Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 996: Haiming and the relics in memory

Mana wasn't aiming for no reason, but the alien beast had no weaknesses.

Zog and Mana who fought with it felt the most intuitive.

"The evolutionary direction of that alien beast is very comprehensive. Strength, speed, defense, energy, near and long range, and combat intelligence are all excellent. In addition, there are other abilities that are difficult to fight." Mana is simply and neat. Connected to the big screen, the scene of himself and Zog fighting with the alien beast was played out, "The strongest monster in my hand is not its opponent."

The pictures were carried out from Mana's perspective, because the two sides were fighting too fast, which caused these pictures to be very blurry in the eyes of humans.

But this is already a great help to Kira Sawa.

"I see." Kira Sawa said nothing more.

Mana nodded to him and Matsunaga on the side, and left the command room.

And Kira Sawa Yu and Matsunaga watched the video of the battle. Of course, they put the picture to the slowest to see what happened.

The first thing that freezes the picture is the true face of the alien beast.

"It's really terrifying." Matsunaga sighed lightly, staring at the alien beast in the picture, a little erratic in his voice.

The appearance of the alien beast in the picture can only be described as hideous, but the strange thing is that this looks too hideous for humans seems to have a little strange beauty.

Its head resembles a human shape, but it has eight sharp and cold red beast pupils neatly arranged around its head. There are two sides of the skull with teeth full of sharp teeth, which can bloom layer by layer like petals. After opening the mouthparts, you can see the long red tongue like tentacles inside. It doesn't have a nose, it has several tentacles that look like a snail on its head, and its tongue also has some small, short barbs.

The overall body shape of the alien beast is black and gray, with a cylindrical body and no arms. The claws they saw through the passage before are actually extended from the alien beast’s body, with long tentacles with bone fingers. There is a red groove on the tip of the bone blade. It is not difficult to imagine the cruel bloodletting behavior after the bone spur pierced into the organism.

There are many red light-emitting organs on its body under the cover of its tentacles, and the gaps between the tentacles of the alien beasts are scattered randomly. It looks like a lot of eyes, which makes people feel inexplicable horror. .

The lower body of the alien beast has no legs or feet, floating above the ground out of thin air, but the lower body is not flat, but seems to be slightly sunken. From time to time, some light yellow-green liquid flows down from the lower body and drips onto the ground. The pale slime melted into one body.

The Yizumairu that they had seen before, which was composed of many alien beast heads, looked much more natural, but it was far more frightening than Yizumai.

Next is the battle screen.

"This is..." Songnaga couldn't help taking a step forward.

"This alien beast, like Yizu Mairu, has more than one ability." Kirazeyu looked at the battle screen with unknown meaning.

In the picture, the alien beast suddenly disappeared and appeared in another place. This was not a simple speed, but a phase shift. The tongue in its mouthparts is extremely fast, and the moment it stretches out almost coincides with the speed of light. And those "eyes" all over its body can also emit several abilities.

Ice fog, flames, energy rays, and venom, these are just a few abilities that the alien beasts have, and it is not difficult to guess that it has more abilities.


After Mana and a few people from the night raid team were ready to go, they began to discuss how to find Servia's light.

"Servia appeared before when Ji Yajun transformed into a decisive battle with Mizulumu," Gumen had a bad guess, "Could the light of Servia and the light of Ultraman be together?"

"No," Zog denied his guess. "It's a flying machine."


"The flying machine, or rather, the sarcophagus." Zog said affirmatively, "Sylvia was seriously injured. If I'm not mistaken, all that is left is plasma, which is light energy. The sarcophagus should be used by Ultraman's fits to heal injuries. The light of Serbia should be there."

Mana nodded, affirming this.

She had been in contact with the sarcophagus at close range, and there was a wave of light from Serbia found in it.

"But how do we find the sarcophagus?" Captain Hecang said, hitting the nail on the head.

Zog and Mana were silent for a while, then turned to look at Golumu.

"You are also fit." Mana asked.

Mizulumu nodded, and said dumbly: "Yes, if I guessed correctly, I should be the second fit."

He was just bewitched by the darkness, and fell into the darkness before becoming the capable.

"Can you feel the ruins?" Zog didn't care about the bitterness in his tone, just wanted to know what she cares about.

Mizulumu calmed down: "I can try."

He closed his eyes, thinking about the dreams that had troubled him for a long time, bit by bit, trying to remember the feelings he had once felt.

Please, light, respond to him.

But the first thing he would think of was the face of Saijo.

The girl's expression in my memory is not as cold as it is now, and when I get along with him, she will unconsciously show some small expressions that can't be concealed, unexpectedly cute.

But now he needs to save his girl...

In a daze, the ruin reappeared in front of his eyes.

This ruin is more dilapidated and lonely than the last time I saw it. It seems that because of the loss of light, the ruins are much dilapidated, and the sculptures that were originally covered with green plants are directly broken.

In a daze, Mizulumu walked towards the ruins.

But the next second, he returned to reality and suddenly opened his eyes.

"How is it?" Zog was a little anxious.

Golumu settled down: "I saw the ruins."

Mana on the side took out the dark circle silently, and picked out a card: "Leave it to me."

She inserted the card into the dark circle.

A phantom of a snail appeared behind her, and with a long and long sound of the sea, the figures of several people disappeared in the base.

Kuronom is a powerful time monster that can return to a certain time point in the memory according to the memory of a certain intellectual life body, and willfully tamper with the timeline of the past and the future.

The picture in front of me faded and changed like a tide, and finally changed from re-coloring to another scene.

When everyone reacted, they had already appeared in a dense forest.

Gumen was almost attracted by something, and first noticed a corner of the ruins exposed above the canopy.

Needless to say, he knows instinctively that this is the dream world that those capable people have done.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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