Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 208 Persuading Fujimiya

Blue light pours into the sea.

Duanmuci turned into Yunivos.

Hiroshi Fujimiya also became a wooden man.

As Yunivos' fist glowed and fell, the monster Sea Demon Bokuragu, who thought he was hiding well, was punched on the fish's chin, and the entire monster was knocked out of the sea.

At this moment, Boku Lagu's fish brain and Fujimiya Hiroshi were both confused.

First of all, if you are hit in the chin, your brain will be confused.

Secondly, it couldn't figure out how the other party discovered itself, and how it managed to hit itself.

The sea demon Boku Lagu has a special ability that can withstand almost all physical attacks.

So no matter how hard it thought, it couldn't figure out how it could be knocked out by a punch and still hurt so much! Bokuragu was kicked hard to the ground by a roundhouse kick from Univos in the air, and landed in front of Fujimiya, raising a cloud of dust.

Then Yunivos fell from the sky and landed lightly on the ground. Today, he will teach these lights of the earth how to fall to the ground, so as not to look back and let others fall into the street for no reason.

Boku Lagu stood up with difficulty, shaking his fish head, and roared twice at Yunivos.

Then he rushed forward heroically.

Uniworth kicked it on the head with a backswing leg, knocking it to the ground again, and then used the cross-piercing beam to eliminate it cleanly.

But at this moment, Yunivos made a move, and the energy that had been condensed dissipated.

Hiroshi Fujimiya was a little surprised when he saw this scene. He clearly had such a good opportunity, why didn't he kill the monster with one move?

Univers shook his head, and then took out a Poké Ball.

Hiroshi Fujimiya tilted his head. This thing looked familiar, but what exactly was it?

A grenade?

Just as he was making random guesses, Univos threw the elf ball out, and then a light flashed, and the sea demon Bokuragu disappeared.

Then Yunivos clenched his hands and crossed them in front of him. The light dissipated and returned to his human form, appearing directly in front of Fujimiya Hiroya.

"It seems like the problem here isn't just this monster."

Fujimiya Hiroyuki: "Are there other monsters?"

Duanmuci nodded: "Maybe, the purpose of this sea demon Boku Lagu's coming here is another special existence."

Whenever these earth-native monsters appear, nine out of ten they have a mission.

But Duanmu Ci was very sure that if he hadn't appeared, these monsters who came out for the mission would most likely be destroyed by these two lights of the earth who couldn't hear the earth's words.

Hiroshi Fujimiya obviously didn't understand the painstaking efforts of "Mother Earth". After hearing Duanmuci say that there are still problems here, he seemed more urgent.

"So, where is the enemy?"

Duanmuci spread his hands and said, "After all, we have to evacuate all the innocent residents here before talking about these dangerous topics, right?"

Hiroshi Fujimiya suddenly understood.

Yes, residents must be evacuated first.

The abominable source of death has caused him to have an anti-human mentality that he has yet to fully recover from.

Duanmuci reported what happened here to the air base command center and asked them to come over and help evacuate the residents.

"Yes, that's it. I have a scientist from the Geo base here. He told me that he got a Poke Ball given by Yunivos. You know the Poke Ball has Pokemon hidden in it. He said Nevos asked him to take the Poké Ball to the target location and release it."

Fujimiya: "???"

After Duanmuci finished chatting, Fujimiya Hiroshi suddenly asked: "Isn't that the scientist at the Geo Base you are talking about?"

Duanmuci nodded: "Yes!"

Fujimiya Hiroyuki: "The problem is that I don't have any Poké Balls either!"

Duanmu opened his palm, and a fairy ball appeared in his hand, and then handed it to Fujinomiya Hiroyuki.

"Okay, now Univos will hand over the elf ball to you."

Fujimiya Hiroyuki: "???"

This is no operation.

"Can't you take this with you?"

Duanmu Ci: "Then how will I explain your interference in XIG's work?"

"Do you think Higuchi is too proud?"

Hiroshi Fujimiya: "..."

He knew that Higuchi, the person in charge of the Geo base, did not have any face in front of XIG.

But isn’t it bad to say it like this? After all, he is also the manager of a department.

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Fujimiya Hiroshi said

"I didn't expect you to be Yunivos. No wonder you want to train your karate to a sixth-degree black belt."

The last time he was beaten was still vivid in his mind. That fighting skill absolutely shocked Fujimiya Hiraya, a scientist who was "powerless".

Duanmu said to Versailles: "Actually, you got the order wrong. I got strong first and then took the karate test."

"My fighting skills come from the boxing techniques of a certain fighting expert."

To put it simply, it is the cosmic boxing method that is marinated in flavor.

After Duanmuci installed warrior DNA into his body many times, he also developed some habits. Then the cosmic boxing technique installed on the soft fighting armor had a more profound impact on Univos.

So much so that when he punches now, various cosmic boxing methods of thinking appear in his mind.

And because there are many fighting skills in the universe boxing that are similar to karate, so when Duanmuci was bored here, he took a test and tried to bluff people.

He originally wanted to get a title like the ninth degree black belt in karate, which sounded impressive.

But later he realized that if he had no contribution to karate, the fourth degree black belt would be almost the end.

He also rubbed the ninth degree black belt on the ground for a long time. In order to save the ninth degree's life, everyone reluctantly gave Duanmu Ci the sixth degree black belt.

After a moment of silence, Fujimiya Hiroya suddenly asked: "Can I train fighting with you?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "Fujimiya, it seems that you still don't understand."

Fujimiya Hiroya: "???"

Didn't he feel that he said something wrong? Is it a problem to practice fighting skills as Ultraman?

Duanmu Ci said as a matter of course: "All these fighting skills have limits!"

"Only science has no limits!"

While speaking, Duanmu Ci pressed the button on another watch on his left hand, and then a superman tights wrapped him up.

Then he spread his hands, and his speed quickly increased. He flew into the sky, circled in the sky for a few times, and then landed directly at an extremely exaggerated speed.


A violent vibration came, and Duanmu Ci landed on one knee.

"The air brake mechanism is still a little difficult to control, and it is easy to cause flying."

"But this is science. Even if we are just in the form of a human body, we can exert such great power, not to mention after the transformation."

"You are a scientist, and I am also a scientist. You should be more aware of the endless power of science!"

"So, join my research team."

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