Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 379 Child, what is your dream?

Univos used his ultra-psychic power to help carry it out, and then he moved the galaxy spark out.

The excited Taylor jumped up directly, stepped on the tip of the Galaxy Spark with his foot, and then a ray of light bloomed out.

. . .

Three seconds later.

Tyro looked at Univers in confusion: "Have I grown bigger?"

Uniworth shook his head: "No, so is this thing useless?"

"It's not as useful as my invention! Is this enough for people to worship?"

As if feeling Yunivos's contempt, the light from the Galaxy Sparks bloomed a little brighter.

But it still doesn't make any sense.

No matter how much energy was injected into it, Taylor still didn't change at all.

On the other hand, Univers can clearly feel that his Ultra-Psychic Power is constantly increasing. Although his body is still a Spark Doll, his Ultra-Psychic Power has now almost reached the level of a normal Ultraman.

Not only Yunivos, but also Taylor felt a change.

"Univers, I feel like my energy has become stronger!"

"Although I can't transform, I seem to have some fighting ability now!"

Univers applauded: "Okay!"

"In that case, Beria will be left to you!"

Taylor: "..."

Why does he feel like he can't keep up with Univers' rhythm?

"You must have become stronger too, right?"

Uniworth's eyes glowed with exaggerated light: "I'm just a weak and helpless scientist, how can I possibly defeat Beria's ferocious fighting mania?"

"The captain is on the same level as him, right?"

Taylor nodded.

Uniworth continued: "Isn't that right? You are the proudest son of the captain."

"Don't you want to defeat Beria on behalf of the captain?"

"Don't you want others to say that you are better than others?"

Originally, Taylor didn't want to fight Beria.

Hearing Yunivos's lies, he suddenly felt as if he was Beria's destined opponent!

Now he couldn't wait to go and fight Beria to the death.


Tyro suddenly looked at Uniworth: "I had forgotten that you are a scientist. Now that you have recovered a little strength, you should be able to do research. Can you create something that can make us bigger?"

Univers smiled confidently: "Of course you can, but there is a problem now."

Taylor: "What's the problem?"

Univers: "Plasma metal is needed to make things. What a coincidence, I look like this now. All the equipment on my body has been sealed, and all the materials are inside. If I want to build a machine that can restore us to our original state, then We have to realize the creation of light first.”

After hearing "Creation of Light", Taylor lowered his head, thoughtfully.

Then he raised his head: "What is a creation of light?"

I thought Taylor would be able to come up with something after thinking about it for so long.

Uniworth said helplessly: "If you don't have any ideas in your mind, don't look like you are thinking."

"Light Creation is an idea I have always had, to use light to create everything in the world."

Taylor was shocked: "Is this possible?"

Yunivos nodded: "Of course it is possible, but everything is still in the preliminary stage now."

As he spoke, Univos stretched out his palm, because the energy had recovered a lot, and now he could directly release some light.

A large amount of light poured out and condensed into a steel plate in front of him.

"This is the primary stage of application, and it can only produce some metals with relatively simple internal compositions."

Taylor was also amazed when he saw the metal appearing out of thin air.

"Although I've seen Esnisan's ultra-psychic power condensed into weapons, this is the first time I've seen one actually turned into steel like this!"

Seeing Tyro's expression of ignorance, Univers said proudly: "What the hell, turning into a wooden board is powerful, but I haven't fully mastered it yet."

"Tell me, is this technology worthy of the Star Badge?"

"It matches! Of course it matches!"

Taylor really couldn't imagine how practical this technology could be.

"However, it seems that my father has been preparing to give you a star badge for a long time."

Uniworth: "Huh?"

Tyro: "After you researched a series of Ultra exercises, he was going to give you the Star Badge. Then didn't you disappear for more than six thousand years? Then the matter fell by the wayside."

The Ultra exercise series refers to the Ultra treadmill, Ultra chest crusher, Warrior Challenge swimming pool, and other equipment used to enhance Ultraman's strength.

Taken individually, these are great inventions, although they have many side effects and are quite cruel.

But it did significantly improve the combat effectiveness of the Kingdom of Light warriors.

The combination of these is indeed worthy of a set of star badges.

Univos didn't expect Zeng Jun, the Star Badge, to be so close to him.

"Then at least give me two Star Badges next time."

"But now is not the time to talk about this."

Uniworth looked outside. After recovering a certain amount of strength, he spread out his Ultra-Psychic power, and then noticed a large number of sleeping Spark Dolls on the mountain behind him.

There are at least a million Ultraman Spark Dolls buried here.

There is an inexplicable sense of horror in a mass grave.

The Space Guard is basically here, right?

I don’t know what’s going on with the Kingdom of Light.

There are 18 billion Ultramen in the Land of Light. It is impossible for every one of them to become a Spark Doll, right?

"The most important thing now is to get rid of Belia and then restore everything to normal!"

"The premise of all this is that we must return to our original state first, and then I need to create the Spark of Light."

So in the end, we still have to rely on the power of science!

But during this period of time, we have to borrow this place to do research, so at least we have to say hello to the people around us.

Now Univos has no ability to do any underground research institutes, so we can only put things on the surface. If we don't build a good relationship with the people around us and get a small place to do research, it will be bad to be disturbed.

Fortunately, the child before looked silly and easy to fool.

After discussing for a while, Univos and Taro unanimously decided to play tricks to deceive the child.

Hall Light.

Seven years old.

At this moment, he is still a primary school student, attending elementary school in Falling Star Village.

It was him who caught Taro and Univos before.

Tonight, he just lay down on the bed and was about to go to sleep, when suddenly a voice rang in his ear.

"Little boy, what is your dream?"

This sentence directly scared the child.

Later, it was Taro who comforted the child for half an hour before he calmed down. . .

"So, you are Fusangshen?"

Yuniwos used a term that the people of this country can accept.

Fusangshen actually refers to the "gods" who live in objects.

"Then can you let me not go to school?"

Hearing this, Taro was about to reason with the child, and Yuniwos spoke directly.

"If you don't go to school, will you feed pigs? Do you know what a nonlinear partial differential equation is? Do you know what an Euler equation is? Do you know what..."

He said a lot, but the auditorium couldn't understand a single word.

"You grow up without knowing anything. Do you want to be a parasite that is useless to society in the future?"

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