Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 957: TLT's inner ghost

"You said, will it be human?"

Zog didn't want to think in this direction. If she could, she would rather hope that it was another "ditch Lumu" rather than a human being.

"So, what happened?" Hong Tu still doesn't quite understand what happened, and it deserves Zog's attention.

"The Hikari data obtained from Ji Yazhun was deleted, including the spare data, leaving no trace."

Intuition tells Zog that this is not something ordinary humans can do.

Zog naturally understands the security of TLT's system. Coupled with her knowledge, her first reaction is Hongtu.

Hong Tu can turn the dark power into data, directly occupy the electronic data of the network and turn it into its own territory.

Zhang Jie also showed her this ability and explained the whole story.

But the next second, she denied this idea herself.

Although Hong Tu often does not do personnel affairs, his position is still firm and will not do such things that weaken human capabilities.

So, the rest is the dark Ultraman of the "Hand of the Unknown".

So, the problem came, she also probed at that time, and found no trace of dark power...

In this way, either the person behind the scenes has a computer technology that far exceeds that of the earth, and can even conceal the visitor, or...someone within them is a spy.

After listening to Zog’s guess, Hong Tu was silent for a while, and looked at her with a weird expression: "You never thought, is the unknown hand himself who is undercover inside you?"

Zog: "..." She really hadn't thought about this possibility.

She began to think subconsciously, and first excluded everyone from the night raid team. Then the manager of Matsunaga was suspected for the first time.

Hong Tu: "...Zhang Jie said, are you not suitable for thinking about this?"

Zog looked at her blankly.

With Zhang Jie, does she still think about this?

Hong Tu: "..." Okay.

It was his fault. Although he knew that Zog's brain was better than humans, he forgot that Zog actually didn't have too many guts.

At least, playing IQ, she can't play Zaki.

Now, Hong Tu had to consider Zog's safety, at least not being stabbed in the back by Zaki.

So, under consideration, he decided to expose part of Zaki's plan, at least to make Zog a little alert.

"Zaki, I have found a new doll, and it is estimated that Dou Lu Mu will be solved soon." Hong Tu said, showing a malicious smile, "Also, Dark Zaki should be a night attack. Member of the team."

"Impossible!" Zog retorted subconsciously.

Everyone on the night raid team, she has been getting along for a long time, and she hasn't noticed anything wrong. If it's Zaki, how can it be possible that the tail doesn't leak at all?

"If it hadn't been discovered when I opened the dark realm before, I wouldn't have realized it." Hong Tu sighed, "Dark Zaki is more interesting than I thought."

Have to be bolder, in his field, he also thinks he is hiding well.

It's a pity that the darkness of Hongtu is special, and even if Zaki is alert and does not touch the dark energy cruising inside, the power in Zaki's body has a lot of attraction to the darkness of Hongtu. This This makes the dark power around a certain fighter of the night raid team extraordinarily strong.

"I'm leaving now." Zog didn't question Hong Tu's words, but got up and left in a hurry.


In the TLT base, rumors about the "inner ghost" have also spread more and more, and even tend to be outrageous.

Ishibori, who was finally unable to restrain himself, stopped in the corridor Captain Wakura who was about to go to the meeting: "Captain, why don't we fight with the ultimate ray?"

The captain pursed his mouth and didn't answer immediately.

After realizing Ishibori's aggressive attitude, he rarely showed impatient emotions: "We don't need ultimate rays, we also have supersonic rays, which can also destroy alien beasts."

As he said, he bypassed Ishibori.

But Ishibori followed, and asked in a questioning tone: "I heard that the ultimate ray cannot be used because someone has deleted all the data. This rumor cannot be stopped, and the TLT North America base is also because of opinions. The disagreement led to the formation of two forces, the more noisy, the stronger! Are the rumors about the inner ghost true?"

The captain finally stopped. He turned his head and looked at Ishibori: "These things are not allowed to be mentioned in the future."

This, however, is something that can shake the "military spirit", even if it is a fruitless prevention, it must be done.

After speaking, he turned and walked away quickly.

Ishibori looked at the back of the captain leaving, suddenly didn't know what to say.

In fact, he tried to find the ultimate ray data in private, but found nothing. It has been deleted completely and there is no possibility of recovery.

At the other corner that he didn't notice, Shiori was standing there with consternation on his face.

At the end of the passage behind Ishibori, Manager Matsunaga walked slowly, seemingly not hearing this conversation.

Without squinting his eyes, Matsunaga came to a dim meeting room.

When he came in, a projection of a person suddenly appeared on the side of the conference table. Judging from the military rank he wears, he belongs to the North American branch.

"Sorry, I'm late." Matsunaga sat on the opposite side of the projection.

"So, how's the situation going?" The projected figure asked.


Kira Sawa sat alone in his own studio, closed his eyes, thinking.

He still doesn't understand why it is pity.

The emergence of the first generation of the fittest seems to be an accident. The second generation chose Ji Yazhun. The facts have proved that Ji Ya Zhun is doing very well.

But why is the third generation pity?

In other words, why is it the son of Prometheus? And it is the pity called the "failure product".

This was a coincidence, but Kira Sawayu always couldn't help but think about it, but didn't know where to look up.

To be honest, he didn't think Ji Yan could survive, after all, after that battle, he lost the news of Ji Yan.

Therefore, he couldn't help but worry about pity, after all... pity seemed to be ready, ready to... fight to death.

Thinking of this, Kira Sawa opened his eyes, was silent for a while, and began to operate in front of the computer.

No matter what, if he can, he wants to save pity.

and so……

"Raphael." The legendary healing angel Raphael...


"Raphael?" Gumen and Ruisheng looked at the last row of data in the computer, staring at each other incomprehensibly.

They were reading the chip they got from the monitor during the day.

A lot of data about Lian appeared in it, but neither of them was a technician, and they didn't know what the data was about.

Just know the last sentence-"Is Raphael not finished yet?"

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