Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 437 Universe, Captain of the Space Guard

"You, you, you! Dagu, what are you doing!"

Seeing Duanmu Ci's shocked look, unable to accept the reality, Dagu looked around in surprise: "What's wrong? What did I do? I just came here, and why do you call me Dagu?"

Duanmu Ci pointed at his arm, Camilla was holding his arm at this time.

"Are you doing this to Lina?"


"Dagu" stared at Duanmu Ci with wide eyes, not understanding why Univos wanted to hurt him.

Then, he felt a piercing pain in his waist. . .

"Who is Lina?"

Camilla's eyes were dangerous.

Duanmu Ci was stunned.

"Hey! Camilla, you are a mistress, so what are you doing so domineering?"

"And Dagu and Lina already have two children, I advise you to respect yourself!"

Camilla raised her eyebrows, and looked at "Dagu" with more and more unkind eyes.

"You had a child while I wasn't paying attention?"

"Da Gu" shook his head and begged for mercy, and looked at Duanmu Ci and said

"Dr. Univos, please make it clear, don't let me be misunderstood!"

Duanmu Ci looked at Taro on the side in surprise.

"He is Tiga, right?"

Taro nodded: "Yes, we just went to attack Belia's headquarters together."

Then Duanmu Ci looked at "Da Gu" again.

"Then you two are pretending to be a ghost!"

"Da Gu's official match is only Lina, that is what we unanimously agree, even if Camilla wants to steal your love, we will not allow it."

"Modern times are not 30 million years ago, and polygamy is not supported!"

Camilla's pretty face was cold: "What polygamy, we have always been monogamous!"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Then we should pay more attention to these!"

"If you two make a mistake, then three people will suffer!"

"No, plus two children, five people will suffer!"

Just when Duanmu Ci was about to continue persuading the two, Zoffy also walked in.

As soon as he came in, he said to Taro.

"Taero Nissan, Taiga and the others..."

"Eh? Senior Univos, you are back too!"

Duanmu Ci looked at Zoffy in disbelief: "Taero Nissan?"

"Zoffy, are you still sane?"

"Why are you calling Taero Nissan?"

Zoffy looked at Duanmu Ci in surprise, not understanding what Duanmu Ci meant.

Taro was also a little confused by Duanmu Ci's meaning.

"I know Zoffy's strength is not very strong, but he has unlimited potential and has long been recognized as an Ultra Brother. It should be okay to call me Nissan, right?"

Duanmu Ci raised his eyebrows: "What? What pig talk are you talking about? The captain of the Space Guard needs to be recognized as an Ultra Brother?"

"Are you still asleep?"

"Besides, Zoffy is 31,000 years old, guess 18,000 years old, he calls you Nissan, can you bear it?"

Ununivos traveled through time and space for 6,000 years before, and Zoffy's age has changed from 25,000 years old to 31,000 years old.

Taro patted Duanmu Ci on the shoulder: "What are you talking about!"

"I am the 31,000-year-old one, and Zoffy is only 8,000 years old now!"

Duanmu Ci was even more confused: "Ah? Am I in a dream or are you in a dream?"

Taro: "What are you talking about? Besides, aren't you the captain of the Space Guard?"

Duanmu Ci's eyes lit up: "Huh? I am the captain of the Space Guard now?"

Taro: "Really? You still have epaulettes on your shoulders, and you want to quit so soon?"

Duanmu Ci looked at his left and right shoulders, and there were indeed epaulettes of the captain of the Space Guard.

Is it because of the confusion of time?

Duanmu Ci nodded: "I can suddenly accept this setting."

After saying that, he patted Zoffy on the shoulder.

"Young man, work hard. I'm rooting for you!"

"Da Gu" on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly patted Duan Mu Ci on the shoulder, saying helplessly

"Dr. Univos, compared to the age-related issues that can be explained by your brothers, you should quickly explain what I want to say first!"

Since Zoffy and Taro have both had a butterfly effect.

Then Tiga's side naturally had a butterfly effect.

Duan Mu Ci, who became the "Captain of the Space Guard", decisively accepted this setting.

"Well, let me ask you a few questions first."

"Do you know Iruma Hui?"

Hearing this, Camilla's eyes became sharper, and the look she gave "Da Gu" became more dangerous

"Are there other women?"

"Da Gu" denied it repeatedly, and then said to Duan Mu Ci: "Don't play anymore, right?"

Duan Mu Ci: "Oh, then do you know Sokata Seiichi?"

"Da Gu" shook his head quickly.

Camilla: "Even men?"

"Da Gu": "That's not the case!"

Duan Mu Ci nodded, as if he understood something.

"So, your name is really Tiga."

"Da Gu": "If not Tiga, what else can I be called?"

Duanmu Ci: "Do you have two friends who are not very smart, Darram and Hitler?"

Camilla glanced at Duanmu Ci speechlessly: "Although their intelligence cannot be compared with top scientists like you, you can't say that they are not smart, right?"

Duanmu Ci: "So there are?"

Tiga nodded: "Yes, there are."

Duanmu Ci: "Then I understand. What I just said was all dream talk. I thought I was dreaming. Sorry, haha."

This is Tiga 30 million years ago.

Now he and Camilla are still in a real relationship.

It seems that the impact of this time fluctuation is quite large.

Duanmu Ci, the only one who has maintained normal memory, is like the only and shining psychopath in the crowd.

Luckily, he is the captain of the Space Guard.

Great power!

"Tairo, go get me some tea."

Tairo: "What the hell?"

Duanmu Ci glanced at him: "What? You dare not listen to the captain of the Space Guard, are you going to rebel?"

Tairo: (▼Benefit▼)

"Be serious."

Duanmu Ci tilted his head: "I am exercising the power of the captain of the Space Guard, isn't that normal enough?"

Zoffy on the side was surprised: "So this is the power of the captain of the Space Guard?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and nodded: "Of course, little Zoffy, learn well, this is the style of being the captain of the Space Guard!"

"You know, the captain of the Space Guard is a captain of the Space Guard. The leader is the actual ruler of the Kingdom of Light! He has 18 billion Ultramen under his command. "

"Taro, hurry up and pour the tea."

Taro: ". . . "

Zoffy scratched his head and felt that this was not right: "It's not good to let Taro pour the tea, why not let me do it!"

Duanmu Ci didn't expect that one day he would be able to enjoy Zoffy's service. He didn't care about Taro's problem immediately. He found a rocking chair and lay down, and said calmly

"Taro, you are so upright that you don't understand the power field."

"There is still a lot to learn in the future."

Taro took a deep breath: "I will try my best not to beat you to death."

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