Those memories exploded too suddenly, and it was too late when the experimenter realized it.

What is restored with the memory is his power.

Mizoroki's hands were tied tightly on the experimental platform with a strap, and his five fingers stretched out because of too much pain. In his palm, a golden light suddenly appeared, and a familiar rod gradually formed, and he was quickly held in his hand. in.

In the next instant, golden power erupted from him, knocking all the experimenters who were too late to react, hitting the instrument or the wall, and several people fainted on the spot.

Mizulumu had also broken free from the restraints and got off the experimental platform.

He glanced at the instrument that had already produced a large amount of sparks, ignored the people on the ground, and walked directly out.

When he opened the door, the alarm sounded through half of the base.

Many well-equipped armed men began to want to outflank the location of Mizulumu, including the memory police and Matsunaga.

But this failed to prevent Mizulumu's breakthrough.

His strength has not fully recovered, and his physical and mental conditions are not very good, but it is still enough for him to break through the encirclement of TLT.

This shows the disadvantages of TLT. They have weapons to deal with alien beasts, but they are limited by the agreement with visitors, and they have not been able to create more weapons.

Therefore, Mizuromu succeeded in breaking through the line of defense established jointly by the security personnel and the memory police in just ten minutes.

Although no one died, not a few were injured and fainted.

And Matsunaga finally saw Mizulumu. He looked at Mizulumu's few moves and fainted all the surrounding security personnel, and pointed the gun at him.

"Mizoroki Shinya, it seems that your memory has recovered." Although Mizoroki pointed a gun at him, Matsunaga's attitude was unexpectedly relaxed. He raised his hands obediently and watched Mitsuroki approaching. .

"Isn't this exactly what you expected." Mizulumu's eyes were very sharp and gloomy, and it seemed that he had returned to what he once had been depraved and dark.

"Great, you guys, hurry up and answer our questions."

Yes, compared to the safety of his own life, Matsunaga Relations, Lu Mu, got the truth of this power.

"Don't be kidding." Mizuromu put a gun against his chest, and forcefully used the muzzle to force him back to the side, "I'm going to leave here. If it hinders me, I won't be polite."

After speaking, he turned and left.

But Matsunaga has already seen his attitude. He can already be sure that Mizulumu is back again, and Mizulumu, who was once a member of the night raid team, is back again.

Therefore, Songnaga not only was not deterred by Mizulumu's threat, but even followed: "Wait a minute, your game is over. Even if you escape now, it doesn't make any sense."

Everything has settled, and the crimes he once committed are irreversible. Matsunaga doesn't understand the reason why Mizuromu insisted on leaving, but it is not difficult to guess where he wants to go.

"Shut up!" Mizulu turned his head to look at him, "I still have things I must do."

More people chased them, and after seeing Mizulumu, they set up their positions and fired.

Matsunaga, caught in the middle, raised his hand and tried to stop them: "Stop!"

But at this time, not many people would stop, and a series of laser bombs immediately covered the ditch Lumu.

Mizulumu could only flee forward in embarrassment and began to flee again.

Teams of people chased up immediately, a posture that would never let go of Lumu.

"Don't shoot!" Song Yong was still trying to stop, "I want to catch alive!"

Only the living Golumu is useful to them.

Golumu ran all the way to the top floor, but those annoying guys were always chasing him, which made him have to hide from time to time as he escaped.

Of course, what makes him most uncomfortable is... Many places in this base require identification to be able to travel, so he needs to find a hostage.

At this time, passing by... Ruisheng was discovered.

A girl with a slender figure is not threatening at first glance.

At least Mizulu Mu knew that he could easily subdue her.

So, he raided from behind and used the gun in his hand to successfully make Rui Cheng a hostage.


When the power of Goromu burst out, Hong Tu naturally noticed it, and of course the dark Zaki would not miss it.

But Zaki's cautious character does not let him expose his existence, he just sent his new doll.

The memory policeman avoided his colleague and followed the breath of power on Golumu's body, all the way to the top.

It is very close to the exit here.

He pretended to report his findings to his colleagues, and then followed all the way. What he wants to do can only be done outside the foreign base.

The fact that Golumu fled, naturally, was quickly informed to the night raid team.

"Mizuromu escaped?" The one who reacted the most to this day's news was naturally Saijo.

While others were still astonished when Mizoroki was arrested, Saijokaze had already decided to take this opportunity to get rid of Mizoroki.

"Yes, currently my subordinate Miyomi Nonomiya is being held hostage, and Misawa is tracking them." The expression of the person in charge of Suto also rarely worries, and then he looks at Manager Matsunaga.

Captain Wakura was naturally unhappy: "Why didn't you tell us that Mizulumu has been caught by you, but now we will not pursue it."

But now is not the time to question, the most urgent thing is to arrest Huigou Lumu.

"Please let us be dispatched urgently!" Captain Wakura looked at Management Officer Matsunaga seriously.

And Matsunaga would naturally not refuse his Miyou to go. It has to be said that the Night Attack Team is the person who knows Mizulumu best.

But just in case.

"I see. But, all members cannot be dispatched." This is to prevent the alien beasts from appearing silently when the night raid team is all dispatched.

"I'm applying to play." Saijo stood up first, "with the lone team."

Then came Zog: "I also apply to play."

Matsunaga's eyes stopped for a while on Saijokaze and Zog, and they agreed to their combat application.

Saijo-kaze and Gumen are both people who have a direct relationship with Mizoromu. So, in order to make Mizoromu survive, Zog is a good candidate.

The three quickly took the order, put on their equipment, and the followers remembered that the police and the armed forces of the base went out of the base together to track their tracks.


Outside the base, Mizulumu and Ruisheng get along with unexpected peace.

After Golumu came out, he didn't hold Ruisheng again, and Ruisheng didn't struggle to escape or ask for help.

The two could even be said to cooperate, evading the team that came to arrest them.

And Golumu finally couldn't support it during the escape and passed out in a coma.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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