Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 378 Ultra Theft Operation

Yunivos didn't know the progress of Dark Lukiel's research, otherwise he would definitely have gone over and given him a big hand to make him sober up.

With his current technology, it would be difficult to fight an ordinary monster, let alone Dark Belial.

But now Univos obviously has no chance to take care of these things.

After going through a tough training session, Yunivos is finally able to move around! ! !

He followed Taylor, and the two of them came to the shrine of this house.

"The thing enshrined here should be the Galaxy Spark!"

Taylor looked at this shrine with burning eyes. He couldn't wait to become an "adult".

Uniworth looked at this quite complete shrine and couldn't help but sigh.

"The people in this country are really interesting. They worship everything. If a high-tech product is made so fantasy, will they add the power of faith and merit later?"

While complaining, he lay on the bottom of the table leg.


"Taylor, can you fly?"

Taylor glanced at Yunivos, who was lying on the bottom of the table leg, trying hard to climb up but to no avail, and then glanced at the table that now looked extraordinarily high.

"I think we should need a staircase."

Uniworth turned around, moved the joints of the spark puppet, and said, "Do you think we can build stairs now?"

"Not to mention anything else, I can't release any light right now."

Taro didn't have any intention of giving up: "Now we always use Ultra telekinesis when chatting. Maybe we can practice telekinesis?"

Uniworth turned his head and glanced at the shrine, which was "quite high" from the ground, and nodded.

"It's better to practice your telekinesis."

"Back then I kept watching other people climb to the top of the Warriors, but I didn't expect that I would be where I am today."

After sighing, Yunivos turned to look at Taylor.

Tyro was originally ready to say something with emotion, but when he saw Yunivos's straight eyes, a bunch of words got stuck in his throat, and he didn't know what to say.

Finally, after holding it in for a long time, I could only say one thing.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt as if he was grabbed by something, but the opponent was not very strong, so he just lifted Taylor up a little and dropped him to the ground.

There was a "pop", and Taylor felt that his thin arms and legs were not able to withstand this kind of fall.

But Taylor also knew what Univers was looking at.

"Are you experimenting with telekinesis?"

Yunivos nodded: "But this is the only power we have at the moment."

Uniworth turned to look at the tall shrine. This was the challenge he wanted to break through.

Seeing that Uniworth had mastered the operation of telekinesis so quickly, Taylor also became interested: "Then let me try it too!"

As he spoke, Taylor crossed his hands in front of him and activated his telekinesis to the highest level as before.

His mind was buzzing before he could move one of Uniworth's legs.

No, it was Yunivos who raised this leg on his own initiative. He raised his head and glanced at Yunivos, and accepted the heart-wrenching words.

"Are you trying to help me practice golden rooster independence?"

Taylor couldn't accept it: "Damn it, when will I be able to regain my body! I am a pen-tip instructor of the Space Guard, and now I can only exert such weak power!"

Uniworth was noncommittal about this, because at this moment a new plan appeared in his mind.

A very good plan.

"Actually, we don't need such strong telekinesis to climb up!"

Taylor said in surprise: "What did you think of?"

"We are so light now that we actually only need a thin cotton thread to bear our weight," Yuniworth said.

"We can tie a long enough thin cotton thread to a heavy object, and then use Ultra telekinesis to make the cotton thread go around the table. Although the table is a bit high, the telekinesis will inevitably spread, but it is only the weight of a cotton thread. , it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

"Then we tie my or your body with cotton thread from the other side, and the other person wears heavier clothes on the other side of the book and keeps rolling around, rolling up the cotton thread, and the person tied on the cotton thread can slowly pull it Go up!"

Taylor thought for a while, and his eyes became brighter and brighter: "This method seems to be worth a try!"

Uniworth smiled: "We two cobblers can at least stand up to two-thirds of Zhuge Liang!"

The two are extremely mobile.

Soon I found a roll of cotton thread in a half-open cabinet.

Thinking that he was going to be able to recover, Taylor couldn't help but turn into a chatty person. Although he usually talked a lot, this time he was really a super chatty person, and he never stopped talking. In fact, it was like this It was too frustrating once.

The Ultra Brothers, who once controlled the universe and were the pen-tip instructors of the Kingdom of Light Space Guard, were so brilliant before, but now they are reduced to a little toy that can only move like polio.

The difference between this can be imagined.

"Strive for success every time!"

After saying this, Yunivos tied the other end of the thread that fell after going around the table around his waist.

But at this time Tyro grabbed him.

"Let me go first!"

Taylor missed his body so much.

Uniworth didn't care, took off the thin cotton thread and let Taylor wrap it around it.

Then he walked to the other side, and as agreed, he hung the "heavy object" on his body to increase his weight, and then kept rolling up the thin cotton thread.

On the other side, Taro soon felt his body rising, slowly rising into the air, and then stepping higher step by step.

Watching the table of the shrine getting closer and closer to him, Taro was full of excitement, and the whole spark doll was shaking constantly.

"Here, here!"

At the last step, Taro put his hand on the edge of the table, and then climbed up with his hands and feet.


After greeting Univos, Taro looked at the small door of the shrine.

Inside the door was the Galaxy Spark that could revive them!

He walked forward a few steps excitedly, and before he arrived, Ultra's telekinesis had resonated with the Galaxy Spark inside.


Push hard with both hands.

The door didn't open?

At this moment, Univos walked behind him.

"Could this door be pulled?"

Taro was startled: "How did you get up here?"

Univos pointed to a thin cotton thread tied to the corner of the table on the other side.

"I used Ultra Telekinesis to help me climb up."

He just found out that it could be that simple.

The two of them pulled together, and the small door slowly opened, revealing the Galaxy Spark that was emitting a faint light inside.

"Why does it feel like the technological content of this thing is not as good as the Bright Spark I made?"

Taro: "It's good to have a use!"

After saying that, he excitedly rushed forward and hugged the Galaxy Spark, which was a little too heavy for one person to hold.

"Hurry up and help!"

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