The dark Mephistopheles, who fell heavily on the ground, immediately ignored the sorrow and pain, and immediately rolled over and left the place.

The Dark Reid King hit the ground heavily, causing the ground to be turbulent.

Dark Mephistopheles got up immediately, wishing to be farther away from the Dark King Rand.

However, after the Dark Rand King got up, he rushed up again aggressively, like a heavy tank, and rushed directly to Dark Mephistopheles.

Dark Mephistopheles: "..."

Dark Mephistopheles regretted it a bit now. He had seen that the Dark King Rand was not easy to provoke, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. This is too foul! In contrast, I have thin arms and legs! ! !

Dark Mephistopheles flew directly into the sky to avoid the Dark King Rand.

The Dark King Led suddenly became more irritable. He raised his head and looked at the dark Ultraman in the sky. The scarlet beast pupils moved slightly, staring at the dark Mephistopheles and roared furiously.

Dark Mephistopheles suddenly became not afraid. He raised his hand and sent a light blade to attack the Dark King Leide, exploding a small string of sparks above the Dark King Leide's head.

Not very harmful, but very insulting.

In the body of the Dark King Led, Mana's eyes drooped slightly, and she took out the dark circle in one hand.

The red ring glowed ominously, and in her other hand, a golden card was already ready to go.

But just before inserting it into the ring, Mana took the card back, took out a new card, and inserted it into it.

The dark circle shining brightly, and the dark king Leide let out a sweet roar, letting his body turn into red light particles and spread out.

But before these light particles disappear, all the light particles reunited to form a new figure.

The red light faded, finally revealing a familiar figure.


"Oh Huh, Dark Faust?" Red light burst into Hong Tu's eyes, "That's it."

He raised his hand, and suddenly an invisible wind blew up around him.

Rui Sheng beside Hong Tu was startled, and she was forced to raise her hand to block her eyes by the sudden increase in wind, but she seemed to see something by the gap in her arm.

"Is that... fog?"

The black fog condensed from nowhere, forming a solid ball of light on Hongtu’s fingertips. Hongtu looked at the ball of light in his hand with satisfaction, flicked it, the ball of light flew out and sank behind the dark Faust Back.

Dark Faust paused, the timer on his chest lit up bright red, and the eyes of the black bulbs that should have been dimmed gradually lit up with an unknown red light. More dark lines occupy his body, making the aura of this Ultraman even darker.

Dark Faust tilted his head, moved his shoulders, and looked badly at the dark Mephistopheles in the sky that had just bragged.

Now, the battle between the two dark Ultraman has begun!


The evolution version of theone moves towards the blue Ultraman.

It has two long horns on its back, but it has four heads on its body.

There are two heads on each side of the two shoulders. On the left is a disgusting five-haired crow head and a bug head with four antennae. On the other side is an ugly mouse head without fur and an invisible head. The head of the prototype.

On its chest, there are two pairs of spider-like red compound eyes that make this alien beast look exceptionally weird.

Its double pillars, one is a huge claw with nails occupying four-fifths of the palm of the hand, and the other is a long and curved sickle blade.

Its body stands like a human, covered with a layer of fleshy armor, which looks little defensive, but in fact it is extremely difficult to pierce. And at the joints of its two legs, there are vaguely embryonic forms of two heads, but because of the joints, it is not clear what it looks like, and only one head can be vaguely seen.

It also has a thick and strong tail, covered with layers of flesh armor, which looks quite dangerous.

Just looking at it, this alien beast is enough to make people feel cold.

It is like a reloaded creature put together by many creatures, which is beyond people's imagination and contrary to people's cognition.

However, such alien beasts just appeared. This is the potential of alien beasts. As long as they have enough genes, they can fuse them and become a part of themselves.

The blue Ultraman can naturally see the strength of this alien beast, but he will not have any intention of shrinking. Even after slowly stabilizing his body, he charged towards the opposite alien beast. Past.

The blue Ultraman directly slammed into the arms of the alien beast, and grabbed one of the opposing paws, hitting its chest with a hard blow.

The alien beast was a little bit painful from being beaten, but it didn't panic at all, because Ultraman's strength was not enough to repel it.

The sickle arm that hadn't been clamped lifted up, and a big mouth full of sharp teeth suddenly grew out of its forearm.

The big mouth opened and closed, suddenly rushed out of the arm, connected by a long tubular tentacles, biting into the blue Ultraman's back.

The blue Ultraman was bitten with a large spark from behind, and he let out a painful cry, and the movement of his hand suddenly slowed down.

The alien beast seized the opportunity, and the other claw broke free from it, and one claw slammed into Ultraman's chest. At the same time, it caused a spark and knocked Ultraman away directly.

As soon as the blue Ultraman landed, the alien beast spit out a ball of flames and covered it towards the blue Ultraman.

The flames set off by the flames enveloped the area where Ultraman was located, and only the cry of Ultraman could not help being heard.

"Pity!" Gumen yelled subconsciously, and wanted to support.

At this moment, the captain's voice rang in his ears: "Everyone, support Ultraman!"

After the order was given, all the fighters immediately launched a series of attacks, trying to prevent the alien beast from continuing to attack.

These attacks fell on the alien beast, causing the alien beast to divert its attention, and the attack on Ultraman stopped.

But the scarlet eyes on the head of the crow on its shoulders lit up, and red rays of light hit the fighters in the sky.

The fighters quickly avoided, avoiding the light.

But the attack of the alien beast has not stopped. On its chest, the spider's compound eyes are lit up, and a series of bright red spider silks are spit out, covering the fighter plane in the sky.

The fighters had to evade again, but this time, humans saw the clues.

These abilities...

"It is already certain that this alien beast has the abilities of all the alien beasts before, that is to say, this is the strongest alien beast, code name, Yizumairu."

"All alien beasts..."


Will such alien beasts really exist?

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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