Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 191 Farewell is also the beginning

The war with the monsters came to an end.

Because of Gatanjea's death, many people who were eyeing the universe have disappeared.

A large number of cosmic civilizations decided to form an alliance with the Earth.

After dealing with Gatanjea, Duanmu Ci stayed on Earth for several months.

Somehow, Xincheng and Lucia became lovers. After the new Magus power system was successfully developed and humans had the ability to travel between stars, the two began their space exploration journey.

Horii also left the Victory Team and went to another important department of TPC to conduct research on the cosmic network plan and strive to realize the cosmic network in the future.

Da Gu, Lina and Camilla went to Mars together to plant flowers and trees on Mars, hoping to build Mars into a second Earth.

Iruma Kei was promoted to a staff officer, and Munakata became the chief training instructor.

Nori eloped with Mayumi.

Well, it wasn't an elopement. Mayumi followed Nori and the others to work at the research institute at the Jupiter base.

Humans are exploring the universe.

TPC also timely launched a new plan that can run through the entire human development process - "New Field Plan".

Until the end, only Duanmu Ci was left in the Victory Team.

He finally couldn't bear to do nothing here and just collect salary. . .

So, after saying goodbye to Director Zejing, Duanmu Ci forcibly dragged all the members of the Victory Team to a video conference, holding the manuscript and reading a farewell speech of more than 100,000 words. After reading everyone to sleep, Duanmu Ci opened his Paraji Shield and left this world.

The light kept shuttling through the multiverse.

Just when he came to a universe and was about to walk around, he saw a planet being ravaged by countless monsters.

These monsters looked very tall, taller than Univos, and it looked like it was about 70 or 80 meters tall.

Without any hesitation, Univos glided down from the sky, rushed into the monster group and fought with these monsters with sickle-like hands.

It's a pity that Univos is not an Ultra Brother. He has combat experience, but limited experience of being beaten up by a group, and even more limited experience of the universe war.

Deep in the battlefield, he quickly lost his way. He felt that there were identical monsters all around him, and everyone was desperately destroying. The Specium ray hit a monster in the previous second, and the monster disappeared into the group of monsters in the next second.

The monsters injured by him retreated to the back row consciously, and those monsters that were not hit by him surged up again, causing Univos to face monsters in good condition all the time.

If you want to destroy them at once, you must use Cascading Flash, but Cascading Flash needs charging time, and there is no chance to charge here.

In the end, he can only pick up the Eight-Point Light Wheel and be a Berserker.

This battle lasted for ten days and ten nights.

Because this is not the earth, there is no time limit, but Univos still used a large number of color timers to replace in order to maintain high-intensity combat.

However, energy is infinite, but physical strength is limited. After ten days and ten nights, Univos' physical strength has been completely drained. All his movements rely on energy, and he controls his hands and feet with Ultramania.

But mental strength is also limited.

Univos feels that he has been exhausted to the extreme.

At this time, if he just lies down, he will lose consciousness in an instant.

But these monsters are like infinite.

At the beginning, there were only those relatively strong monsters with sickle-like hands and small beams of light on their heads.

Later, a lot of monsters with the same effect as Zoga came, overwhelming!

They can also gather and merge together to become a monster with eyes in some strange places on the body, and those eyes are organs that emit light!

Once it is emitted, it is an overwhelming beam of light, and I don’t know how to hide.

He can only rely on his super-strong body to resist, and he is reluctant to use the circular barrier.

Because the circular barrier consumes too much energy, it is a waste to use it too much, so he can only bear as much as his body can bear.

Until the end, Univos couldn't remember how many monsters he had killed.

Under the perception of Ultra's telekinesis, after the last person on this planet died, Univos' body, which had already reached its limit, finally couldn't hold on any longer. He lay back and turned into light particles and dissipated.

He failed to save this civilization.

Just as he lay down completely, the darkness tried to attack his human body.

But at this moment, a powerful energy wave surged out, wrapping up Duanmu Ci completely. All the monsters floating in the sky turned into ashes in an instant, and those huge monsters were no exception.

Then, Lucifer walked out of the dark space and picked up Duanmu Ci in a princess hug.

. . .

When Duanmu Ci woke up, he felt a little dizzy and his head was throbbing. This was the negative effect of excessive use of Ultra's telekinesis. At the same time, his body was very tired and he couldn't muster any strength.

However, it seemed that the place where he was lying was quite soft. Looking carefully, it turned out that he was sleeping on the bed. The surrounding layout was obviously a hotel room.

"When did I come to the hotel?"

I pulled back the quilt and found that I was only wearing a pair of underwear.


"Who sent me here?"

Turning around, I saw a stack of money on the cabinet next to the bed.


"What happened! Can someone tell me what happened!"

"What happened to me!"

At this moment, Duanmu Ci suddenly realized that something seemed to be hitting his buttocks, and he pulled it out.

It turned out to be a pair of red lace panties.

Red lace panties? ? ?

And, he couldn't pull them all out for a while.

When he took them all out, he found that the size of the panties was too much.

At least it was XXXXXXXXXXXXL!

At this moment, even though Duanmu Ci had the strongest brain, his CPU was still burned out.

What the hell? What is this?

What kind of world is this!

Is this how you treat scientists?

Don't you have any respect for scientists?

Strongly supporting his body, Duanmu Ci took out the Ultra Massage Chair and lay on it.

Half an hour later.

Duanmu Ci, who woke up in high spirits, looked at the Ultra Massage Chair with a complicated expression.

"This Ultra Massage Chair seems to be able to be improved."

"Forget it, let's talk about it later. I don't usually use this thing."

After taking the Ultra Massage Chair back, Duanmu Ci took a look at the super huge lace panties.

Then he took a look at the money on the table.

There was a long silence.

"This money seems to be different from the one given by the Victory Team."

No matter how terrible he had experienced.

The money is innocent.

In the end, Duanmu Ci still accepted the stack of money, and then turned into light and disappeared quickly.

. . .

Three years later, Duanmu Ci was already a professor of quantum mechanics at Chengnan University.

With his skills, it would be easy for him to rewrite some information.

And the strength of Chengnan University in this world is still quite strong. There have been many genius scientists in the university alone.

There is currently a genius scientist in their university.

The name is Gao Shan Wo Meng, and he is a member of an organization called Alchemy Star.

This Alchemy Star is quite powerful as far as Duanmu Ci knows. Each member in it is a genius rarely seen in a century in various fields.

But with so many geniuses that are rare in a century appearing all at once, does this "rare in a century" still count?

Duanmu Ci obviously wouldn't consider this question.

Today, as soon as he walked out of the laboratory, he was stopped by a man in a brown suit, who looked very capable and had a rather imposing temperament.

"Hello, Dr. Duanmu, I've been waiting for you outside for a long time. It's our first meeting. My name is Shishi Zhangxiong, and this is my business card."

Duanmu Ci took the business card from the man named Shishi Zhangxiong.

"Are you a commander of GUARD?"

GUARD, similar to TPC, is a global organization and an official organization, which is very different from a civilian organization like Alchemy Star.

Duanmu Ci was surprised: "I don't know what GUARD wants to talk to me about. I haven't broken the law, right?"

Good guy, could it be that the GUARD in this world is so powerful that he found out that our identities and everything are fake?

Shishi Zhangxiong smiled and said, "No, no, the anti-gravity system that you helped build last time at Chengnan University was very helpful to our GUARD. I came here specially to thank you."

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "Then you shouldn't look for me. That is the work of my student, Gao Shanwomu. Although I helped a little in the process, it was mainly completed by him."

"And that's it."

Shishi Zhangxiong suddenly asked: "I wonder if Dr. Duanmu is interested in working for our GUARD?"

The truth was revealed.

Shishi Zhangxiong didn't come here to thank or anything. His main purpose was to recruit Duanmu Ci, a top scientist.

In just a few years, Duanmu Ci appeared in various cutting-edge technology exchanges, and every time he gave a great shock to the geniuses in the world.

Many scientists in GUARD can be said to be his little fans.

But because he is a professor at Chengnan University and the school pays him a high salary, others have no confidence to poach people from Chengnan University.

But their name has been spread, and the top management of GUARD has already heard of his legend.

That’s why Shishi Zhangxiong came to recruit people this time.

Originally, Duanmu Ci wanted to refuse, because Chengnan University offered too much.

But he changed his mind and thought that the main reason why he stayed here for three years was to deal with the root destruction body predicted by the geniuses of Alchemy Star. It seemed that joining this official organization would be more convenient.

He estimated that this root destruction body was the enemy he had fought bloody battles on that planet. The scale was too large and exaggerated. It was basically the level of a cosmic war. He could not deal with it alone.

But if he joined the official organization and relied on the power of all mankind, he might still have a chance in this war.


“But you also know that I still have many proud students here. I have to...”

Shishi Zhangxiong: “I’ll give you double the salary!”

Duanmu Ci was very decisive: “Deal!”

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