Duanmuci's name is also quite famous in the entire scientific community.

He is much more famous than Fujimiya Hiroshi, and in terms of reputation, he can also compete with Alchemy Star alone.

So Hiroshi Fujimiya recognized him at a glance.

"I wonder why Dr. Duanmu came to my laboratory?"

Duanmu Ci looked at the pile of exercise equipment.

"You are a scientist and you pay great attention to physical exercise."

Hiroshi Fujimiya was about to speak when Duanmuci interrupted him and said, "I heard from KCB reporter Miss Yoshii Reiko that a wretched man was hiding in a corner talking to her yesterday, and then the wretched man disappeared. Couldn’t find it at all.”

"Then I used my new invention to find the smell of the obscene man, and followed him all the way here."

Hiroshi Fujimiya decisively denied: "You have found the wrong person."

Are you kidding, don’t we want to lose face?

He's a filthy man when he opens his mouth, a filthy man?

I'm a scientist!

No matter how you look at it, you look dignified. From what angle can you tell that you are vulgar?

Duanmu Ci glanced at the screen: "I should be right. After all, it is high technology that I personally researched. You are also a scientist. You should know that each of us scientists has absolute trust in our own research."

"I believe in my research, just like you believe in Chrysis!"

"So, there is only one truth, Hiroyuki Fujimiya. I really didn't expect that you turned into a voyeur after leaving Alchemy Star!"

Hiroshi Fujimiya retorted: "I'm not, I didn't! I just wanted to show her something!"

Duanmu Ci's eyes widened: "You still want to show her something!? Have you become this obscene after you left your scientific research position!?"

Seeing Duanmuci like this, Hiroshi Fujimiya felt that the more he explained, the more problems he had.

no solution anymore.

Fujimiya Hiroshi also wiped the sweat from his body.

Step forward.

Take action suddenly!

puff! ! !

Hiroshi Fujimiya covered his hand and looked at Duanmu Ci, silently.

Duanmu Ci: "Who dares to go out without wearing a bulletproof vest?"

As he spoke, Duanmu Ci took off his T-shirt, revealing a bulletproof vest with a flap inside.

No wonder this guy looks a little bloated.

It turned out that he was wearing a bulletproof vest underneath his clothes.

"Are you sick? Who would wear something like this!?"

Duanmu Ci: "Isn't this just to prevent misguided people like you from suddenly taking action when you are doing justice?"

"Did Chrysis predict that the earth would perish, so you decided to let yourself go?"

"Or are the rumors true, and Chrysis predicted that the earth can survive as long as there are no humans?"

Hiroshi Fujimiya looked unhappy: "Where did these rumors come from?"

He hadn't told many people about this.

The only person he told was Dr. Inamori.

But Dr. Inamori is probably not the kind of person to talk too much.

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Things like this are not important. All stupid humans deserve to be like this. Those are all the second lines of ancient anime. Do you believe this kind of thing? I suddenly have doubts about whether Crisis can resist the root cause." Suspicion arises in the body of sexual death.”

Hiroshi Fujimiya had also doubted Crisis, but he had nothing more to believe.

Because he invented Chrysis himself and participated in the whole process, he knows better how accurate and scientific Chrysis is!

Just like Duanmuci said just now, they are scientists and they have absolute trust in their research.

Duanmu Ci: "It's a pity. I was invited to take a look at Krisis some time ago, and then I found traces of someone tampering with it."

"Then I changed that part, and guess what!"

Hiroshi Fujimiya was shocked: "Has anyone touched my Krisis?"

"who is it?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "I don't know who it is, or someone named Klaus Eckart, nor do I know that Klaus has long since surrendered to the source of death and been raped. "

Hiroshi Fujimiya: "..."

This was too much information, and Hiroshi Fujimiya couldn't react for a while.

Or maybe he didn't want to react.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of my depression and pain during this period?

"I do not believe!"

Duanmu Ci: "So, you are determined to let yourself go because you predicted that mankind will be destroyed, right?"

"I never imagined that you, a good scientist and an alchemy star with a promising future, could actually turn into a traditional creature of our country like a lunatic."

Hiroshi Fujimiya exploded: "I told you I'm not an idiot!"

He was about to take action again, and when he reacted, the scene in front of him had turned into the ceiling.

Duanmu Ci: "Hai, you are not the only scientist who trains muscles. Don't forget, I am a sixth-degree black belt in karate."

Hiroshi Fujimiya: "..."

He didn't forget it, he simply didn't know about it!

Damn it, what kind of karate do you, a scientist, do? Still have a sixth-degree black belt?

The sixth-degree black belt does not mean that Duanmu Ci is only at the sixth-dan level, but that these fixed degrees have something to do with age. Duanmuci has skipped many age restrictions due to his strong strength, but he was only placed in the sixth degree. Not even seventh dan.

If it's eighth-dan, it has nothing to do with him. At least he has to make a great contribution to karate before he can be promoted to eighth-dan.

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Okay, today I'll give you a chance to see the problem of Chrisis with your own eyes, and tomorrow I'll send you to apologize to Miss Lingzi."

Fujimiya Hiroya: "..."

What else can he say?

If he doesn't transform into Ultraman, he will definitely not be able to beat the man in front of him.

It's not in line with his principles to transform into Ultraman for such a thing.

Forget it, just explain the matter when the time comes.

However, he really didn't expect that Chrisis had been modified by someone.

But what he didn't expect was that Duanmu Ci could actually find such a subtle thing.

Chrisis is full of code. Among so many codes, changing one or two paragraphs casually is like a stone sinking into the sea. As long as the change is slightly hidden, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to check.

This is also one of the reasons why many programmers don't want to fix bugs. It's not easy to find the cause, and they dare not change it casually after finding it, otherwise the bugs may increase and become impossible to change later.

Under such circumstances, Duanmu Ci was able to find out that someone had modified Chrisis. Although it seemed to be reasonable and even seemed to know who the person who modified was, Fujimiya did not believe it.

However, he really had to go and see for himself. What if?

What if someone really did something?

He had been suppressed for too long. If possible, no one would be willing to let mankind perish.

So, the next day, Fujimiya Hiroya found Speaker Daniel of Alchemy Star.

Who knew that the first thing Speaker Daniel said when he saw him was.

"Fujimiya, I heard that you have fallen into a voyeurism?"

Fujimiya Hiroya:ヽ(_;)ノ

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