Saijo Kaze carefully looked at the man opposite. He is much more haggard than when we last met.

Saijo wind is not surprising.

She knew that Mizuromu had lost her memory and wandered before, and was also sent to the test bed after being arrested. After finally escaping, she was arrested again before she could hold on. Now because of her strength recovery, she was deliberately weakened by TLT. Naturally it will not be too good at the moment.

Mizoroki was also looking at Saijo at the moment.

Saijokaze seems to be the female warrior who refuses to admit defeat. She looks cold but she is very warm in her heart.

"You have become stronger, the wind." Golumu smiled.

"You were the one who lost." Saijo Kaze retorted calmly.

This sentence seemed to touch Mizulumu's heart, his eyes gradually emptied, as if recalling something: "I am just a manipulated doll."

His voice was low and calm, making Saijo Kaze's eyes redden for no reason. Saijo wind, which has always been tough, became a lot weaker in front of Mizoroki.

Mizulu Mu Shinya was once a proud man, but at this moment, he is like a weak man who has fallen into the abyss and can't get up again, sad and fragile.

Mizulumu's words continue: "I was used by the darkness in my heart and possessed the power of darkness."

"Dark power...unknown hand?"

"Yes. I couldn't resist his strength."

"You were the target of my struggle," Saijokaze looked at him with undisguised disappointment, "It is your strength that has always supported me, so I can fight the alien beast."

She joined TLT’s night raid team because of hatred. After meeting Mizulumu, she was overwhelmed by the powerful power of a man. She regarded him as her mentor, the target she pursued, and the person she... admired. Therefore, she even once I forgot that unforgettable hatred, and I was satisfied with this person. But this person...

"But you lost to the power of darkness, so I hate you very much."

Mizulumu looked up at her.

"Because if I don't hate you, I can't fight the alien beast."

After losing the goal of chasing and losing the pillar, Saijokaze was once again overwhelmed by despair. In order to allow herself to stand up and fight again, she picked up the hatred in her heart again.

The hatred of alien beasts, the hatred of Mizulumu that can be easily defeated...Only hatred has been the pillar that she has insisted on until now.

"That's it..." Mizoroki sighed, looking at Saijo Kaze's eyes, as if seeing the girl who had just joined the night raid team before.

It looks very strong, but in fact it is very naive. It always looks cold, but as long as it is praised, it can't help showing a small smile.

This is the girl he taught him. Her battles and her growth have all been witnessed step by step by him. They are the best partners for each other and the people who know each other best.

But after falling into the darkness, he lost her girl.

"I'm sorry." Let him down.

"I don't need your apology."


"Since you have reformed and renewed, as a person, make atonement for your sins." This is the reason Saijo Kaze is willing to come to see Mizuroki.

"As a person..." In fact, Mizulumu thought the same way, so he stayed in this base, this cage, instead of going to see Hong Tu.

Mizulumu raised his hand, and the golden light began to converge in his hand. If there was nothing, a ray of light appeared around him, converging towards him.

Matsunaga Kazuki in the monitoring room subconsciously ordered: "Include this data!"

But he forgot that there was a secret room where he was detained, and there was no experimental instrument that could collect light fluctuations.

After realizing this, he immediately summoned a small team and rushed to Golumu, and at the same time he walked out of the monitoring room.

The dialogue between Mizorogi and Saijokaze was interrupted, and Mizoroki was taken away in front of Saijokaze.

Saijo wind could not stop it.


The bottom of the base is the restricted area of ​​the base, where even the night raiders are not allowed to step into it.

But at this moment, in the corridor that was supposed to be a restricted area, there was a slight distortion in the space. A blue-violet energy ball flew out of it, while screaming badly and harshly, while walking along the unmanned corridor towards the base Go to the deepest point.

Soon, it found two closed doors.

The gate is huge, five meters high.

The blue-violet energy ball hovered on the door, pushing the heavy door open a gap. The dark red unknown energy appeared in the crack of the door, almost leaking out from this crack.

The energy ball immediately screamed of joy and was about to crash into it.

The next moment, a milky **** suddenly appeared, re-sealing the dark red energy inside the door, and directly knocked the blue-violet energy ball out.

The door closed again, and the blue-violet energy ball seemed to have seen something terrible, screaming more harshly, returning to the original path, and soon submerged in the space hole and disappeared.

At the same time, the base siren suddenly sounded, announcing the presence of the intruder to the entire base.

Zog reacted earlier than the alarm, when the strange energy appeared in the base, she noticed it, and she stood up directly and was about to walk outwards.

But before she went to the lower level, the strange power disappeared again.

And the captain happened to come back and took her back to the command room of the night raid team.

"What happened?" The captain asked Ishibori as soon as he came in.

Sitting in front of the computer, Ishibori quickly operated on the computer while answering: "There seems to be an intruder. The location is the deepest part of the base, at the entrance of Department 0."

"Department 0?"

"This is the place where energy equipment is placed in this base."

"It's also a dangerous area that we can't approach, right?"

In case the above problems occur there, this base under the deep water will become a dangerous place to trap them all.

Saijokaze lowered his head blankly, remembering the words Mizuromu had left in her ear just before being taken away.

"Be careful... that guy is near you..."

Is the Unknown Hand within this base?

At this time, the figure of the foreseeer slowly emerged from the side: "After the automatic defense system is activated, he seems to have escaped."

"Who is it?" The captain was puzzled.

"The Unknown Hand." Saijokaze answered.

Kirazawa nodded slowly: "In response to this series of things that happened, TLT North America headquarters will send monitors to this freedom fortress soon."

"watch dogs?"

"Yes, the enemy is accelerating the pace."

After all, this base is extremely special.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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