Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 981: While the battle is in progress

But no matter how the dark circle called, Hong Tu still leisurely finished his breakfast before leaving the door in Ruisheng's urging sight.

The two of them found a building closer to the edge of the city and started watching the show from a distance. Oh, no, only Hong Tu was really eating melons and watching the show. Rui Sheng looked nervous and worried the whole time.

"Be at ease, you will win." Hong Tu comforted, "Don't underestimate Lian, and don't underestimate Mana."


The silver Ultraman and Red King each chose their opponents.

Altman chose Megflas floating in the sky, while King Reid walked towards Galubellos.

Megflash flashed electricity and attacked the silver Ultraman first.

The energy gathered between the silver Ultraman's hands, forming a shield of light, blocking the electric light. At the same time, his left arm withdrew, a blue light flashed on the arm guard, and a blue ripple-like light shining from his body, soaking his body with a blue color.

After Megflach stopped the attack, the blue Ultraman removed the light shield, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and the energy gathered. He pushed his feet high, jumped high, pushed out with one hand, and a light blade sent out to lift the sky. The alien beast floating in it was shot down directly from the sky.

The blue Ultraman took advantage of the victory and pursued, and after landing, he jumped again and rode on the back of the alien beast that had just landed. A random punch hit the exposed head of the alien beast.

The alien beast suddenly had pain and moved quickly under his feet, trying to use the previous method of sudden braking to shake Ultraman off his back.

However, the blue Ultraman had suffered a loss once, so naturally he would not eat a second time. When the alien beast moved, he was aware of the other party’s intention, and stepped heavily on the alien beast’s body. He leaped high, jumped down from the back of the alien beast, and turned around with several attacks, and landed on the alien beast.

This poor alien beast is not good at hand-to-hand combat at all, it doesn't even have hands or feet. It is too difficult for it to fight an Ultraman who is proficient in hand-to-hand combat.

It is obviously only a logistics mage, why is it here to fight with a soldier here? !

The alien beast finally stabilized its body, shook its head, awakened a little from the series of heavy blows from Ultraman.

But then, it retired again.

Thinking about it this way, this alien beast couldn't help but look at the other side of the battlefield.

Galubellos is in a fierce battle with King Reid, the battle between two heavy monsters, at the beginning, only fists to the flesh.

Needless to say, King Reid's hand-to-hand combat strength, let alone Mana controlling the monster.

But as a high-ranking alien beast that has crawled out of **** many times and has been strengthened many times, Galubellos, especially this time, has naturally been released after being strong enough, and the strength should naturally not be underestimated.

As a result, the two behemoths were difficult to distinguish for a moment. After a few rounds, Galubellos became impatient. The two heads on its shoulders spewed fireballs, circled in mid-air, and hit Reid. The king's back.

King Reid had no time to dodge, and he was struck by a stagger, interrupted the pace of the attack, was seized by the alien beast, and bit on his shoulder.

King Rad let out a cry of pain instinctively, but it was not Mana that was hurting, so this did not prevent Mana from controlling King Rader with a heavy punch, hitting Garubellos's head, forcing Garubel Lose was relieved.

The two behemoths separated temporarily, but both looked at the opposite side menacingly, ready to rush up again to fight again.

Well, it seems that the boss has to fight again. If he runs away now, I am afraid that he will be eaten when he looks back. Let's fight obediently.

Megflash turned his head silently, and looked at the opposite Ultraman again.

Come on, isn't it just a fight?

It rose again, let itself fly to a height that it thought was safer, and let out a weird roar.

The blue Ultraman immediately withdrew his gaze from the battlefield between King Rand and Galubellos, and looked at the alien beast in mid-air.

Megflach flashed out again and struck Ultraman.

The blue Ultraman immediately rolled over, avoiding the lightning.

When he just stabilized his body, he saw the alien beast flying in the sky rushing over, hitting his chest heavily, and knocking him out directly.

The blue Ultraman collapsed a building and fell heavily to the ground.

And Megflash has continued to rush up, directly descending from the sky, hitting his chest, and then there are several cheerful jumps, falling on Ultraman again and again, using his weight to hit Austria. Terman's body.

Even if you have no hands or feet, pressure can crush you to death!

Megflash jumped happily for a few more times, stepped on Ultraman, and even let out a cheerful cry.

The night assault team in the sky finally couldn't stand it anymore, and the two fighters under their worries launched a large number of missiles, which fell heavily on the backs of the alien beasts.

Megflash was beaten immediately and flew out diagonally.

And the blue Ultraman finally found a chance to get up from the ground and look at the alien beast.

This time, the blue Ultraman no longer takes it lightly, and no longer pays attention to the battle of another change, intending to make a quick battle and get rid of this guy.

He rushed to hug the alien beast's neck, lifted it up, and flew out.

Taking this opportunity, the blue Ultraman wrist stopped for a while in front of the timer on his chest, and the red light in the red Y-shaped timer began to fill, forming a light bow on the wristband of his arm.

He aimed the light bow at the alien beast that had just gotten up, and slowly pulled the string with the other hand, then let go.

Suddenly, the bow-shaped light blade flew out, whizzing and cutting past the alien beast.

The alien beast that had just gotten up suddenly froze in place, and its body was divided into two parts by a "ray".

The huge alien beast's body exploded into countless colored light particles.

Altman's battle was over, and the timer on his chest began to flash red, but he didn't care, but turned to look at the other side of the battlefield.

The body of King Reid has changed. Barbs are beginning to grow on its back, especially the tail tip of the tail is like a heavy hammer. It looks very horrible, and its body is also covered with dark lines. The beast pupil has turned red.

At this moment, King Reid has evolved into King Reid of Darkness.

After the evolution, the Dark King Leide's strength naturally rose another step, and his combat power soared directly, turning the battle into one side.

It slammed a heavy blow on the head of Galubellos's left shoulder, slamming a large amount of sparks on this head, directly destroying a head.

When Galubellos was in pain, it raised its hand and grabbed the other side's head, and pulled it out with force.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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