Zog fights with Ishibori.

From time to time in the dark vortex unfolding behind Ishibori, a dark purple energy light blasted towards Zog.

Zog can always avoid dexterously, or use a light blue transparent light flare to cancel it out.

In contrast, Nishijokaze, who had just gained strength, couldn't get into the battle at all. He could only frown and hold the gun, moving the muzzle continuously as the two battlefields shifted.

"Unexpectedly, besides me, there is a non-human lurking in the night raid team. Deputy Captain Zog, I don't know what you are lurking in the human organization, what are you planning to do?" Ishibori still did not forget to find a way to provoke. Divorce.

Zog didn't care what he was talking about, and continued to attack himself.

However, after Ishibori realized that he could not entangle her too much, he slowly led the battle to the door.

After getting close to the door, two dark energy bombs flew out of the dark vortex suddenly, not at Zog, but at the captain and the solitary door.

Zog immediately realized his intentions, and the entanglement was not entangled, so he turned his head and emitted a light bomb, which solved the energy bomb that hit the captain. At the same time, Saijo Kaze also used the light energy bomb to solve the energy that hit the solitary door. bomb.

When they turned their heads back, they saw the open door of the command room slowly closing, but Ishibori was nowhere to be seen.

After a brief silence, Zog walked to Shiori on the ground, began to check her condition, and quickly contacted the medical department.

"How about the Shiori team?" After the shock at the beginning, Gumen didn't worry about Zog's identity, but cared about Shiori's situation.

"The injury is a bit serious," Zog said lightly, and his hand glowed with blue fluorescence attached to Shiori's wound.

Although it cannot be treated, hemostasis is sufficient.

Saijokaze walked to Zog's side: "Deputy Captain Zog, can you tell me who you are?"

Although her tone was aggressive, she shouted "Vice Captain Zog", indicating that she did not actually have much hostility towards Zog.

Zog looked up at her, then looked at the captain: "Sorry, I conceal you up to now. I am indeed not a human being. The reason why I came to this planet is to find my lover."

"Is it... Ultraman Sylvia?" Gumen guessed the truth.

"Yeah." Zog nodded faintly. "Servia was lost in this world when someone caused him to disappear. I think his disappearance is related to alien beasts, so I joined TLT."

"So that's it." The captain nodded clearly.

"How much do you know about the Unknown Hand?" Saijokaze began to ask for information.

"I only know that he wants to gain the power to resurrect him." Zog looked up at Saijo Kaze, "And Wangchuan has huge negative energy, that should be his goal."

"Forget Chuan?" The captain thought of something.


Ishibori came to the bottom of the TLT base, in front of the gate of Wangchuan.

He raised his hand and reached for the huge closed door.

The wispy white electric light flickered, repelling his approach.

Ishibori sneered: "Visitor, with your current strength, you can't stop me."

The hand that he raised suddenly emits a red electric light, and the white energy barriers are easily broken.

After sneering at these guys who were overpowering and delusional to hinder him, Ishibori's eyes glowed red, red lines spread on both sides of his cheeks, and Wang Chuan's closed door slowly opened in front of him.

The pure white light shone out from it, and it was easily broken by him, revealing the real thing inside.

The viscous, liquid-like negative energy slowly poured out, revealing the full picture of what was inside.

No, it's not the whole picture. The object is too huge. Looking out of the five-meter-high door, you can only see the tip of the huge iceberg inside. After entering the door, the whole picture of the object placed in the huge space was really revealed.

This is a creation that is bigger than Ultraman, like a heart. The body of the special metal manufacturing site is covered with long and pointed barbs. The spikes flash with red electric lights from time to time. The middle of the creation. There is a red irregular grid-like light-emitting organ, and the substantial negative energy is just a little leaked from it.

This is Wangchuan.

Ishibori approached Wangchuan, ignoring the monitoring system within Wangchuan that was reporting Wangchuan's data. As soon as he was about to touch this huge object, he was interrupted by an attack behind him.

With a wave of his hand, he easily blasted the laser bullet into the air, and looked mockingly at the young man in white at the door.

It was Kira Sawa Yu, who was holding a gun in his hand, looking at Ishibori with a cold expression.

"who are you?"

"Darkness, Zaki!" Ishibori reported his name unpredictably.

"So, is your information all forged?"

Ishibori's original name was not Ishibori. Six years ago, he was called Ishioka Ichiro, and he was originally a researcher.

But after Zaki came to this planet, he immediately occupied his body, using his technology far beyond the earth, tampering with information about himself and people's memories about himself, and joined TLT, and has been lurking in the night raid team. .

Through the body created by the visitor, he can easily do this.

"This kind of thing is not a big deal, I have the same power as the visitor." Of course he can do what the visitor can do.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and Saijo Kaze was chasing him.

She ran to Kira Sawayu's side and pointed at Ishibori with the light-energy gun in her hand: "Why do you want to be lurking in the night raid team? Say it!"

Ishibori, no, it should be that Dark Zaki has the winning ticket now. He doesn't mind satisfying the desire of human beings to know the truth: "While TLT preserves the potential barrier, it is also accelerating the development of antibodies that prevent alien animals from appearing. You have been managing and adjusting the battle of alien beasts."

The last sentence was with Kira Sawa Yu.

"What I did is similar." Dark Zaki said quietly.

At this time, other people also caught up.

After setting up Shiori, Zog and others rushed over. A group of five people just raised their guns and pointed at Dark Zaki in unison.

"I have anticipated that the wind will receive Ultraman's light. I made Faust and Mephistopheles and defeated them to strengthen the power of light." He uttered what he had done. "I use Saitian Riko and Mizoro Ki Shinya, the wind, to plant darkness in your heart. It's not convenient to do all this in the night raid team."

Zog's ice blue eyes darkened: "So, do you want the light to turn into darkness?"


I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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