Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 978: Promise for next birthday

The black car was parked on a wasteland in the suburbs.

Manager Matsunaga was guarded by two well-equipped armed men, quietly staring at the distant city. Although only those towering buildings can be seen from here.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of the city, it is terribly quiet here.

The multiple shocks of the alien beasts and Hong Tu caused the sensitive little creatures to escape far away and would not return in a short time.

Perhaps the atmosphere here is too quiet, making him feel that the distant city must also be quiet.

But he knew very well in his heart that the current city does not need to be quiet when the alien beast and Ultraman are still there. Because the city is blocked, the people there must be angry, afraid, hateful, even resentful or desperate.

This is the order he gave. It is half of his responsibility for the city to become like this.

But he must do it.

The door of the parked car opened, and Matsunaga turned and looked at his daughter who got out of the car.


"It's great that you don't have the facts," Matsunaga tried to restrain his emotions and calm himself as always, but apparently he failed. "Yue Yue, I have always felt sorry for you for the past six years. But, I... …"

This is a good opportunity to explain clearly to my daughter and apologize seriously.

Matsunaga Yeyue shook his head and interrupted him: "I know it, it's okay. Now, Dad, can you promise me one thing?"

She smiled happily, and seemed to be the carefree girl once again, coquettish to her cold-faced father.

"Next time on my birthday, shall we date? In that park."

"Okay, that's it." Manager Song Yong nodded in response, with a serious and happy smile on his face.

"Don't forget!"

Manager Matsunaga nodded: "I will never forget what happened today."

He made a serious promise, but his gaze moved with the manager of Sotou behind Hazuki Matsunaga.

Suto had already walked behind Matsunaga Hazuki, and asked Matsunaga management officer, "Is it all right?"

"Thank you." In a short moment, Manager Matsunaga seemed to have changed back to that cold and sensible manager.

Sudo turned around to look at the still ignorant Hazuki Matsunaga, and stretched out an invitation to her: "Come here, please."

"See you later."

Matsunaga Hazuki didn't think much about it, thinking that there was something that needed his own cooperation, and followed Sutou without warning, not even noticing his father's hesitant eyes.

Manager Matsunaga wanted to stop him for a moment. How long has he not seen such a daughter? It seems that after the wife died, she disappeared.

However, reason nailed his feet firmly to the ground, and in the end, he could only turn away his eyes, clenched his fists, and didn't look.

However, when the familiar voice was clearly captured by himself, he still clenched his teeth subconsciously.

But soon, he forced himself to relax, looked at the distant city, and once again told himself that he had to do this.

The sleepy Matsunaga Hazuki was placed in the car by Shoudou, and she would have a good dream. After that, she will wake up at home, without the terrible memory of alien beasts, will not remember the battles of monsters that have appeared in the city, will not know her father's work and responsibilities, and... will not remember her and his father. Reconciled.

The so-called promise for the next birthday will only be made by Matsunaga Kaichiro, her father remembers alone, to fulfill the promise.

Speaking of it, this kind of thing seems to have happened once.

Six years ago, the alien beast appeared in the city and started a decisive battle with the huge Ultraman.

Matsunaga Hazuki's mother was also affected by the explosion and died at that time. This is also the reason why he decided to give up his original job after knowing the truth, joined TLT, and struggled to his current position.

He has lost his wife, he can no longer lose his daughter, and he does not want human beings to live in such panic and fear all day long...

Whether it is ruthless or unscrupulous, he must do it.


Hong Tu took Mana, Qian Shu Lian, and Rui Sheng to his home.

Mana hugged Qian Shurei directly upstairs, while Rui Sheng was shocked that they suddenly changed the environment, but the worry about Qian Shurei finally prevailed, but when she wanted to keep up, she was caught Lizi, who was drawing on the balcony, was taken aback.

"Saida Riko?"

Hong Tu raised his eyebrows and didn't mean to explain, he walked directly upstairs. Before going upstairs, he also shouted at Lizi who was immersed in his own world over there: "Lizi."

Following his call, Saitian Riko put down the paintbrush in her hand, got up without a **** in her eyes, walked behind Hong Tu, and followed Hong Tu upstairs.

Ruisheng settled down and followed.

Mana took pity into a guest room and put the person on the bed. She stood by the bed, a series of data streams flashed in her eyes, and Qian Shuren's physical condition could be seen in full view.

But after checking, Mana frowned.

Qian Shuren was too aggressive, and the body in front of him was already bad and couldn't be worse.

The physical strength is exhausted, the dark wounds accumulate, and the cell activity is weak. If you transform again, your gene will collapse directly, or you might just die.

The good news is that Servia's light once again demonstrated its healing properties, stabilizing Qianshuren's dying genes.

But this is only temporary, this genetic collapse is not a serious injury, the power of light can only temporarily stabilize.

At this moment, Mana is already considering that after returning to the empire, she must download some bio-related materials.

Rui Sheng was very worried about Qian Shuren's physical condition, but she was very sensible at this moment and said nothing, standing quietly aside, waiting for Mana and Hong Tu to move.

Hong Tu looked at Lizi.

Saitian Riko still had a sweet smile on her face, but her eyes did not have any focus, which looked rather strange.

Mana stepped aside to make room for Hong Tu.

Hong Tu took Lizi to the bedside and raised her hand to the center of Saitian Lizi's brow.

When he put down his hand, dark energy gushed from the center of Lizi's eyebrows, and quickly dissipated again, revealing a faint golden light.

Hong Tu looked at it for a while and was a little disappointed: "Is there only this? Forget it, it's barely enough."

He beckoned, Lizi squatted down, her hand attached to Qian Shuren's chest, and the golden light flashed under her palm.

Qian Shu Lian's expression has improved a lot with naked eyes, at least he didn't continue to sweat again, Hong Tu nodded in satisfaction.

Lizi stood up again, stood there blankly for a while, turned and left the room.

Rui Sheng keenly sensed that something was wrong with Saitian Riko, and subconsciously let go of the road, and saw Saitian Riko walked out of the room without anyone else, and went downstairs, hiding his figure under the stairs.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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