"She..." Ruisheng subconsciously wanted to ask Saitian Riko what was going on.

But Mana just nodded to her, and went out of the room to chase Lizi.

As a result, Ruisheng could only look at Hongtu.

"Be at ease, she will soon become a human being." After speaking, he looked at Ruisheng meaningfully, "I will leave you with pity."

After speaking, he also wandered away.

As a result, only Ruisheng and Qian Shuren on the bed were left in the room.

After Hong Tu left, Ruisheng relaxed her tight body. She sat on the edge of the bed, raised her hand to probe Qian Shuli's forehead, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal, she breathed a sigh of relief.


Hong Tu went downstairs and saw Lizi sitting back in front of the easel on the balcony again, staring at the easel blankly, without writing a pen.

Mana was sitting beside her.

At this time, the sun had set, and the lights on the balcony were slightly dim, making these two beautiful girls seem rather strange.

Hong Tu was speechless for a while, but still stepped up to the two of them.

"Thanks." Hong Tu took out the dark circle and pointed it at Lizi.

The red ring body lit up with an unknown red light, and Lizi's body began to emit wisps of black mist. The mist broke away from her body and turned into red light particles, passing through the dark ring. The other end gradually formed a card that gradually became clear.

When a new and complete card appeared in Hong Tu's hand, Saitian Riko rolled her eyes and fainted.

Mana quickly caught her before making close contact with the ground, and hugged her directly.

"the host."

"Take her back to the room, peace of mind, then, she can be a human with peace of mind."

Mana who got the affirmative answer nodded, holding Lizi upstairs again.

And Hong Tu looked at the card in hand: "Dark Faust... Is it derived from the dark Ultraman in people's hearts?"

He put the new card away, stretched his waist, and went back to the room.

Well, the next thing is to wait, waiting for the special medicine that can save Qian Shuren, and the final battle.

Hong Tu, who was about to harvest a lot of cards, was in a good mood, so he ate a small piece of the world.


Qian Shuren has been falling asleep. Servia's light tried his best to heal him.

But because of lack of strength, Servia could not really recover, and could only use her own strength to delay Qian Shuren's situation as best as possible.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jie couldn't help but irritate his situation again. But no matter how upset it is, he can only do his best now, and hope Hongtu can be more reliable.

But Zhang Jie couldn't help covering his face. At this time, he was thinking about relying on Hongtu... No, or pray for Zog.

No, Zog still don't intervene in, Zaki is not easy to deal with, let's call Hong Tu the scourge.

In the early morning, Hong Tu received a message from Haiben Hayato.

"Raphael" has been successfully completed, and an address has been given to Hongtu.

[How is your situation? 】

[It's stabilized now, and it won't be a problem to fight again at least. 】

[Thank you, thank you for saving pity before TLT. 】

[After all, I was paid. 】

Upon receiving the news, Hong Tu stretched out, changed her clothes, and went out.

It didn't take long before his figure disappeared in place and appeared in North America.

Following the address given by Haiben Hayato, he found a closed school all the way.

Suwon was talking to the two teenagers, and the two teenagers carried a suitcase in their hands.

On the side is a small private jet.

Hong Tu did not show up immediately, until the two teenagers boarded the plane, and after the plane took off, he quietly touched into the cabin.

There were only four people in the plane, two armed men were in the plane, and two teenagers with boxes were sitting in the cabin.

Therefore, Hong Tu directly appeared deep in the cabin.

The two teenagers were startled by Hong Tu's sudden appearance at first, but they reacted quickly and did not make much movement. Instead, they immediately recognized Hong Tu's identity.

They looked around like a thief, and then, like some underground worker, secretly handed the box in his hand to Hong Tu. While handing it, they winked, and kept looking in the direction of the cockpit.

Hong Tu: "..." It's kind of funny.

But he cooperated very well with the actions of the two teenagers, quietly took the box, and directly passed through the outer shell of the box with one hand, touched the inside, and then directly brought out a cylindrical glass bottle in the eyes of two little surprises. .

He returned the box to the two of them, took a step back, and disappeared.

After a brief silence, the two teenagers got together and whispered in a low voice.

"Is this a superpower like Haiben?"

"Natural superpowers seem to be much better than excellent ones."

"You are very good."

"But Haiben is not great."



The awake Qian Shurei sat up from the bed, and after a brief period of confusion, he saw Rui Sheng lying on the side of the bed asleep.

Ruisheng should have been with him for a long time, but he couldn't stand it before falling asleep.

In the daytime, it was stalking and alien beasts. After many tossing down, I was tired long ago, so I slept deeply.

Qian Shurei didn't mean to disturb her either. He sat up and stared at Rui Sheng for a while before remembering to care about his situation.

The clothes on his upper body have been taken off. Some of the bruises were medicined, and some were **** with gauze. Seeing the medical kit beside Ruisheng, it must have been made by Ruisheng.

Unable to help, he looked at Ruisheng again, and even wanted to raise his hand to touch her.

But in the end, he still retracted his hand, and after hesitating for a while, he touched Ruisheng's waist.

He remembered that Ruisheng would put the amnesiac machine there.

But just when he was about to touch it, Ruisheng opened his eyes vigilantly and saw Qian Shuren who was very close to him.

Rui Sheng: "..."

Qian Shuren: "..."

Qian Shu Lian withdrew his hand guiltily.

"Pity!" Ruisheng didn't notice his strangeness at all, but only realized Qian Shuren's awakening, "Great, you're all right."

She was obviously smiling, but Qian Shurei felt that she was about to cry.

This made Qian Shurei even more self-blame: "Sorry, I worried you."

"No, you are fine." Ruisheng shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed.

The atmosphere fell into silence for a while, and finally Ruisheng spoke: "Unexpectedly, it is Ultraman who pity you. I have never found out."

At that time, she was supposed to escape with the crowd with pity, but was diverted halfway by Lian. When she realized that something was wrong and returned, what she saw was the scene of Lian's transformation.

Can't tell what she was feeling at that time, but when she saw the silver Ultraman fall and disappear, her heart almost stopped.

"...Sorry, I kept it from you for so long."

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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