"Zaki shouldn't have thought that such a thing would happen." Hong Tu teased Yitzhak. "The puppet that was played with applause one day got rid of his control and turned from darkness to light."

The dark circle doesn't matter anymore, there is already a Saitian Riko, why can't there be another Mizulumu.

Mana is making desserts in the kitchen.

Saitian Riko, as always, ignored Hong Tu and painted on the balcony.

"Mana, do you want to take Lizi to take revenge?" Hong Tu shouted at Mana in the kitchen in an unkind manner, "Maybe, this is a chance to completely kill Miu Lumu, maybe he Will not resist yet."

Mana calmly put the cake dough in her hand into the oven, turned on the oven, adjusted the time, took off her apron, and walked out of the kitchen.

She turned her head and glanced at Lizi who was smiling happily at herself, and then turned her gaze to Hong Tu's body: "Master."

This time, she chose to obey Hong Tu's order, and had no intention of taking Lizi to see Mizulumu.

"Then...Let's take a look at Golumu's own plan." Hong Tu chose to respect everyone.

But Mana looked at Lizi and seemed to be thinking about something. She was weighing whether to take Lizi.

"Lizi." Hong Tu chose the most direct method.

After Lizi heard the call, she immediately turned her head and looked over, but she was not looking at Hong Tu, but Mana.

But Hong Tu didn't care: "Lizi, do you want to see Golumu?"

"Gou Lu Mu?" Lizi seemed to think it was Mana who asked about her, and she didn't give Hong Tu a single look.

But she didn't know Mizoromu's name, so she didn't respond to it.

"Who is he?" Lizi looked at Mana curiously, and then gave a sweet smile, "Is it someone Mana knows?"

Mana didn't speak, but looked at Lizi.

It was Hong Tu who replied: "A person who has made a lot of mistakes and is now repentant. He has done a lot of bad things, but now he is awakened. Will you forgive him?"

"Huh?" Lizi was a little dazed, obviously not sure what the so-called "bad thing" was, but she thought hard and gave an answer, "Perhaps, he can surrender?"

One, quite ordinary answer.

Hong Tu was obviously amused by the answer he worked hard to come up with. He leaned over on the sofa happily and said meaningfully: "It depends on his own wishes."

Finally, Hong Tu and Mana went out.

As for Lizi, she said she would prepare dinner before Mana returned.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. When Mana comes back, you will definitely see a very rich dinner." Lizi assured Mana at the door.

Mana nodded: "But, please be careful not to go out."

"I know." Lizi didn't ask anything, she smiled sweetly, and made a promise gently and firmly.

And she has always been behaved, from waking up to now, without Mana's permission, she really would not go out.

When Mana's back disappeared from her sight, Lizi retracted her gaze and looked at the kitchen: "Now, what are you going to do?"

"Ah, Lizi, eat pork cutlet rice tonight..." A gentle female voice suddenly appeared in her broken memory.

Lizi nodded unconsciously: "Then make pork cutlet rice."

Soon, she got busy in a good mood.

Except for the first half month, Lizi's memory recovery has been slower and slower, and the memory of her as a doll has not been remembered for a long time.

Mana hadn't specifically reminded this.

It's good to see Lizi happy every day.

But now, the memory of Mizuromu's resurrection gave her a bad feeling.

Sooner or later, Lizi will remember that terrible memory.


Ruisheng abruptly, with a comatose Golumu, found a hidden foothold deep in the mountains and forests.

This is supposed to be a cave that was dug out by hand. There is a huge stone step that can be used as a bed, and there is a lot of dry grass on it.

It should be a temporary place specially made by the mountains and forests for tourists.

Ruisheng put Mizulumu's arm on his shoulders, holding Mizulumu's waist in one hand, and forcibly dragged him up the stone steps.

After that, she went out looking for some dry branches and started a small fire.

Thanks to her for having a habit of going out with electric shock devices after fighting with the man in the raincoat, which successfully started the fire without causing much movement.

And Golumu didn't stay in a coma for long. About half an hour later, Golumu woke up.

He opened his eyes and looked around with his gun alertly, and then saw Ruisheng standing aside calmly.

Seeing that she was still there, Goulumu was stunned.

He put down the gun hesitantly, and asked the well-behaved hostage lady in confusion: "Why don't you run away?"

Regarding this question, Rui Sheng was also at a loss for words, so he could only squat down dullly and poke the fire with the stick in his hand: "Because I am now a hostage."

She actually couldn't bear to leave such an injury here alone.

Ruisheng naturally knew the information about Mizulumu, and she remembered it very clearly even because of the memory of the police.

But during the short period of time with Mizulumu, she didn't think Mizulumu was the person in the material. From the brief contact, although Mizulumu looks a bit fierce, it does not seem to be a bad person.

At least, he hasn't hurt himself.

After a brief silence between the two, Golumu came down from the stone steps and sat on the edge: "You are really a weird person."

"Are you from MP?"


"Then how many people's memories have you erased so far?"

"...49 people, I remember everyone who was erased by me."

Mizulumu looked at her: "Do you count every time you erase someone's memory?"

He used to count how many alien beasts he destroyed...

"I always remember." Ruisheng didn't realize Mizulumu's distraction. This was the first time someone asked her this question, so she said to herself, "Those who have been erased by me, I have Remember very clearly."

It was probably because Riko's affairs made her remember so much, so she subconsciously cared about everyone whose memories she had erased.

"Is it for atonement?"

"I don't know. I just want to do it." Ruisheng shook the fire. "Why are you running away?"

Golumu didn't hide it either, his tone was low, and he gave his reasons: "I lost my memory before. At that time, I hid in the mountains and met a little girl. That girl was lost just like me. Memory, the only thing she remembered was the terrible things that turned into monsters after her parents were killed."

"However, it is me who killed this little girl's parents." His voice was calm, but with a trace of hoarseness.

He himself is the demon.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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