"No." Ruisheng shook her head. It's better to say that she finally knew why she was assigned to approach Qian Shurei, "I'm just a little surprised."

Both she and Gumen knew Lian's life experience. She thought that she would be assigned to come over because of Lian's life experience, but she didn't expect it to be this.

Qian Shurei paused and chose to confess more: "I can't bear it, just let others worry about me, let others sad for me, waiting for Raphael, who doesn't know if it can be done, and just ends my life. I really can’t stand it. Angel, Raphael won’t do it anymore. So I thought, anyway, there is only so little time left, it’s better to go to a place where no one knows I will die...

In Pity's memory, I don't know when it became a dark laboratory.

It used to be the place where he was born, but now it is the place where he is treated.

The grandfather who once treated him well in his research became frowning. When the gentle nanny grandma looked at him, only a brave bitter smile was left. The classmates took care of him, especially the "Raphael" special medicine. After the study was stopped, the gentle people looked even more sad. He had seen the nanny grandma crying secretly several times.

The sons of Prometheus, because they are children made by artificial synthetic genes, they are much better than ordinary people, and they also have some defects. Among these relative defects, Qianjurei is the only one. An individual covered with a "failure product", even though he has the same superpowers as the "success product" Kirazawa Yu, but life span is extremely short.

But Qian Shurei quickly accepted the fact that he even cared more about the people who were sad because of him than himself.

"But, I don’t understand. I just chose my failed work, but I didn’t refuse it. I felt very happy thinking that I could do something. In the amusement park, I have been watching children, parents and many others. People, I’m really happy to think that I can protect them."

"Lie..." Ruisheng heard the word "Raphael" again, and it was said from Qian Shuren's mouth, but at this moment she would rather the word never appear.

But Qianshu Rei seemed to know what she was thinking, and calmly said the cruel facts: "Ruisheng, sorry, there is only a little left in my life. Raphael, is the name of the special medicine that treats me."

"Pity..." Rui Sheng just wanted to say something when a strange voice interrupted her.

The two turned their heads and looked, and they saw that the transmission placed on the bedside table was clearly agitating at this moment.

Ruisheng didn't understand what was happening, so Qian Shuren quickly picked up the glowing transforming device, and walked out of the door after getting out of bed.

"Pity!" Ruisheng suddenly understood what he wanted to do, and quickly followed.

But after following Lian downstairs, she saw Hong Tu who had just entered the door.

"Mr. Hong?" Lian didn't expect that as soon as she was about to go out, she collided with Hong Tu who was pushing in.

Hong Tu just glanced at the things in his hand and knew what he was going to do: "Going to fight?"

He tilted his head and lifted the contents in his hand to Qian Shurei: "Raphael."

The cylindrical container in his hand is made of a special transparent material, like glass, but tougher than glass. The container is an amber-gold liquid, which looks quite magnificent under the light.

"Raphael?" Lian was taken aback, but Hong Tu would know this.

"Uimoto Hayato, please bring it to you." Hong Tu glanced at the flashing Light Transformer in his hand and raised his eyebrows. "But now, it doesn't seem to be suitable for use."

As he said, he let the door open: "Remember to come back and take medicine."

As he raised his hand, a dark wormhole that could only accommodate one person unfolded, and the darkness in the wormhole spread out, revealing the familiar city on the other side, Aoba City.

Qian Shu Lian was taken aback, and quickly reacted. Although he was surprised by Hong Tu's power, he knew that this was not the time to struggle.

He nodded to Hong Tu and promised: "I will."

After speaking, he rushed into the wormhole.

The wormhole closed, preventing Ruisheng from following up.

"You stay here and wait for him to come back." Hong Tu walked to the kitchen on his own, "Any suggestions for breakfast?"


Qian Shuren walked out of the wormhole and found himself on a sky bridge.

It is a flyover of Aoba City.

This is the place where the battle was once during the day, and the place where the alien beast will appear again.

At this moment, the ground began to tremble, and humans once again sensed the danger. The people who had returned here with a fluke mentality began to quickly ran out of the city, temporarily forgetting the fact that the city had been blocked.

Qian Shuren stood on the sky bridge, looking down at the transforming device in his hand.

Before, he never cared about himself when he fought, only to win the battle, which caused his battle to become extreme, and he didn't care about his own safety at all. Because only when he is fighting can he forget the pain and the death. Even then, it's actually closer to death.

But now, looking at the transformation device in his hand, he suddenly thought of Ruisheng. After a long while, his expression became determined: "In order to survive."

This time, fight to survive!

He pulled out the transforming device, and the red light blade drew an arc in mid-air with his movements, bursting out with red light, enveloping his figure.

The silver-white beam of light rose into the sky, and the silver giant stood tall in the city.

Not far from him, the ground collapsed, the soil was flying, and an alien beast crawled out of it.

In the sky, the wormhole unfolded again, and the second alien beast flew out from it and slowly flew down, the rainbow field unfolded, covering half of the city.

The red light particles slowly condensed, condensing the huge figure of King Reid by Ultraman's side.

The fighter planes of the night raid team broke through the rainbow and invaded this field.

Misawa stood on a tall building, looking at the silver Ultraman and King Rader in the distance, with a sneer on his face.

Beside him, the Zarab star disguised as a human being, seemingly standing obliquely behind him, but his eyes kept glancing at Sanze.

If the unknown aura of Ruowu fills the domain, it seems that there is something else that is also watching this battle.

At this time, Hong Tu was sitting on the dining table, eating breakfast comfortably, not caring about Ruisheng's fidgeting on the other side of the dining table.

"The genius was just bright, and after tossing all night, aren't you hungry?"

Ruisheng: "..."

Dark Circle: "!" Eat a ghost! There is a fight over there! Alien beast card! The card of Dark Mephistopheles! Why do you have to learn from humans for breakfast at this time-bastard! ! !

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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