Duanmu Ci, the spiritual pillar of Chengnan University, joined the official organization GUARD, but Chengnan University did not fall because of this.

After communicating with GUARD for a long time, they finally left Duanmu Ci's name and let Duanmu Ci still hang his name on it.

Duanmu Ci had no opinion on this, and also handed some books to a bunch of his disciples.

That is Gaoshan Womeng and others.

"Science is limitless."

When leaving, Duanmu Ci patted Gaoshan Womeng on the shoulder: "Only by facing yourself can you see the other side of the world."

After that, Duanmu Ci completely joined GUARD. At first, he thought he was going to some scientific research department, wearing a white coat, and then starting to work.

Who knew that after he arrived at the agreed location, a plane came soon and took him directly to the sky. . .

When he entered the air base, he realized that he was not joining an ordinary GUARD, but a secret force, hidden behind GUARD, unknown to the public, a special operations force to deal with the root of destruction.

Its name is "XIG".

The one who greeted Duanmu Ci was not Ishimuro Zhangxiong, but the real person in charge of XIG, the big brother Chiba Tatsumi, Chiba Staff Officer.

"Welcome Dr. Duanmu to join our XIG, and please give us your guidance in the future."

Duanmu Ci scratched his head, and felt that this Chiba Staff Officer looked a little familiar.

He asked tentatively: "Future godfather?"

Chiba Staff Officer: "???"

Duanmu Ci: "Oh, that's fine."

It's not strange to have a few people who look alike in the multiverse. (Staff Officer Chiba and Captain Saka are the same actor.)

"By the way, Staff Officer Chiba, I see that you look unwell. Is it because your sleep quality is not very good?"

Hearing this, Staff Officer Chiba sighed and said, "I have a heavy responsibility and it is difficult to sleep."

Duanmu Ci: "This has to be about my invention."

Staff Officer Chiba: "Insomnia treatment device?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "Insomnia treatment devices have long been banned because they are too easy to be used for crimes, but I have a new thing here, called an automatic weight loss device."

"After using it, you don't even need to move, your body will start to move on its own, and finally achieve the weight loss effect. At the same time, there is a lot of exercise, so you can sleep well after exercise!"

Staff Officer Chiba's eyes lit up: "This thing sounds good!"

Duanmu Ci smiled: "More than good, it's excellent. No one has experienced this thing since it was developed!"

Staff Officer Chiba also smiled and said: "Then wouldn't I be the first person to enjoy it?"

Obviously, Staff Officer Chiba has not really experienced the horror of Duanmu Ci.

Afterwards, Duanmu Ci changed into the uniform of XIG under the guidance of the staff.

Because he is a scientist, his uniform is somewhat different from others. In addition to the uniform, he also wears a white coat for show.

Afterwards, Duanmu Ci visited the various teams of XIG under the guidance of the staff.

That's right, the captain of XIG is Seiichiro Tsutsumi, and there are many teams under him, and each team has its own captain.

The three members of the Lightning Team, who are extremely talented and are the ace pilots, and the captain, Katsumi Kajio, is an absolute genius and a person born for the sky. However, because of his young age, he is inevitably frivolous and does not listen to others' advice.

There is also the Falcon Team, which is mature and prudent and specializes in dangerous work. The captain of the Falcon Team, Tatsuhiko Yoneda, is a veteran pilot who listens to opinions and has a considerable sense of responsibility.

However, Duanmu Ci's most profound impression of the Falcon Team is the team member Tsukamori Toru. Isn't this the commander of Kazuya Serizawa, the idol of Ryu Aihara when he was in GUYS?

The two of them were exactly alike, and even Duanmu Ci, who was "mature and steady", almost lost control of his performance.

In addition to the conventional combat forces, the Lightning Team and the Falcons Team, XIG also has a female fighter flight team, the Raven Team.

This team gave Duanmu Ci the greatest stimulation.

When shaking hands with the captain of the Raven Team, Duanmu Ci's mind suddenly twitched, and some scenes kept rotating in front of his eyes. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, so he maintained his politeness and did not hold other people's hands.

But before he could calm down, he turned around and saw Tadano Hui, who looked exactly like Mayumi Shinjo.

At that moment, Duanmu Ci's brain was directly overloaded.

What is this for?

Why are there so many "acquaintances" in these teams?

It was not so exciting in the Victory Team before!

After visiting all the flying units, Duanmu Ci visited the ground unit Hercules Team and the ocean unit Swordfish Team, and finally visited the search and rescue unit Seagull Team.

After a tour, Duanmu Ci entered the command center and found the commander of the stone chamber.

"I looked around, the special forces here have been arranged very well, and it seems that there is nothing for me..."

Before he finished speaking, Duanmu Ci found work.

"Fuck? How can your computer system protection be so weak?"

Duanmu Ci just habitually broke into the GUARD's defense system, and all kinds of information appeared in front of him.

Now, as long as Duanmu Ci wants, he can even control this air base to make a 720-degree turn.

Stone Chamber Commander: "???"

He looked at Duanmu Ci's eyes, which seemed to have discovered a new world, and couldn't help asking: "What did you discover?"

Duanmu Ci: "I discovered a new world that has not yet been opened up. Your computer system is like someone else's backyard when you meet a top expert."

"The team is so perfectly arranged, like strong bones, but your security system is like a honeycomb, which is like this strong man's extremely low immunity. If anything happens, he will catch a serious cold."

"For example."

Duanmu Ci operated it casually, and the alarm in the command center became a music player. The lights flashed, and the entire command center seemed to have turned into a disco. . .

Duanmu Ci saw that everyone was still twisting to the music unconsciously, and he coughed lightly and returned to normal.

"That's about it."

Stone Chamber Commander: "..."

Just now he almost couldn't control the urge to twist to the music.

Luckily, his face was dark, and no expression could be seen.

"So our system protection here..."

Duanmu Ci: "Leave it to me, it can be solved in two days."

It was said to be two days, but in fact Duanmu Ci completed the work in two hours.

The principle is very simple, just let the artificial intelligence Doraemon help to repair it.

Doraemon was the artificial intelligence in the Victory Team. Duanmu Ci installed it in his tablet computer, and he can use it wherever he wants, highlighting the convenience.

However, in order to prevent others from seeing that he is slacking off, Duanmu Ci still sits in front of the host all day and plays games on the tablet computer. When others come over, the game screen becomes a very professional interface with a bunch of codes.

In terms of slacking off, it highlights a professionalism!

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