Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 968: Need such an organization

Bemunstein itself is a very powerful monster, not to mention that Bemunstein is a monster of Hongtu.

Unlike the stupid King Reid, Bemunstein is good at speed, but his strength is also quite good.

Bemunstein successfully joined the battlefield and caught up with the two Austrians chasing in the sky.

Dark Mephistopheles didn't notice the addition of this monster at first, and was hit in the arm by the light from the horns above Bemunstein's head.

Suddenly, Dark Mephistopheles fell to the ground with his arms.

But this is the dark realm. After falling for a certain distance, he quickly adjusted his posture and landed firmly on the ground.

The blue Ultraman was stunned by this incident, floating in the sky, looking at the strange monster who had joined the battlefield in doubt.

Of course, it is not difficult to recognize from this monster, this is the monster that helped me before, but...why did it change its appearance?

But Bemunstein ignored him in a daze, and rushed directly to the dark Ultraman on the ground.

"Don't get in the way!"

Dark Mephistopheles roared and quickly lifted into the air, rushing out to Bemunstein who was diving down.

Two behemoths collided in mid-air, and the dark purple power and the dark red power collided. After a short stalemate, the dark purple energy was quickly pressed against the ground.

A large fire exploded on the ground, and Bemunstein slowly fell from the sky.

The surrounding dark field quietly shattered into countless dark purple light particles, scattered and disappeared.

The blue Ultraman landed gently, his eyes lingering on Bemunstein and the place where he had just exploded.

But Bemunstein didn't care about his small movements, Mana directly lifted the transformation, and the huge monster turned into red light particles and disappeared.

As soon as the blue Ultraman saw this, he disappeared immediately.

After the night raid team's fighters hovered in the sky for a while, they also quickly left.


Qian Shuren quickly walked through the woods.

This time, instead of returning to the amusement park in a hurry, he was looking for someone.

Soon, the edge of the woods appeared in his line of sight, and outside the woods, Qian Shuli seemed to see a figure.

The man turned his back and seemed to be leaving.

Qian Shuli speeded up, rushed out of the woods suddenly, and finally saw people outside the woods.

"...Miss Mana?"

What appeared in front of him was Mana holding the dark circle.

Lian was surprised that the person who appeared in front of her was an acquaintance, but before she could say anything, she couldn't help bending down because of the injury on her chest.

Mana didn't hesitate at all, turned around and supported him.

"Unexpectedly, it would be Miss Mana." Qian Shuren, who was supported, smiled indifferently.

Mana frowned: "Your injury is not light."

"It's okay." Qianshu Rei straightened up, trying to make himself seem all right.

But Mana can't be fooled easily.

She undoubtedly put Qian Shurei's arm on her shoulder and led him out: "The memory police are coming."

Qian Shu Lian seconds shut up, and quietly followed Mana out.

Of course, along the way, he still couldn't help chatting non-stop.

"...Miss Mana, I didn't expect to help me before. You have always been."

"Miss Mana, can you transform into an alien beast?"

"Miss Mana..."

In view of Qian Shuren's over-talking, Mana finally couldn't help but start: "Just call me Mana."

Qian Shurei was taken aback and showed a happy smile: "Okay, Mana."

The two quickly left the blockade of the memory police and returned to the city.

At Qian Shuren's insistence, Mana sent the people outside the amusement park and left.

Before leaving, Qian Shuren looked happy, it is not difficult to imagine that he might come to Mana from time to time in the next time.

After all... Mana is also a companion.


Saijo Kaze walked alone in an empty corridor.

This corridor is very dark and quiet, except for the functioning monitors in the corners of the ceiling, there are no other people.

Soon, she stopped in front of the same closed door.

This is a very closed door, and there is no window on the door, so you can't see the inside scene from the outside.

But she knew who was inside.

Before coming, she had made preparations, but when she really got outside the door, she hesitated.

After standing there for a while, Saijo took a deep breath and finally made up his mind.

She entered the password on the password machine next to the door, and as the password passed, the door slowly opened.

The dim light source was thrown into the room along the door, extending to one's feet.

In a daze, a golden light appeared in front of Saijo Kaze's eyes.

But when she took a closer look, the light had disappeared, like an illusion.

Of course, she doesn't care about this either. What she cares about is the people inside.

"Long time no see, Feng." His voice was dry, as if he hadn't drunk water in a long time.

Of course, TLT was trying to weaken him, and he did not resist.

"Long time no see, Mizulumu, Zhenya." Saijo Kaze entered the door.

Dimly waiting to light up in four directions on the ceiling, bringing a ray of light to the room.

The door of the room closed slowly, isolating the two from the outside world.

In the monitoring room, Matsunaga stood in front of the multi-layered screens, watching the meeting between Mizoroki and Saijokaze.

"Turn on the voice, I want to know the whole process of their dialogue."

He wanted to know whether Saijo wind could soften Mizoroki's attitude and set out the secret of Mizoroki's power.


In the TLT base, a piece of information was displayed on the computer in front of Ishibori.

Seeing his concentration, Shiori couldn't help but leaned over to look: "Prometheus plan?"

The heads and names of several people are listed on it, and Shiori saw one of the familiar faces at a glance.

"Ah, it's the explainer!"

The head of Kira Sawayu is impressively in it.

Zog, who was reading the information, suddenly looked up.

But Ishibori didn't explain what he meant, but turned to the subject: "Shiori, what do you think of this organization?"

"What do you think about it?" Shiori didn't expect Ishibori to ask this question, and didn't understand what he meant for a while.

"In order to conceal the existence of alien beasts and even erase people's memories, our work cannot be made public."

Shiori changed to a more comfortable posture and expressed his thoughts: "Only alien beasts appear in reality, so this kind of organization is needed."

"But..." Ishibori's tone became inexplicable, "What if TLT cheats even ours?"

"Huh?" Shizhi was still wondering.

Zog frowned. She looked at Ishibori, wondering if he already knew something.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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