Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 385 I don't accept it! You guys are sneaking up on me

Watching Shi Dongmeiling eat the "poisonous" mushroom, Duanmuci immediately took out a marrow-cleansing pill.

"Eat this and you'll be safe!"

When Shi Dong Meiling saw this familiar elixir, she felt resistance all over her body: "It's better to say goodbye."

"Don't worry, Dr. Duanmu, I don't feel any toxicity!"

Duanmuci: "How is that possible? How can such a beautiful mushroom not be poisonous?"

After saying that, Duanmu Ci also picked the mushroom and took a bite.

Delicious indeed.

It is indeed not poisonous.

"Hmph, this must be an illusion. How can you survive if you are so beautiful and not poisonous? When I get back, I will improve the variety of this thing to make it more delicious and more toxic at the same time!"

"please do not?"

Taylor said: "This mushroom has nothing to do with you."

Duanmu Ci refused: "I don't care, it must be poisonous anyway! And it must be the kind of poison that can poison Noah!"

Taylor: "..."

The level of poison that poisoned Noah?

Today’s scientists really dare to think.

Everyone was chatting and walking forward when they suddenly heard a rumbling sound in front of them. Looking closely, it turned out that two people were dumping garbage here. All kinds of electronic waste and all kinds of seriously polluted garbage were constantly dumped into the mountains, forests and rivers.

Seeing this scene, Duanmuci frowned, walked forward and said

"Hey, aren't you afraid of retribution for doing this?"

The two of them were "not easy to mess with". When they heard that someone dared to meddle in their own business, they immediately walked up and said

"Who are you? You dare to interfere in our affairs?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to push Duanmu Ci.

But at this moment, Duanmu Ci's eyes flashed fiercely, and a strong murderous aura rushed towards his face. The man's hand was only halfway out before he instinctively retracted it, his feet softened and he knelt on the ground.

Duanmu Ci put away the "murderous intent" in his eyes, stepped forward and patted the man on the shoulder.

"There is a special place for garbage disposal. Pick up all the garbage you throw away and send it to the place where it should be sent. I will pretend that this never happened."

will die!

The man was so frightened that he was still shrouded in murderous aura and couldn't even utter a retort.

He could feel that he would die if he said the wrong thing.

Finally, after Duanmu allowed them to go far away, the two men breathed a sigh of relief and felt alive.

Then without any delay, he quickly picked up all the trash that had just been thrown out and put it back in the car.

On the other side, Taylor asked curiously.

"Univos, where did you get such exaggerated murderous intent?"

Because Ultraman basically fights to protect others, Ultraman generally does not have murderous intent. The exaggerated murderous intent like the one Duanmuci just released really makes people feel like they are facing a pair of hands. Like a murderer covered in blood.

Duanmu Ci: "One of the previous studies showed that in addition to releasing murderous aura, it can also release other auras. In fact, it is a thing that changes one's personal temperament."

"Like, now I'm an angel."

After speaking, Duanmuci's aura suddenly became very sacred, as if a holy light descended from the sky and enveloped him.

Shi Dongmeiling almost said "Amen" after seeing it.

"Besides, now I'm a wimp."

After speaking, his temperament changed, and his whole person instantly became very decadent. Although his clothes were still brand new, he did have a feeling of being useless.

"This always feels like it will be useful!"

Taylor couldn't help but sigh.

Duanmuci took the thing away and returned to its original appearance.

"It's just a gadget. In fact, you can't really tell what a person is like by his temperament."

"In modern society, people are more or less human-like, and it is not impossible to kill people secretly."


Duanmu Ci showed off his watch.

In fact, it is not a watch, but an astronaut detector.

"The opponent we have been waiting for a long time has taken action."

Looking at the flashing red dots above, Taylor immediately became serious.

"Is it Beria?"

Duanmuci shook his head: "It's a Balki planet, a clown character."

Upon hearing this name, Taylor's expression became very strange.

Shi Dong Meiling on the side was completely confused after listening to the two people talking.

"What happened?"

Duanmu Ci explained: "Actually, there is a cosmic being who appears, and may want to cause trouble, such as destroying the world or something."

Duanmu Ci and Taylor were not sure what Beria wanted to do.

If it was Dark Lukiel who caused the trouble, Duanmu Ci could still guess that he wanted to suspend everyone's time and gain the so-called eternity.

But Beria was different.

Beria has a high IQ and is very neurotic. No one knows what his plan will be.

For example, Duanmuci has never understood the meaning of Beria's desire to rule the universe.

To rule so many people, to manage, and to have all kinds of troubles, isn't this just looking for something to do for yourself?

"But Beria sent the Balkis to deal with us. Is there really nothing wrong with his mind?"

Balki is the final boss of the Taro TV series.

But this does not mean that he is very powerful. On the contrary, he is a cosmic person who is weak and picks his feet.

The final battle in Taro TV was not fought by Taro, but by Higashi Kotaro.

In other words, such a cosmic being who can grow in size has been played to death by a human being. . .

He is so weak that even being a soldier is a waste of time. He was sent here to cause trouble. Is Belia really okay?

"Maybe he just came out to release other monsters."

Duanmu Ci said: "Just like my Spark of Light, Dark Spark also has this ability to summon monsters to fight through the Spark puppets of other monsters."

As soon as the voice fell, a black cosmic man who looked a bit like Leo did a somersault and jumped in front of everyone, blocking the road.

"Oh my, you found me, and you still want to ignore me. Your arrogance really gives me a headache."

Duanmu Ci: "..."

"I apologize."

Balki turned his head coolly and said: "No need to apologize, just accept your death!"

After saying that, he kicked over with a flying kick, which can be said to be quite handsome.

However, in the face of this kick, Duanmu Ci just swung his scorpion tail, kicked up hard with his foot, and kicked Balki between his hips very accurately, kicking him down.

Then Duanmu Ci turned to look at Taro: "I apologize, I didn't expect this guy to be so brave, and he dared to challenge us directly."

"I thought he was too smart, it was my mistake."

"What did you say!"

The Balki star twitched and got up from the ground, trembling and pointing at Duanmu Ci

"How dare you underestimate me?"

"Do you know that I have mastered Leo's fighting skills!"

"With Leo's fighting skills, I am invincible!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Taro came up and gave him a big dick.

He couldn't dodge it, and the whole person was slapped twice.

"Will Leo be unable to dodge this move?"

The Balki star: "I don't accept it, you guys are doing a sneak attack!"

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