The sarcophagus glowed with a faint blue light, calling her to touch the light.

"Is that you?" Saijokaze looked at the sarcophagus glowing in front of him, and didn't have the first time to touch it.

Saijokaze didn't care whether Hikaru would answer her, she said to herself: "I just didn't expect that the next one will be me."


She suddenly stepped forward and raised her hand to the sarcophagus. A strong blue light burst out of the sarcophagus, which wrapped her up.

Saijo Kaze was pierced by the light and couldn't open his eyes, so he had to close his eyes. When she opened it again, she was already in a world of light.

The light here is not dazzling, it is very gentle, and there will be a long-lost peace of mind when staying here.

However, Saijokae was only in a daze, and soon withdrew his divergent thoughts, and looked up in front of him.

There, the familiar silver giant stood above Guanghai, staring down at her.

Saijokaze looked back at him without fear, his eyes full of stubbornness and desire.

As if seeing something, the silver Altman tilted his head slightly and looked at one place.

Saijo Kaze followed his line of sight, and saw a picture unfolding above the sea of ​​light like a scroll.

The sky was covered by clouds condensed by dark power, turning day into night, and the dark Ultraman of black and red raged in the city, turning everything around it into a sea of ​​fire.

"That's..." Saijokaze stared at the giant in the picture and vaguely understood what Hikaru was telling her. That was the enemy she was about to face, or rather, the man behind everything.

So, is this the last enemy she has to face?

She got it. Since it is the last enemy, leave it to her, let her fight, use her hatred, use her power!

As if he had noticed her thoughts, the giant of light looked at her again.

Saijokaze noticed his gaze, turned his head and looked over, and saw the silver giant slowly shaking his head.

"What?" Saijokaze didn't understand what he meant.

Suddenly, Saijo Kaze was stunned and looked down at her hands. In a daze, she seemed to see a black "mist" entwined with her body, which was darkness, which was different from light.

But when Saijo Kaze took a closer look, the black mist disappeared without a trace, like an illusion.

But Saijokae knew what it was, and that was just a warning to her.

but why? Why do you think she will fall into darkness? If you think she will fall into darkness, why should you choose her as a fitter? !

Saijokaze raised her head to question Ultraman of Light, but when she raised her head, she found that she had already returned to the corridor of the base at some point, and there was no wormhole in front of her that led to another world.

Everything just now seemed to be an illusion.

No, it's not an illusion.

She noticed that she seemed to be holding something in her hand, and after slowly raising her hand, she saw clearly what she was holding tightly.

Strange and familiar.

That is... Ultraman's transforming device and weapon.

She became the new fit.


In the command room, Ishibori, who was sitting in front of the computer, seemed to see something interesting, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

But unlike the confident smile of the past, his smile at this moment is full of malice and evil, like a person who has been pretending to have suddenly removed his disguise.

"Come on..."

"Ishibori? You smile so strange." Shiori who noticed Ishibori's expression came over with a tray with two cups of coffee, and put one cup by Ishibori's hand as usual.

But instead of touching the coffee, Ishibori pulled out the gun and pointed it at Shiori: "Thank you."

He quickly pressed the trigger and fired a laser shot at Shiori before the others could react.

When Zog heard the movement and turned his head, it was too late. Shiori flew out and hit a side wall. The coffee cup and plate in his hand fell aside, and the coffee was spilled on the ground, but Shiori was paralyzed. Falling in the corner, the breath of life is faint.

There is no blood, because the wound has been burned by the laser bullet and will not bleed in a short time.

In the next instant, Ishibori turned his gun to the lonely door who was still stunned.

"The solitary door!" Captain Hecang responded extremely quickly, rushing over, and leaped on the solitary door, trying to avoid the blow.

But Zog's reaction was faster. Before Ishibori shot again, she had already flicked her hand, and a bluish translucent energy bomb flew out and hit Ishibori.

But in this hasty attack, Ishibori just leaned back and avoided the blow, but the gun had been turned to Zog.

"Sure enough, you are a threat."

Zog's expression was cold: "So it's you!"

She stepped on the table with her hands, and the whole person jumped up, jumped onto the table, approached Ishibori, swept her long legs, and swept towards Ishibori's head.

Ishibori retreated two steps, avoiding her attack, and raised the gun in his hand again, preparing to attack Zog.

But in the next instant, a red bullet flew from behind him, hit his hand, and knocked out the gun in his hand.

Ishibori immediately withdrew a few steps to the left. At the same time as he was away from Zogra, he also saw Saijo Kaze holding a special gun at the door.

"The fourth successor, this gun suits you well." He rubbed his injured hand with one hand, but his expression was very relaxed.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and they all saw the special gun in Saijokaze's hand.

That is a weapon that the fittest can have, which also means that Saijokaze is the fourth fittest.

Ishibori slowly put down his hand, the injury on his hand has healed, and there is no trace of it. His face sank, and a dark purple vortex slowly appeared behind him.

"This darkness is..." The captain recognized this power, and he spoke out the person represented by this power in horror, "Unknown Hand!"

Zog slowly straightened his body and looked at Ishibori with unknown meaning.

"It's you, betrayer." Saijofu asked the question that already knew the answer in a cold voice.

"Yes." Ishibori's face reappeared with a smile, full of malice and mockery.

"Impossible..." The most unacceptable one is probably the lonely door, "This is not true."

The teammate who has always been trusted is the culprit of everything!

"You have deceived us until now!" Saijo Kaze hates the existence of betrayers most. After angrily questioning, she did not hesitate to grab the **** of the light energy gun in her hand, pull and release, the blue light energy bullets immediately Attacked Ishibori.

But the whirlpool that appeared in front of Ishibori directly engulfed the light bullet, and flew out of the dark energy hole behind Ishibori, returning to the same way and hit the Saijo wind.

Saijo Kaze quickly avoided the blow.

Zog flew up at this moment, jumped off the table, and charged towards Ishibori.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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