is not without regrets.

"Before I came here, I didn't know how parents and children get along. Because I have been in research institutions, and only here did I see that there are so many parents and children." He took a picture with his hands. The posture seems to be to freeze the scenes of happy families on the lawn in the distance, "This feeling is really good."

"Are you envious?" Gu Men looked at Qian Shu Lian.

And Qian Shuren groaned for a while and gave the answer: "If I were a child, I would be very envious. But now, I will only let the children ride on my neck. Playing with them, just Very happy already."

He seemed to be very proud to say: "When performing, the children don't go to Shiroo's place, they all like to come to me, am I very good?"

"Right," Gumen smiled, "this is also a kind of talent."

"Gumen, I've been thinking, grow up quickly," he said, looking at Gumen with confidence, "So, now I am very happy."


"Rei is a very clever boy," Hong Tu looked at Haiben Hayato and said seriously, "Don't judge his life with your opinions. He actually lives very happily. Although he has a little regret, he at least dares Go after what he wants. In my opinion, he is more dazzling than you, and more praiseworthy."

Haimoto Hayato fell into deep thought, thinking about Hong Tu's words.

Hayato Kaimoto knew Qianshu Rei at first because this child was far more free than the others, and... it was the most failed experiment.

Although the other children do not live long, they can live at least 30 years old.

Only Qian Shuren was given the result of not being able to survive eighteen years.

However, the development of the only healing angel "Raphael" that could save the pity was stopped.

He didn't even have the right to let this project go on, so he could only care about Lian's physical condition in the dark. But apart from this, he can do nothing.

Hayato Kaimoto finally left in silence.

Hong Tu sat on the seat without moving, propped her head, as if thinking about something.

Until Mana walked to his side.

"Mana, what do you think of the people in this world?" Hong Tu asked Mana curiously.

Mana gave the answer without thinking, as if it had been stored in her database for a long time: "Unsure. But..."

She hesitated for a while before continuing: "But... I don't like this world."

In this world, Mana has encountered many tragedies.

What she has seen, on the earth guarded by Ultraman, people always have respect and love for Ultraman. Although they are a little dependent on Ultraman’s existence, they at least live happily, and With hope in mind, the world appears bright and vibrant.

But here, she saw a different scene.

Those who know the truth conceal the truth, use their own weapons to deal with powerful enemies, and even have vigilance and even hostility towards Ultraman; innocent people live in a false peace, but at any time they will be ignorant and unconscious. The living beasts attack and then die; and the light will fall into the darkness, committing numerous karma debts, and it is difficult to turn around.

And the most important thing is that she doesn't even know what is right or wrong, because Hong Tu will clearly analyze the stakes for her.

Just like TLT's approach cannot be denied with "wrong", and the salvation she sometimes thinks is not "right".

Anyway, from this world, Mana has a deep understanding of the complexity of human beings.

But also because of Lizi and Ji Yazhun, she clearly showed her dislike for this world.

She considered the words in her database and finally found the appropriate adjective: "This world is depressed."

Hong Tu raised her eyebrows: "You are more and more like a real life body."

But unlike Mana, Hong Tu holds the completely opposite view: "I don't think this world is depressed. On the contrary... it is full of hope."

"Ji Shizhun is immersed in the grief of the past, fighting with that kind of pain on his back. Although the fighting method is extreme, it is undeniable that he has a hot red light. This is the hope he brings.

Qian Shuren, well, maybe you think that his unique way of birth is unfortunate, but I think he is actually very happy. Except for his parents and freedom, he doesn't actually have too many worries. He is like a high-spirited knight who wants to save more people with his limited life. It is pure and does not contain any desire for lust.

TLT people, although they are more extreme in some things, they are the people I have ever seen who love humans the most. No matter where they are in TLT, no matter how big their differences are, they all love humans. Even Qian Shuren, who was born as an experimental subject, is loved by others. And, do you really think that TLT didn't find Qian Shurei? It was they who allowed Qian Shuren to pursue what he wanted. "

"Mana, do you know what it looks like in the world I see?"

"The light is gathering and passing. One day, it will be passed to everyone's heart, with the people of this world, together with Ultraman, to dispel the haze."

"The evidence is that the light on Rei's body is much stronger than the light on Ji Yazhun's body."

This is what Hong Tu realized when he saw Faust turning into light.

When he saw Qian Shuren, who was a fit, he was even more sure of this.

This light is like a flame, and the light in the heart of the fittest is like firewood that strengthens the flame. With the transmission between fittests, the light will only gradually become stronger.

"I seem to have discovered a little secret, a secret that Zaki has never been able to do with Noah."

Hong Tu laughed: "Next time, let's try to pass on the fire."

What light can do, so can darkness. Light energy uses the light in the human heart to increase power, and darkness can naturally also rely on the darkness in the human heart to increase.

I have to say that this is a good idea.

Hong Tu is even thinking about whether he can use this method next time he uses the dark Ultraman to have fun.

Well, after this guy gave Mana Science a meal, he ran off the track first.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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