Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 165 Responsibility

Duanmuci took the little girl Dina to the victory team command center.

At this time, everyone at TPC was already showing off.

The TPC staff who were supposed to prevent Duanmu Ci from returning to the team were all badly behaved, and Duanmu Ci returned to the victory team's command center without any difficulty.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the captain Megumi Nakama opening her hands and "flying" out like wings, shouting "Fly" as she ran.

After avoiding the rampaging Jian Hui, Duanmuci came in and saw a helpless Dagu.

Dagu looked at the little girl Dina next to Duanmuci: "Did you bring your sister?"

Duanmuci gently pushed Dina in front of him and said to Dagu: "This is not my sister, this is the little girl Dina who has lived for 30 million years. Come on, call your ancestors and come and listen."

Dagu: “???”

"Why don't you scream?"

Duanmuci spread his hands: "I don't have any super ancient genes."

Dagu: →_→

"Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore."

"Does this little girl know about this little yellow flower?"

Dina corrected her face calmly: "It's a Qijela flower, not a small yellow flower."

Duanmuci: "Qijela, little yellow flower, it doesn't matter what you call her. Anyway, we all know what we are discussing."

"What's weird is that no matter how hard I suck, I can't enter the dreamland."

Dagu was surprised: "Why do you want to enter the dreamland?"

Duanmuci said matter-of-factly: "To experience the same thing as everyone else."

"People who have never lost weight think it is easy to lose weight, and people who have never quit smoking think it is easy to quit smoking. In fact, it is not easy. Leading by example is the most effective!"

Hearing this, Dagu stood in awe: "So you decided to sacrifice yourself to save everyone!"

Duanmuci scratched his head and smiled sheepishly: "Actually, I also want to experience what it feels like to have a dream that transcends reality."

"But no matter how much I smoke this pollen, it doesn't work."

While talking, Duanmu Ci took off the Qijela flower from Dina's hair and sucked it wildly.

"Look, it has no effect at all."

Dagu: "..."

This image is so obscene that even Dagu can't stand it anymore.

After Duanmuci finished sucking it, he wanted to return the Qijela flower to the little girl Dina, but Dina decisively refused and said to Duanmuci expressionlessly.

"This flower is not clean anymore."

Duanmu Ci: "What are you talking about? When a handsome guy like me sucks its pollen, it gives it a buff. The flowers that a beautiful woman has smelled look more fragrant, don't they?"

Dagu: ヽ(_;)ノ

"Duanmu, calm down. How can you compare with a beautiful woman? Both genders are different."

"And isn't the issue of pollen hallucinations more important now?"

Duanmuci nodded and was about to speak when he suddenly felt the body of the little girl Dina in front of him soften. Fortunately, he had quick eyesight and quick hands to support Dina, which prevented her from falling to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Dagu asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

Duanmuci spread his hands: "Wait until I open the Ultra Eye and take a look."

As he spoke, Duanmuci moved Dina to a chair aside to lean on. Just as he was about to open Ultra Eyes, he suddenly heard unclear footsteps coming from the door.

Turning around, he saw an older man wearing blue clothes.

"Are you Dina's father?"

The uncle in blue nodded: "My name is Luke."

Duanmuci's eyes widened: "Luke Skywalker! How did you become like this? Where is your lightsaber?"

Dagu: "..."

Dagu had become accustomed to Duanmuci's daily convulsions.

Luke and Duanmuci's teasing didn't matter, they took out a tube of liquid and approached the unconscious Dina.

"This child has come to Earth for a rare time. He is so happy that he is a little too active."

While talking, he opened the back of the little girl Dina's head, and it turned out that there was a mechanical structure inside.

After replacing the original liquid with this tube of liquid, the little girl Dina began to slowly regain consciousness.

Duanmuci nodded: "It seems that there is no need for the Ultra Eye now. Is this liquid extracted from the Qijela flower?"

Luke nodded: "The two main functions of Qijela flowers are to give people happy dreams, and the other is to keep brain cells active forever."

This is also immortality in a sense.

Duanmu Ci just shook his head and rejected this choice.

"I'm just a young man who has lived for twenty-five thousand years. Maybe my experience is not as long as yours, but if I have to rely on this kind of thing to survive for so long, I would rather not!"

"This is not life, this is just a meaningless existence in this world!"

Lu Ke looked at Duanmu Ci and suddenly said, "Don't you want to try the dream?"

"I have a tube of ultra-concentrated Zijla extract here. As long as I inject it into your body, even if you are a giant of light, you will have a sweet dream, but you will experience more pain afterwards. Are you willing to try it?"

Upon hearing this, Da Gu immediately caught Duanmu Ci to prevent him from doing something stupid.

Duanmu Ci shook his head at Da Gu and said, "If you really let me experience this sweet dream, come on!"

Duanmu Ci found a disposable syringe and injected the pollen extract into his body.

In an instant, a different kind of pleasure filled Duanmuci's entire brain.

He fell into a dream.

A dream just like everyone else, even better than everyone’s dreams.

Da Gu, who was standing by, watched Duanmu Ci sitting on a chair with a smile on his face, and looked at Lu Ke warily.

"What is your purpose?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "Since we are destined to perish, why not perish in happiness? Humans have no resistance to the terrible things that appeared at the end."

"He chose happiness, and I think he made the right choice, because even Ultraman can't resist the monsters that appeared in the abyss-like darkness."


At this moment, Duanmu Ci's body suddenly tensed up, and the whole person walked out of the beautiful dream.

"Ultraman is not a god, so the monsters you think cannot be solved cannot be demons!"

"Everything in the universe is within science!"

"And I, as the chief scientist of the Earth, and even the Kingdom of Light, have an unshirkable responsibility to expel such invaders!"

Duanmu Ci's eyes were red, and you can imagine how difficult it is to resist such a beautiful dream, but he still tensed his whole body to keep himself awake!

But he still felt weak in the end, and he was a little unsteady. Fortunately, Dagu acted quickly, helped him up, and asked: "Are you okay?"

Duanmu Ci nodded, and the feeling of happiness and joy still lingered in his mind.

"The dream created by Qi Jie La Hua is indeed very happy."

"But happiness should not be the pursuit of men. We have more important and greater things to do!"

If it weren't for Duanmu Ci's expression of heartache and suffocation, Dagu would have really believed his lies.

However, as the first person who could wake up from a beautiful dream, Dagu still admired Duanmu Ci.

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