Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 997: Final preparations for the World War

"This is..." The only captain who didn't know was looking at the world in astonishment, and he also noticed the ruins that the tree canopy couldn't hide.

"This is the place where the past fits have received light." It was Mizulumu's low-pitched voice that answered him.

Mizulumu looked at the familiar and unfamiliar ruins through the canopy with a complicated expression.

It was indeed here, the dream that had haunted him countless nights and the scene in front of him gradually overlapped. But unlike dreams, the strange calling feeling that used to be has disappeared, which means that the light inside is no longer there.


"Let's go." Zog first raised his foot and walked towards the ruins.

Mana collected the cards and followed behind her.

Gumen and Gou Lu Mu quickly recovered and followed in their footsteps. Captain Hecang was stunned for a moment, took a deep look at the ruins in the distance, and followed everyone else.

The dense forest is very big, the trees are very tall, there is no other vegetation on the ground, only the kind of trees with very big leaves and ten meters high.

Captain Wakura judged at a glance that this is not the earth. Why did they appear here in the blink of an eye?

Captain Hecang remembered the sound of the sea, and glanced at Mana, but didn't ask anything.

He is very smart and sticks to his duties, but he also knows that he still doesn't know some things.

This dense forest was originally a test for the fittest. Only the right people can pass through the dense forest and reach the ruins.

But after losing the light, the dense forest also lost its function. A few people easily passed through the dense forest and reached the ruins.

After they stepped into the ruins, Zog immediately felt the breath of Silvia, her pace quickened, one step faster than everyone else, and ran to the depths of the ruins.

Everyone was stunned and could only hurriedly keep up.

When they caught up with Zog, they saw the sarcophagus floating on the stone platform.

"That's it..." Gumen immediately recognized the sarcophagus.

It was this sarcophagus that he and Saijokae saw at the beginning.

Zog had already stepped forward and put his hand on the sarcophagus.

A silver light lit up from the place where she pressed the palm of her hand, and the carapace wrapped in the outer layer of the sarcophagus began to crack, and the cracks revealed silver light, and it seemed that something was about to break through the ground.

The light became more and more dazzling, and everyone had to raise their hands to resist, until the light faded, they lowered their arms.

The stone shell of the sarcophagus has fallen, exposing the red and white aircraft inside.

In front of the sarcophagus, an illusory figure glowing white stood opposite Zog, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Long time no see, Zog." Zhang Jie looked at Zog carefully, and quickly noticed her injury, "Is it injured?"

"Zhang Jie, you bastard!" Zog choked a little in his always cold voice, and his eye circles turned red. But unlike his facial expression, Zog slammed into Zhang Jie's phantom in a circle.

But that was plasma. Her fist went straight through Zhang Jie's phantom and hit the aircraft behind. The innocently smashed aircraft shook and almost fell directly.

The people who were still slightly moved: "..."

Zhang Jie: "..."

The gentleness and stability on Zhang Jie's face disappeared instantly, and he subconsciously raised his hand to apologize: "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

Everyone: "..."

Zog finally calmed down. She lifted her chin restrainedly, and didn't ask anything more: "We found your body."

"Huh?" Zhang Jie's expression brightened, "Really?"

Zog's expression slowed down: "Well, then, I will punch you well."

"...Okay." Zhang Jie's figure slowly dissipated, gradually dissipating into golden light particles, falling into Zog's hands, and gradually condensed into a silver short sword with golden patterns in her hands.

It is Servia's transforming device.

Zog held it tightly and was speechless for a while before turning around to look at the crowd: "Let's go back."

Servia's light has been found, and the next step is their battle.


With the sound of the sea, everyone returned to the corridor of the base.

Another hour has passed.

The new fighters had not been installed yet, but everyone in the night raid team was ordered to rest, replenish their spirits, and wait for the battle two hours later.

Zog sat on the bed, rubbing the transfiguration device belonging to Silvia in his hand, explaining Zhang Jie's current situation.

Mizulumu sat on the bed in his cell, quietly leaning against the wall to doze, and the transforming device on his hand was shining with golden light.

Gumen held the amulet given to him by Lizi, and the little chicken fell into a short sleep.

Captain Wakura went to see Shiori who was injured and unconscious, and sat in front of her hospital bed for a long time without saying a word.

Mana stood in the command room and carefully watched the battle scene of the alien beast with Kira Sawa, trying to find a way to fight against the alien beast.

"Ms. Mana, what kind of person is Mr. Hong?" Kira Zeyu did not go to see Mana, with a trace of tension in his eyes.

"My master," Mana said in a very affirmative tone, "I like humans very much. If there is hope for humans, he will not stand by."


Kira Sawayu thoughtfully, his eyes gradually emptied, as if he had seen something through the picture on the screen.


Bai Wu opened his eyes.

His pupils are no longer pure white as before, but a little gray with a sense of chaos. The sphere of light that encased him became a little darker, and the dark chains that sealed him grew more and more, and the power in it began to penetrate into the sphere of light, which was the reason for waking him.

He knows the reason for this.

The fellow Hong Tu digested another fragment of the world.

As he eats more and more world fragments, his strength has become stronger and stronger, and the time required to digest the world fragments is getting shorter and shorter.

From the beginning of nearly a month, it only takes a few hours to easily solve a small fragment.

As Hong Tu's strength increased, his darkness became more and more terrifying, and even the light he deliberately created became difficult to resist.

It sounds strange, isn't it? Obviously those Ultraman can exchange light at will, why is the light he actively merged is so messy? Unable to truly blend into a force, it seems that the darkness associated with Hongtu cannot be turned into light.

He couldn't help but sneered: "In this way, isn't that guy quite self-aware?"

It's just a little bit unwilling.

He already had a foreboding that Hong Tu would usher in its final transformation after this battle. At that time, everything would probably end?

Bai Wu suddenly couldn't remember why he thought of revenge on Hongtu in the first time.

Forgot... But what does it matter? They need a break between them.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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