"We, no, do humans have a chance of winning?"

This is what Matsunaga wants to know most.

He has worked hard for the earth and mankind to the present, and he doesn't want these to be just useless work.

It's just because of the world that didn't know why it came out, and the alien beast... Since it's the alien beast, then find a way to defeat it, or put it all together!

Kira Zeyu couldn't see his thoughts on his face, maybe he didn't think of anything. This age is actually not that old, but the super-powered teenager who predicts the future of the earth is still very calm at the moment.

"In the future I see, there is only darkness." He replied.

The last time his foresight ability was activated, he saw the future raging by Dark Zaki and confirmed the fact that Dark Zaki was resurrected.

The remains of light were destroyed by the dark Zaki, confirming the disappearance of light at this moment.

But after that it turned into darkness.

It is not the unknown and unexplorable chaos of the future, but a thick, destined darkness. But he has seen such darkness.

But Kira Sawa chose to conceal this prophecy, and did not inform Matsunaga Manager or others about it.

He couldn't confirm whether this darkness represented good or bad, because the darkness was too deep, so deep that even if he only saw a little bit, he almost fell into it and fell forever.

Even the light cannot dissipate that kind of darkness, so he can't see the existence of light in that kind of darkness, but he foresaw the end of anyone who tried to touch the darkness-sinking into it and becoming a part of the darkness.

If you can……


If he can, he hopes that the last thing he sees is light.


Half an hour later, accompanied by a roar from another world to this world, two figures flew out of the passage between the worlds and fell into this world embarrassedly.

He stretched out his claws to grab the fruitless claws and retracted them angrily, and continued to pull the barriers of the world, even stretched their heads, and began to try to open their mouths to bite the barriers and speed up the process of expanding the barriers.

At this moment, more than two hours have passed since eleven hours.

Zog was embarrassed and brought back to the TLT base by Mana.

The Captain Hecang who learned that the two had returned immediately returned to the base with Gumen and Golumu.

After the sights of Mizuroki and Matsunaga met for a short time, Matsunaga took the lead to ease his expression, nodded at Mizuroki, and turned away his gaze as if nothing had happened. Mizulumu didn't say anything with a cold face, and sat straight on the chair.

After they came back, they naturally noticed Zog's embarrassment.

Zog's body was severely injured. Some parts of his long hair that had been hanging down had been burnt to black, his face was slightly bruised, and there was a big wound on his arm, which was still unceasingly inside. It is a finely divided white and black mixed light particles.

Matsunaga's eyes couldn't stop turning around her, and finally he restrained and said nothing.

"Deputy Captain?" Gumen looked at her injury with some worry.

Seeing Zuoge's pale face, he seemed to see Ji Yazhun and Qian Shurei, so he could be sure that Zuoge's injuries must be more than what he saw.

Mana on the side frowned, but was unable to help, and secretly loaded the biological data, and by the way, the thought of loading the biological potion went forward again.

"It's okay, it's just a fight with that alien beast." Zog completely discarded his disguise as a human being, and his emotional leakage was so severe that he even had a fierce beast-like aura when he spoke. The performance of inhuman traits is too obvious.

Captain Wakura was keenly aware of this and frowned: "What happened?"

The Zog he knew was not gentle, but he was absolutely hard-talked and soft-hearted. He was calm enough in case of things. He also paid attention to proportions when speaking. He rarely acted impulsively, but she was not like that now. So, something must have happened that made her lose sense.

Zog paused, closed his eyes, and calmed himself down for a while, then opened his eyes and said word by word: "Sylvia's stone statue is in that world."

She can still think of everything that happened half an hour ago.

She sought the guidance of the strength in her body and found the den of the alien beast.

As she got closer and closer to the lair, Sylvia's light was finally sensed by her. She was absolutely sure that there was a stone statue of Sylvia inside.

But just when she was about to find out, the alien beast noticed the light that appeared in the nest and chased it directly.

In order to be able to confirm the location of Servia's stone statue, Zog showed his original shape neatly and fought with the alien beast.

The result was naturally lost. In the end, Mana appeared in time, rescued her, and escaped with her.

But before leaving, they also successfully lifted the nest of alien beasts, and finally saw the stone statue of Servia.

After that, the alien beasts chased and killed them, and they escaped all the way in embarrassment.

"Sylvia..." Everyone was startled, and then frowned. Why is Ultraman's stone statue in that world?

Matsunaga showed a strong desire for discovery at this time: "Ultraman's stone statue? Is that Ultraman dead?"

Zog glanced at him meaninglessly: "Ultraman will only turn into a stone statue when he loses the light. As long as he gets the light again, Ultraman will recover."

Matsunaga nodded, knowing that what he said was not very pleasing, so he didn't ask any more.

But others have grasped the point.

"In other words, as long as Ultraman Sylvia gets light again, Ultraman Sylvia can...waking up?" Gumen made a positive assumption.

"Yeah." Zog nodded affirmatively.

"This way, it is a good thing for us." Kira Zeyu's expression relaxed a lot, and he looked at Zog, "What should we do?"

If Sylvia can wake up, it will be a good help for them.

Zog put down her hand covering the wound, the wound on her arm no longer dissipated energy, she lowered her eyes: "We need to get the light of Serbia first."

Kirazawa nodded his head: "Then, during the period of transforming Chrome Chester, you need to look for the light of Serbia."

His gaze stayed for a long time on Golumu and Gumen, with a little meaning.

Everyone nodded, and each went to prepare.

Mana submits the instrument that has collected the data and the data collected by herself to Kira Sawa.

Jiliang Zeyu took the instrument and asked a question he hadn't asked before Zog: "How does Miss Mana judge the strength of that alien beast?"

Mana looked up and looked at the human teenager seriously: "It is very strong, even if Silvia wakes up and Ultraman turns back to light, it will still not be an opponent."

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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