Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 976: It's not hatred that overcomes fear

But in this car, there was no manager of Matsunaga, only the driver, who came to pick up Matsunaga Hazuki.

Matsunaga Hazuki got in this car together with Soto, and began to drive slowly towards the edge of the city.

"Is my father there?" Matsunaga Hazuki was a little happy, which completely calmed her heart filled with fear, but began to look forward to what she should say after meeting her father.

"Yeah." Sutou didn't say anything more, and simply responded.


In the TLT base, the night assault team returned to the base and waited for the captain's explanation.

As agreed, the captain also brought two prosecutors from the North American base here.

After briefly explaining the truth about what happened in Shinjuku six years ago, everyone in the night raid team began to ask questions.

"Is the only memory of that incident eliminated by TLT?" It was Ishibori's first question.

With this kind of technology, hasn't it been used elsewhere?

Shiori obviously thought of this too: "Yes..."

"No, what TLT can do is to filter out the memory of specific keywords from the neural circuit network of the human brain and suppress the neural stimulation related to prediction." Suwon patiently gave a positive explanation. .

"Key words?"

"That is, to erase the memory related to Ultraman and the alien beast." Haimoto Hayato added.

Zog, who knew the truth, didn't speak, quietly watching other people ask questions.

"Ombudsman, do you still have memories of the incident six years ago?" This time it was Saijo's turn.

"Well, six years ago, we really took away the memory of Ultraman and alien beasts in this world, and processed all media records and information on the Internet."

"Why is it necessary to carry out such a large-scale operation?"

"Alternative beasts, they are life forms that pursue fear and swallow it. Crowd, this is also the fear generated by a high degree of wisdom. Attacking humans is also for this purpose, and a large-scale fear will only increase the appearance of alien beasts. It’s possible. Therefore, we can’t let people know about the existence of alien beasts.”

"So only to erase people's memories..."

"Fear, fear this thing, as long as there is hatred, you can overcome it." Saijokaze stubbornly said his thoughts.

"It's not like that," Suwon did not agree with her point of view. She turned to look at the big screen behind her, which contained the ferocious alien beast six years ago and the Ultraman. "Six years ago, she was called The one who turned into an alien beast for'one' is my fiancé. Please ask the first fit person, Maki Shunichi, and I am the one who wiped it out."

She is the real person who participated in that battle.

Six years ago, his fiancé escaped from her gun because of her momentary softheartedness, which led to a series of tragedies.

At that time, it was definitely not "hate" to support her to persevere and ask the first fit to defeat the alien beast.

"Fiance..." Shiori was surprised at the identity of the first alien beast.

"Then you should be surrounded by stronger hatred!"

"Indeed, I hate alien beasts, but just relying on hatred cannot support me in fighting until now." Suwon obviously has a different opinion. "What you need to overcome fear is not hatred, but a love for others. My heart and the look of loving others. It was Ultraman who taught me this."

The others were thinking about her words, but before they could think deeply, the alarm sounded again.

"Around the Aoba New Town, Meg Flash's aspect appears again." Kira Sawa appeared in front of everyone, "emergency dispatch."

"Understood!" Everyone in the night raid team got up and walked to the equipment room.

Zog got up, bowed slightly to Suwon, and quickly followed the others.

And Kira Sawa stopped the Gumen: "Gumen, the alien beast appears on Rei, and the purpose of the Unknown Hand is very clear, which is to completely eliminate Ultraman."


Mana took Qianshu pity, and soon joined the crowd.

I also met Rui Sheng who came to look for pity.

Seeing Ruisheng's worried expression, Rei stood up straight subconsciously, and withdrew her arm from Mana's shoulder, trying to make herself look less weak.

But the next second he fought, he almost fell weakly and was held by Ruisheng.

Without waiting for Ruisheng to say anything, an abnormal appearance appeared in the sky again, and the three of them immediately looked up and saw the wormhole that appeared again, the colored barrier that unfolded again, and...the alien beast that fell from the sky.

Qian Shuren subconsciously pursued the alien beast, but was directly held by Rui Sheng, and unquestionably held him to flee with the crowd.

And Mana had quietly left here while the two were moving, and quickly ran towards the alien beast.


After the night raid team left, Haiben Hayato left the command room silently.

He quickly packed his things and wanted to leave the base, but was interrupted by a voice behind the captain: "Is Raphael still in time to finish?"

Haiben quickly turned around and saw Suwon.

He was subconsciously wary, but Suwon didn't care at all. She looked at Haiben Hayato with a smile, "Do you think I don't know?"

She turned her head to look at the special camera placed aside, and picked it up: "In order to develop a special medicine to save Qianshuren, you secretly contacted the Son of Prometheus and spied on him. In order to make it, visit The contact person who gets more accurate information from the person, the son of Prometheus, created based on the A-level superpower—your genetic information. They treat you like your own child, but I Stopped the development of special medicines and gave priority to research on alien animals. You must think I am a cruel woman."

"You misunderstood." Haimoto Hayato shook his head, "God heard Sarah's prayer and sent the angel Raphael to the world. This is a section of Dobby's biography. It's just..."

Suwon looked at him, waiting for his later words.

"To extend Pity's life, already..."

Suwon put down the camera and started to walk outside.

Haiben Hayato was taken aback, and hurriedly followed.

"I will go back to the North American headquarters now."

Haiben Hayato: "Huh???"

Outside the door, two security personnel were already standing there, with Suwon’s suitcase at their feet, as if they had been prepared.

Only Uemoto Hayato looked dazed, and he followed Suwon to the outside: "Have you really decided to go back to the North American headquarters?"

Didn’t you just arrive today? ? ?

"Well," Suwon walked quickly, answering his question, "Just like Maki Shunichi did not live up to my expectations and tried his best to protect the world, Qianshuren, the fittest now, also bears the burden. The expectations of many people, including you, no matter how powerful the Unknown Hand is, I can’t take away such expectations.”

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