The defeat in the battle made Meng understand a truth.

Ultraman is not invincible.

Sometimes a simple truth can only be truly understood after experiencing some pain.

So after Meng came back, he gave up continuing to "help pilots train", and instead built a VR training device for himself based on the training VR developed by Duanmu Ci.

He will fight various monsters in the VR world to improve his combat instincts.

As for Duanmu Ci, he is now on the ground, at the KCB headquarters.

Kenji Tabata is entertaining him.

"So, Reiko, you mean you were followed by a wretched man, right?"

The reason he came here was because of the incident in which Reiko was followed by a mysterious man.

Because they knew Duanmu Ci and knew that Duanmu Ci was a staff member of XIG, they thought about whether they could ask him for help.

"It's not quite right to call him a wretched man."

Reiko said: "Generally speaking, I didn't see him, but his voice was quite nice."

Duanmu Ci: →_→

"Okay, no need to say, now I know who the wretched one is."

"Did you ask me to come here to help find this person?"

Yoshii Reiko nodded: "He told me to see Ultraman's figure clearly or something, I don't remember it very clearly, but he may know something about Ultraman."

"I think since this matter involves Ultraman, it would be more appropriate to notify you professionals."

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Yes, you have a good eye!"

The title of "professional" made Duanmu Ci feel a little happy.

"Well, leave this matter to me. You know, I am a professional, and it is understandable that I have some professional equipment, right!"

After speaking, Duanmu Ci took out a small mechanical dog from his bag.

"This thing is my little invention. It has a dog-like sense of smell and can distinguish a large number of different smells."

As he spoke, Duanmu Ci turned on the mechanical dog.

Then connected his tablet.

Looking at the message on the screen.

"Tanato-san, did you forget to wash your face this morning?"

Tanato: "!!!"

"You can smell this?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "It's nothing. The principle of this mechanical dog is..."

"Forget it, none of this is important. The important thing is to analyze who was yesterday from the smell."

The principle of the mechanical dog is "synesthesia".

For example, we can hear the sound of the wind, but we can't see the wind.

Synesthesia allows you to see the wind.

This feeling often appears in literary works, but Duanmu Ci turned it into a real thing.

It will be more convenient to analyze by turning the sense of smell into vision.

For example, Duanmu Ci saw someone farting in front of him, so he silently made a big circle and avoided the center of the disaster.

Tanato and Reiko didn't understand, and they still walked in a straight line, and then they were "attacked", and the expressions on their faces were a little subtle.

Tabata: "Lunwen, did you fart?"

Inoue Lunwen, a cameraman who was chatting with his colleagues with his butt raised, said innocently: "Tanato-san, even if you want to find someone to take the blame, you can't find me, I'm so innocent."

Duanmu Ci: "Not innocent at all, the machine shows that he did it."

Tanato nodded: "Look, the machine said it was you!"

Lunwen's face was bitter, and he felt a little numb when he looked at the eyes of his colleagues around him: "Do we have to build a special machine to catch farters now?"

That colleague also reacted.

"Good guy, Lunwen, you came to me to fart and pollute my air, right!"

Duanmu Ci quickly left the scene of the argument with Tabata and the others.

Now Tabata and Reiko are really convinced by Duanmu Ci's invention.

Tanato said: "Your invention should be very expensive, right?"

Duanmu Ci said: "I study it when I'm bored. I don't have any other hobbies except watching anime and playing games occasionally."

But in fact, he doesn't even watch anime or play games recently.

He found that the anime in this world had been in other worlds before, and many of the styles were too old.

The same goes for games. It seems that the game industry in this world has not developed much.

Duanmu Ci, who was spoiled by the high-quality games in Kallen, can't play these games at all now.

So his only hobby is to invent various things.

And because there is no scientific research environment like the Kingdom of Light, Duanmu Ci can't study anything about the origin of the universe, so he can only make some small gadgets to play with.


Following Yoshii Reiko to the place where she was "talked to" yesterday, Duanmu Ci looked at the glowing picture on the screen and fell into deep thought.

Tian Duan looked at Duan Mu Ci's expression and asked, "Did you see something extraordinary?"

Duan Mu Ci nodded and shook his head, "But I know who is talking to Ling Zi."

"It is indeed a wretched man!"

Tana Duan's eyes widened, "Can you tell whether a man is wretched from his smell?"

"Do you think I am wretched?"

Duan Mu Ci: →_→

"Are you interested in this kind of thing?"

After leaving KCB, Duan Mu Ci quickly found a place where the smell stayed the longest according to the time it stayed.

. . .

Fujimiya Hiroya felt that something must have gone wrong with him. He had been feeling a bit unlucky recently.

He wanted to make a cool debut for the first time, kill the monster in one move, and tell the world that there was such a powerful Ultraman as him.

But he failed to show off, and even beat up Univos, who was also an Ultraman.

And then, this Univos seemed really strong.

He was hit by his own photon crusher with full force, but he was only a little uncomfortable, and didn't seem to be seriously injured.

Apart from anything else, this defense was stronger than his most proud physical defense.

"The light of the universe, Univos."

Damn, what is the purpose of being so high-profile!

Fujimiya Hiroya has always thought that he is special, so he has a kind of self-confidence that is beyond the world.

But now he knows that there is such a person who represents the universe.

No matter how you look at it, it is more powerful than representing the earth.

All his pride was rubbed to the ground at once.

Moreover, the will of the universe has appeared on the earth, what is it for?

Correct the wrong ideas of the earth? Destroy stupid humans?

Although Fujimiya Hiroya also believed that humans must perish, only in this way can the earth be saved.

But he still felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that others wanted to destroy humans.

In fact, if it weren't for Chrisis's prophecy, he would never want to destroy humans.

Protecting the earth and protecting humans have now become a matter of having one's cake and eating it too.

At this moment, Fujimiya heard the door open.

He frowned and looked at the door, and Duanmu Ci appeared in front of him.

"Hey, Fujimiya Hiroya."

Fujimiya Hiroya looked at Duanmu Ci and had a bad feeling.

"Dr. Duanmu?"

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