Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 967: Dark Mephistopheles II

Of course, this is just Hong Tu's view. Moreover, this is based on his dislike of human cannibalism.

What humans think specifically depends on themselves. Well, he doesn't oppose "revenge" either.

Mana didn't understand what Riko thought, and Hong Tu didn't quite understand either.

But Hong Tu had made up his mind, and later went to meet this human child.

He has always given preferential treatment to the child. After seeing the child, let's go to Gradually Ditch Lu Mu.

Hong Tu wanted to fool Miu Lu Mu over, but it was wasteful to be dragged by humans to do experiments.


The news that Mizolumu was arrested again was soon heard by everyone in the night raid team.

The captain's mood was complicated, but he was relieved again.

Saijo Kaze's face was sullen, it was difficult to see her emotions.

But after Gumen was surprised, his mood became complicated, and he even subconsciously focused his attention on Saijokaze.

Zog was completely uninterested in how the base handled Mizulumu. She just said that after she knew it, she didn't take it to heart.

Shiori and Ishibori symbolically expressed that they stopped caring for a while, as if they didn't care much about Mizuroki.

Mizulumu was temporarily detained, but was not immediately sent to the test bed.

Knowing that he had recovered his power, Matsunaga didn't expect to send him up when his recovery was unknown, at least let him cooperate.

Mizulumu seemed indifferent to his situation. He allowed himself to be locked up, did not resist, and did not respond to the people who came to inquire, as if he had fallen into his own world.

"You still don't want to say anything now?" Matsunaga stood in the center of the room, looking at Mizulumu who was sitting on the bed with a decadent expression.

Miu Lumu lowered his head and did not answer.

"Your strength is very important to us." Matsunaga tried to persuade him again, "With the existing weapons, humans can't do more, you should know."


"Humans can only protect themselves if they have enough power. I think you should know this better than me."


"Do you think it is enough for humans to rely on Ultraman?"

Matsunaga became a little angry, Mizoromu, this guy is simply not getting in.

Finally, Mizoroki had a reaction. He raised his head and looked at Manager Matsunaga: "Not everyone can get this power."

On this point, Miu Lumu is the most clear.

"With only strength, without heart, you will eventually become a dark puppet." His voice was muffled, as if losing.

"Is this your experience?"

"My advice."

Matsunaga squinted his eyes, he took a deep look at Mizulu Mu, confirmed that he could not get more, and turned to leave.

When he was about to leave the room, Mizulumu's voice sounded again: "Be careful, he is in this base, maybe in the night raid team."

Matsunaga paused, then lifted his leg and left again.

The door of this "cell" was closed again, the light source disappeared, and the room was plunged into darkness.

Golumu sat motionless in the dark, like a sculpture.


That night, the alien beast appeared again.

This is a creature with a beetle-like appearance. It has a T-shaped unicorn on the top of its head, insect wings on its back, and a grid of light-emitting organs on its body.

It appears on the fringe of the city on the outskirts of the city, very close to the city, and it is also very dangerous.

As soon as the alien beast appeared, the night raid team immediately dispatched to intercept the alien beast.

And Qian Shuren also ran to the scene under the guidance of the light and intercepted the alien beast outside the city.

Because it was too close to the city, Qian Shuli didn't even think about it, so he transformed directly into a blue form, pulling the alien beast into the realm of Mita.

Unsurprisingly, the Unknown Hand reappeared, eroding the Mita Realm into the Dark Realm G.

Mana went a little late, but also joined the battle.

Although the Hand of Darkness had strengthened this alien beast once, under the joint hands of humans, Ultraman, and monsters, the alien beast was defeated within a short period of time.

But the real trouble has just begun.

After the alien beast was wiped out, Ultraman was obviously relieved.

He was playing in a desperate manner just now, when the unicorn of the alien beast was pressed against his chest, causing a dull pain in his chest now.

But soon, he hesitated to discover that the Dark Domain G had not faded away, still exuding a heart-palpitating power.

Mana even put on a defensive posture on alert.

Humans also seem to be aware of something unusual, their fighter planes hovering in the sky, always alert to the blue-violet energy hole in the sky.

Soon, a figure fell from inside.

That is……

"Dark Mephistopheles?"

Yes, what appeared here was-Dark Mephistopheles.

"Explainer, why is there a dark Mephistopheles?" The captain immediately contacted Kira Sawayu who was far away at the base.

"It's not Miu Lumu," the narrator's tone was affirmative, "it is the second generation of Dark Mephistopheles."

"Other...Dark Mephistopheles?" The captain's expression turned bad.

And Saijo-kaze's expression is even more cold. If she didn't know her responsibilities clearly, she was afraid that she would have rushed out in a fighter jet.


It was the first time Qianshu Rei saw the Dark Ultraman, but this did not prevent him from feeling the threat of this Ultraman.

Very strong, and only stronger in this field.

But Qian Shuren didn't flinch at all, he rushed straight up.

This too fast speed caused Mana to fail to react, let alone stop it.

I saw that the blue Ultraman had already fought with the dark Ultraman.

But in the next second, the blue Ultraman was kicked on his stomach by the dark Ultraman, and he was kicked back a few steps.

After the blue Ultraman stabilized his body, he rushed up again, seemingly unconvinced.

In the dark realm, the one who has the upper hand is naturally the Dark Ultraman.

After receiving two heavy blows, the timer on the blue Ultraman's chest flashed, indicating that he was seriously injured.

Mana switched the monster card.

She originally used King Reid's card, but when used to deal with Ultraman, she had more power and insufficient speed.

Moreover, the blue Ultraman and the dark Ultraman's battle is very fast, far from being able to interfere with King Rader.

Looking at the two Ao who had already hit the sky, Mana held the dark circle in one hand, and a new monster card appeared in the other.

She inserted the card into the red ring, and the card immediately dissipated into red light particles.

And King Rader's body was also wrapped in dark red light, and gradually changed.

"Tweet~" With a sharp bird song, the dark red light receded, revealing the new monster inside.

It's... Bemunstein.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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