After thinking to no avail, Ruisheng and Gumen decided to ask Lian directly.

Although it was a late-night visit, when Lian found out that Ruisheng was outside the door, the whole person exuded a kind of vitality.

He was the first time a young boy who had just started in love and invited his girlfriend to his room. He hurriedly cleaned up his den, and after sorting out his fitting clothes, he opened the door to Ruisheng.

After that, he even hurriedly wanted to pour a cup of hot water for Rui Sheng.

The whole person is filled with tension and happiness.


"Pity, have you heard of "Raphael"?" Rui Sheng was only tentatively asking.

But the next second, the cup fell to the ground and the sound of being broken into pieces was heard, which shocked Ruisheng.

And Ruisheng, also on Lian's body, saw the expression she had never seen before, panicked to the point of being overwhelmed, his face was pale and stiff, like a bird with its broken wings.

Rui Sheng was finally pushed out of the door by Lian.

She couldn't ask the result, but she was taken aback by her pitiful attitude.

On the next day, Ruisheng told Gumen about the incident.

Both of them have become friends with Lian, and they all want to protect Lian. And Ruisheng, who didn't know the identity of the pity for the fit, seemed to have noticed a little clue - the reason why she was sent to pity.

And this scene of the two of them talking was also recorded by others.

They are actually the subject of surveillance.


Knowing that Ruisheng was also being used, as the person in charge of the memory police, the person in charge of Sudo was naturally extremely unhappy.

Ruisheng is very simple, and naturally the best candidate to approach Rei, but this does not mean that Suto will not care when he realizes this. Such encounters with ulterior motives often do not end well.

Therefore, after an unexpected encounter, the person in charge of Sutō rarely showed much good expression to the manager of Matsunaga.

The two of them passed by and stopped.

"Manager Matsunaga, is Ruisheng helpful to you?" There was a little coldness in her voice.

"Young people are really scary." Manager Matsunaga was unmoved. It is enough that he knows what he is doing and can achieve his goal, "because they will do whatever they want."

"But, manager, didn't you just take advantage of these?"

After speaking, Sutō left directly.

It was not until his footsteps left that Matsunaga took a step forward.

There have been disagreements in North America, which shows that too much will is not a good thing. The TLT-L base, which is called the "Land of Prophecy", can only rely on them to fight on their own. Therefore, Matsunaga must ensure that everything is under his control.

What's more, he felt that he had been very tolerant of Qian Shuren.

At least the person was not immediately tied to the test bed.


On the other side, Gumen received another warning from Kira Sawa Yu. Warn him to stay away from pity, otherwise his life will be in danger.

On the afternoon of receiving the warning, Gumen went to see Lian again.

After Ruisheng inquired to no avail, he could only ask in person.

When he saw Lian, Lian Zheng finished coaxing the two children, squatting and staring at the thing in his hand-a dolphin phone pendant holding a pink ball.

That should be given to Ruisheng.

Gumen made a judgment.

But in the end, his inquiry was fruitless. It can be seen that Lian did not want to say this answer.

And the solitary door wouldn't force it, he only needed to confirm that this would not pose a threat to Pity, it was enough.

He took the initiative to take the mobile phone in Lian's hand and promised to give it to Ruisheng.

And let Rei avert the subject, telling about him and Kira Sawayu.

It was also here that the solitary door knew that Kira Sawa was also the son of Prometheus.

He didn't stay much, and left soon.

After dropping the phone to Ruisheng, he also returned to the base and destroyed the chip by himself.


"Is it really okay to leave these young people alone?" the North American manager projected asked Matsunaga.

"Don't worry." There is no expression on Matsunaga's face, which makes him look cold, "It's okay, their daily life is also part of the battle, no matter what they are thinking, what they are confused about, alien life Beasts will still appear, they must fight. In front of such a powerful enemy, they have no way out, and they are not allowed to fail. Therefore, even if they have a lot of secrets, they will never betray each other.

So from the results, this is actually the best way to control them. "

Taking advantage of his own advantages, Hong Tu, who was listening to this conversation remotely, casually looked at the book in his hand.

It was not until the end of the conversation that he withdrew his strength.

"I have to admit that even I can't understand all human thoughts." Hong Tu closed the book. "Even if any of their thoughts are clear to me, I will always find new surprises."

This manager is a "small surprise".

However, the dark circle as the only listener cannot understand the meaning of Hongtu.

"???" What surprise?

"A little human surprise."

"?" What do you mean?

But Hong Tu didn't mean to explain, anyway, he didn't understand the dark circle.

Circle of Darkness: "..."


That night, the alien beast appeared again.

The night raid team and Qianshu pity rushed to the scene one after another.

But it seems that there is no Hong Tu's intervention around, and the unknown hand has appeared.

When the Meta Domain was eroded into the Dark Domain G, the Night Assault Team had to stop attacking, and could only watch the battle between the alien beasts and Ultraman.

But at the same time, Mana also rushed there.

The strength of the alien beasts has gradually become stronger, and the suppression power of the Dark Domain G on Ultraman is stronger than the suppression power of the Dark Domain of Hongtu, which makes the battle of Ultraman very difficult.

Fortunately, with Mana's help, the battle will not be completely one-sided.

The strength of this alien beast was unexpectedly strong, and it seemed that it had been specially strengthened.

Of course, the most important thing is that it can predict Qian Shuren's fighting style, avoiding all his attacks perfectly, and making a counterattack.

After this point was discovered, Mana became the main force.

So the battle became...Two huge monsters competed with each other to measure their abilities.

As a result of the battle, Mana won.

But Mana, who returned from victory, was not in a good mood.

Because in the end, the alien beast escaped, or to be more precise, was taken away.

Obviously, the controller behind the scenes is more cautious and does not even want to lose any alien beast.

Moreover, Qianshu Rei’s battle was indeed too reckless. If it weren’t for the fight, the Saijokaze of the Night Assault team attacked Rei’s location, forcing Rei to stop, and Zog also controlled the attack and interrupted the alien beast Qian Shu Lian lay down long ago.

But in contrast, the two fighters almost crashed.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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