Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 164 Flowers bring sweet dreams

Duanmu Ci didn't really want to take a holiday, but everyone had too high expectations of him, so he had to rest well.

Fortunately, this situation only lasted for about a week, and things took a turn for the better!

One day, a small yellow flower bloomed in the field.

At first, no one cared about what was so special about a flower.

Until the next day, the small yellow flowers bloomed all over the earth and appeared in the homes of almost everyone on the earth.

Perhaps the only one who didn't feel anything different was Duanmu Ci.

He was researching massage chairs in the house he rented.

Whether this massage chair can add the word "Otto" in front of its name depends on the efforts of the past few days.

The landlord brought him a few small yellow flowers, but he didn't care about them, so he just put them in a bottle he picked up from somewhere, and then continued to research the massage chair.

"If you want to relax completely, should you add hypnosis function?"

"When the electric shock is strong enough to a certain extent, you can get the most stable hypnosis."

Duanmu Ci has been researching for so many years, and he found that if you want to hypnotize stably, you have to rely on electric shocks in the end, using electric signals to block the body's electric signals and give the brain "instructions" to sleep.

But this is for humans or human bodies. If it is the state of Ultraman, a stronger and more precise electric current may be needed.

At this time, he smelled a fragrance similar to osmanthus, and turned to look at the small yellow flower that he had casually inserted in an unknown bottle.

"This flower is quite fragrant. I will take it to the Victory Team later."

"It's a pity that Da Gu has pollinosis and can't feel the fragrance of the flower well."

Then Duanmu Ci continued his immersive research.

However, there was no need for him to take this flower to the Victory Team, as the Victory Team already had this small yellow flower.

They are not Ultraman, and they have no resistance to this kind of pollen with hallucinogenic effects.

The Victory Team has become a mess, and each team member is "performing a big show" in their own room.

As Tiga, Da Gu was not affected at all, so he felt even more desperate.

When the whole world is not awake, the awake person is the most painful one.

So Da Gu decisively thought of Duanmu Ci, took out PDI and contacted Duanmu Ci.

"Duanmu, what are you doing?"

Duanmu Ci, with a messy head, said in a half-awake state: "I'm doing research. I haven't slept for several days, so I look more energetic."

"Why did you suddenly come to me? We can talk about training later."

"Or did a monster attack the city?"

Da Gu shook his head: "It's not these things, but you haven't slept for several days. Is it really okay?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "I'm fine. Back in the Kingdom of Light, it was normal to not rest for several years. Don't worry about me. Let's talk about the situation over there."

Da Gu picked up a small yellow flower: "Duanmu, have you seen this kind of flower?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "I still have a few branches here, what's wrong?"

Da Gu: "I really can't explain it to you clearly for a while, Doraemon, send the video to Duanmu."

"Got it!" Doraemon raised his small ball-like hand and waved twice, and then several projections appeared on Duanmu Ci's PDI.

Seeing the crazy look of the people inside, Duanmu Ci's expression became very surprised.

"What are they doing? Are they confused by this flower?"

Da Gu nodded: "This flower seems to have a strong hallucinogenic effect. After everyone inhales the pollen, it seems like, well, it's very serious anyway. I don't know if it will affect the brain in the future."

Duanmu Ci didn't care: "Anyway, I'm here, and everyone doesn't have many opportunities to use their brains, but this matter really needs to be studied carefully."

After turning off PDI, Duanmu Ci picked up the small yellow flower that he had casually inserted into the bottle, and then took a deep breath at the flower.

A bit wretched.

However, except that the whole person looked a bit wretched, there was no other effect.

"No matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary flower."

"But, such a dangerous thing is hidden under the beautiful appearance."

Just at this moment, a little girl in blue clothes walked in from the unlocked door.

"Why? Why don't you go into the beautiful dream together?"

Duanmu Ci was speechless: "If you weren't a cute little girl, I would have kicked you out immediately."

"Do you just walk into someone else's house when you see the door open?"

The little girl smiled slightly: "My name is Dina."

Looking at the small yellow flower in the girl's hair, Duanmu Ci asked: "What's the flower on your head?"

Dina said: "It's the Qijiela flower, which can make people face death happily."

"Should this kind of thing be regulated?" Duanmu Ci said: "It's too toxic, it's very dangerous."

Dina was puzzled: "But since we are all going to perish, isn't a happy death better than a death full of fear?"

"Why don't you go into the dream together?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "I also want to try to enter the dream, but you see."

As he said that, Duanmu Ci raised the Qijiela flower and took a deep breath, making a sound like that.

"Look, I don't feel like I'm dreaming at all."

"Is it because I haven't slept for a few days and nights, which makes me so energetic that I can't sleep?"

Dina tilted her head: "Strange, could it be that you are rejecting dreams, so you can't enter?"

Duanmu Ci said confidently: "I once studied Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly, how could I reject dreams?"

"It must be that the Qijiela flower is not powerful enough to satisfy my dreaming needs. Can you take me to find the base camp of this Qijiela flower? Maybe I can dream there?"

The dagger is revealed.

But the little girl obviously didn't understand this. Looking at the way Duanmu Ci sucked the Qijiela flower crazily just now, it really looked like he wanted to dream.


"Only my father knows that place."

Duanmu Ci nodded: "I see, let's not talk about this for now. Can you tell me what it means to perish in happiness?"

"Which cerebral palsy Mayan prophet said that mankind is going to perish?"

Dina shook her head and looked at Duanmu Ci with innocent eyes.

"I don't know who it is, but the appearance of Qijiela symbolizes the extinction of mankind. This is what my father said."

"It is to let everyone perish in a happy dream, without a painful end."

"Everyone was like this 30 million years ago."

Duanmu Ci nodded.

"So, you have lived for 30 million years?"

This cute little girl in front of him actually lived for 30 million years? Or, her father lived for 30 million years?


Duanmu Ci: "I also went there 30 million years ago and took some things. Now they are on display in the museum. The civilization at that time was quite developed. So is it because of Qijiela that everyone fell and perished?"

"Flowers bring dreams? I'm afraid nightmares will come later."

Thank you for the reward support from Ultraman Ip Man, thank you for your support from JO-level Ao Knight, thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you everyone.

Speaking of which, the prototype of Qijiela flower is also in Cthulhu mythology.


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