Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 977: Postponed decisive battle

Hong Tu's eyes were dim, looking at the alien beast that appeared again.

At this moment, the alien beast was very close to him, only two blocks away, so close that Hong Tu would be turned into a card if he raised his hand.

But the next moment, after a beep, Bemunstein flew down from the sky and attacked the alien beast floating in the sky.

Hong Tu tilted her head and lowered her head to the dark circle in her hand: "It looks like we need to wait a while."

The night assault team's fighters had arrived, and after breaking through the barrier, they quickly supported Bemunstein.

The human fighters cooperated with the monster and successfully knocked the alien beast down from the sky.

But when the battle was going fiercely, the wormhole in the sky revolved again, and another alien beast flew out again.

This is an alien beast that once appeared, the three alien beasts code-named "Galubelos", this alien beast that has died many times and crawled out of **** many times.

Galubellos can't fly, but after it hits the ground heavily, the movement caused is no less than Meg Flach.

The huge alien beast descended from the sky and smashed heavily into the city. It will receive a big hole and the shock wave will directly destroy the surrounding buildings like building blocks.

The crowd who had been escaping became even more panicked, pushing frantically, rushing away from the battlefield quickly, wishing to fly.

Hong Tu raised his hand and stood in front of him, eliminating the shock wave that hit him as much as possible, abruptly suppressing the continued spread of the shock wave.

Now, there are two alien beasts, and they are not weak.

Suddenly, Hong Tu raised his eyes and looked at the other end of the street. A memory policeman in a black suit was standing at the crossroads, looking up at the two alien beasts in the distance, and slowly showing a disdainful smile.

It is Misawa, the second generation of Dark Mephistopheles.

Looking at this arrogant guy, Hong Tu was eager to extract the Ultraman power from this guy and change it directly.

What stopped him was a white beam of light rising into the sky.

Qian Shu Lian transformed himself after all.

"What a desperate guy." Hong Tu tilted her head, took out her mobile phone, and dialed Haiben Hayato's communication.

In any case, I was paid, so it's not okay to do nothing.

"Your son is at his limit. Is the medicine on your side still good?"

Haimoto Hayato, who had just learned that Suwon was planning to develop a special medicine again, just became a little bit happy. After receiving a call from Hong Tu, his expression immediately changed.

But he was silent for a while, and just said, "The special medicine has been allowed to be re-developed, and soon..."

"I've seen the information about your special medicine." Hong Tu tilted her head, looking at the silver Ultraman who was fighting against the alien beasts, "That kind of medicine has been secretly developed, right?"

"Huh?" Haiben Hayato was taken aback, but he didn't expect Hongtu to know this.

Hong Tu slowed down: "Congratulations, if nothing else, the research and development of the special medicine will be completed by tomorrow morning at the latest."

Yes, Hong Tu has carefully read the information on the special drug "Raphael", and was surprised to find that that special drug has been secretly developed.

The developers are exactly those classmates of Qian Shuren, the sons of Prometheus just like him. While Haimoto Hayato monitors Rei, he has also been transmitting information about Rei to the other sons of Prometheus.

They are just missing an upper-level approval.

Now that the approval has been obtained, if nothing else, the special medicine will be available tomorrow morning.

"Do you need my help to give him the medicine? As a reward for that alien animal cell."

"Please." Haiben Hayato naturally wouldn't refuse, "Thank you."

Hong Tu's guarantee is actually not only to help Qian Shuren get the special medicine in time, but also Qian Shuren's life. This guarantee is already a pleasant surprise for Haiben Hayato.

After hanging up the phone, what Hong Tu saw was that the silver Altman was hit by the fireball spit out from Galubellos' mouth, and when he stood up and rushed to the alien beast again, the dark red color on his chest The timer flashed suddenly, a red light agitated like a beating heart, and the silver Ultraman also covered his chest in pain and fell directly to the ground.

The dim timer turned on and off, and with every agitation, Altman's body would curl up a bit, looking extremely painful.

In this case, let alone humans and Mana, even the two alien beasts stopped and turned to look at the painful Ultraman lying on the ground.

"It's the limit." Hong Tu slightly raised his hand, "Then, the total decisive battle will stay tomorrow."

The sun was approaching the horizon, and the light gradually turned red.

Hong Tu's eyes gradually overflowed with dots of red streamer, and the streamer expanded rapidly, occupying all of his eyes into an unknown dark red color.

The darkness that humans can't perceive is agitated in the shadows of the city, tumbling like a substantial fluid, and the sky seems to become dim.

The two alien beasts were the first to perceive the unknown and extremely oppressive aura here. They perceived the threat, looked around in panic and fear, and let out a sharp roar.

Then, the two alien beasts flew into the wormhole in the sky, flying into the wormhole in the sky, flying into the wormhole in the sky, flying into the ground without flying, and ran quickly and cleanly.

The barrier in the sky faded, the vibration waves of the alien beasts calmed down, and the two alien beasts just ran away.

The red in Hong Tu's eyes faded.

When he looked at the intersection again, Sanze's figure had disappeared.

The silver Ultraman fell completely to the ground, his figure slowly becoming transparent and disappearing.

Mana quickly lifted her transformation, and the night raid team's fighters lingered in the sky blankly and finally left.

Hong Tu stretched out and walked to the place where the silver Ultraman disappeared.

And together with him, there was a team of people wearing white isolation suits. Needless to say, it was here to capture Qian Shuren.

But they are doomed to return without success.

As soon as Mana lifted her transformation, she immediately rushed to Qian Shuren's side.

Qian Shuli was in a coma at this moment, with cold sweat on his body, lying on the ground unconscious.

Realizing that there were still human beings around, Mana didn't care about anything, she directly picked up Qian Shuren, and after a few jumps, she jumped onto the electric pole and quickly rushed in the direction of Hong Tu.

When Hong Tu and Mana met, they saw Mana jumping from the canopy of the tree, and Qian Shuren in her arms by her princess.

Hong Tu: "..." Well done, it's Mana.

Just when the two were about to leave, Rui Sheng, who had been looking for pity, actually touched the two of them.

"Pity!" Ruisheng didn't even pay attention to Hong Tu, and ran directly to the pity in Mana's arms.

When Hong Tu saw this, he didn't say anything. With a big wave, the four of them disappeared directly, making the group of white isolation suits who came looking for a sound directly rushed out.

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