XIG's work efficiency is still quite high.

Just when Duanmuci deceived Fujimiya Hiroyuki, they soon arrived in Chiba.

After Duanmuci and Kajio met and saluted each other, they said

"There seems to be a pretty powerful monster hidden here."

"We need the sea devil to fight it."

"This is Fujimiya from Geo Base. Like me, he is also a scientist on the Alchemy Star. Crisis is his masterpiece."

When Kajio heard the person in front of him studying Crisis, he immediately respected him.

"It turned out to be Dr. Fujimiya. I heard that Dr. Fujimiya got the sea monster's Poké Ball from Univos. Is it true?"

Hiroshi Fujimiya nodded and took out the elf ball: "It's right here."

Soon, I Meng rushed to the scene in a wheelchair.

"I heard there's a monster!"

"Huh? Fujimiya, why are you here too?"

I dream that I still don’t know that Hiroshi Fujimiya is also an Agururu.

Hiroshi Fujimiya said calmly: "It's just a task given by Univos."

The evacuation, led by Team Lightning, was quickly completed.

Then everyone followed Duanmuci's detector to a big mountain.

Duanmu Ci held his chin and thought for a moment.

"Looking at the values ​​​​of the detector, it should be right. There is a very powerful monster hidden in this mountain."

Kajio, who was flying a fighter jet in the sky, nodded and said, "Let us, Team Lightning, come!"

Then the Lightning fighter jets formed a battle formation, and a series of missiles landed on the mountain, blasting a gap in the entire mountain.

At the same time, the ground began to shake violently. Duanmuci was about to speak and asked Hiroshi Fujimiya to use the elf ball, and then he saw my dream's wheelchair moving on its own.

Duanmuci: "???"

My dream: "Doctor, give me a hand!"

Duanmuci quickly grabbed my dream.

Prevent him from sliding away due to earthquakes.

"Fujimiya, it's time to use the Poke Ball!"

Hiroshi Fujimiya nodded, pressed the button of the elf ball and threw it with all his strength. The elf ball quickly turned into a ray of light in the air, condensing into the appearance of the sea demon Bokuragu, but now it changed into a suit Green plasma metal armor.

Duanmu Ci used the newly researched plasma metal to transform it into the shape of armor and let it wear it.

Can increase some combat effectiveness.

At least he won't be too passive when dealing with powerful monsters.

When the earthquake was almost over, a monster that looked like a beetle and was also wearing heavy armor came out.

The moment this monster came out, the surrounding temperature rose rapidly.

"Fire Mountain."

Duanmu Ci read out the seal script text on the monster's chest.

"Maybe this monster is called Yanshan."

My dream: "Really? Write your name on your belly? What kind of custom is this?"

Duanmu Ci suddenly wanted to drag Brother Leo over to listen to my dream and ask them to explain to my dream what kind of custom this was.

Hiroshi Fujimiya was a little solemn: "This monster is not simple."

Hiroshi Fujimiya is different from my dream. He has been transformed into Ultraman for a while, and he is familiar with many monsters. He has never seen a monster like the Enzan in front of him.

Duanmuci took out a tablet and started the detection calculation on Yanshan.

"This monster is indeed not simple. It has a lot of energy in its body. If the energy is used up, it will even be enough to melt all the glaciers in the North and South Poles."

My dream was shocked: "Doesn't that mean this monster has the ability to destroy humans!"

He did not doubt Duanmu Ci's professionalism at all. If Duanmu Ci was not professional, no one would be more professional.

That's why he couldn't understand.

How could such a monster lie in such an ordinary mountain in Chiba?

It's like encountering a late-stage boss while playing a novice tutorial in a game. If you fight against it, you'll basically be doomed.

"It's okay, it's very close to the sea here, and the sea demon Boku Lagu is not weak either."

After adding the armor given by Duanmu, the sea demon Boku Lagu is quite brave and has been fighting against the opponent's light for some time.

Then came the stress-free close combat.

Yanshan didn't get used to it either, and both sides were monsters that used pliers, so their levels could be said to be very close.

And the sea demon Boku Lagu also consciously led Yanshan to the seaside.

It's not that Yanshan doesn't know Boku Lagu's thoughts, but it has no way to stop it.

This Boku Lagu used water balls to continuously attack it from a distance, and it was constantly being consumed. He wanted to use light, but he just used it and couldn't kill it instantly.

As long as the battle cannot be ended instantly, the sea demon Boku Lagu is invincible!

Duanmu Ci: "You see, monsters have IQs when fighting."

"This shows what?"

I Meng's face was solemn: "It shows that our future battles will not be easy."

Hiroshi Fujimiya was not so pessimistic: "What's so hard about it? No matter how smart a monster is, it can still be smarter than humans?"

"Giving it a simple math problem is enough to kill it!"

Duanmu Ci: "You really have no scientific spirit at all."

"It shows the importance of science. Monsters all know how to use wisdom to defeat their opponents. Of course humans must also use wisdom to defeat monsters?"

“For us scientists, what is the crystallization of wisdom?”

"Of course it's scientific research!"

"Take this Yanshan, for example. Give me some time, and I can research something that can easily destroy it."

Wo Meng and Fujimiya looked over at the same time.

Duanmu Ci: "No way, you really have no idea?"

The two nodded.

Duanmu Ci said: "It's actually very simple. The biggest problem with this monster is that its body heat is very high."

"As long as we use the capture matrix to trap it and detonate its energy inside, it will instantly burst out with strong heat, and it will be melted by its own heat or even turned into ashes."

The capture matrix is ​​actually a portable glass cover of Hippolytus that Duanmu Ci had studied before.

Because the appearance and effect are very similar to a meteor technology of GUYS before, Duanmu Ci, who is not good at naming, directly named this thing as the capture matrix.

After analyzing and calculating for a long time, the two fell into deep thought.

It seems to be feasible.

Of course, the premise is that this monster can be melted by ultra-high temperature.

Otherwise, such an operation would not make much sense.

The battle between the sea demon and Yanshan lasted for the third day. It was originally thought that the battle would end soon, but who would have thought that the two sides were too evenly matched.

One has the energy to melt the polar glaciers, and the other has the endless sea as logistical support.

In the end, they are evenly matched.

After these three days, I don't have to sit in a wheelchair anymore, and I directly showed everyone a medical miracle.

Duanmu Ci even prepared the capture rule, ready to take over the battle at any time.

However, there are now a lot of reporters doing live broadcasts around.

This place has become a unique landscape.

Duanmu Ci complained: "Why don't I make a bigger capture rule, frame them in it, and let them fight until the end of time."

Fujimiya: "Sure, I'll tell Lingzi and let her come here to live broadcast."

Duanmu Ci, I dream: "! !?"

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