Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 438 Tyronisan

Who in the family understands?

Travel back in time and become the captain of the Space Guard~

Really humble.

What makes Duanmuci so painful are the various problems that the captain of the Space Guard has to face.

Millions of warriors have been fully resurrected long ago, and they are all staying in his Meta Domain, just waiting for his order.

These warriors are bored inside, so naturally they have many things to solve.

For example.

One of the soldiers' guns was broken.

Duanmuci went to repair it himself, and then he thought the matter was solved.

As a result, Ultraman suddenly appeared with tens of thousands of weapons suffering various damages.

It turned out that everyone's equipment had some problem, but they were too embarrassed to speak at first. After the first person spoke and was not rejected, everyone finally got up the courage and took out their equipment.

This is a bit much.

Duanmuci thought so too.

So he built several robots specialized in repairing equipment, allowing these robots to repair and improve according to the characteristics of various equipment.

This was done very cleverly.

But then, a new problem arose.

Although Ultraman doesn't need to eat or drink, it is indeed easy to get bored staying in a place with nothing.

As soon as I get bored, I start looking for fun and play all kinds of tricks.

It will inevitably cause some chaos and bring a lot of injuries. . .

In general, scientists are omnipotent.

But you can’t use it like this all the time!

Duanmuci just wanted to die after being the captain of the Space Guard for a few days.

So he dragged Zoffie over.

"Zophie, do you know what I want you to come here for?"

Zoffi shook his head: "Are you going to fight some monster? Captain Uniworth?"

Hearing this, Duanmu felt a little relieved. Being called "Captain" was quite nice.

But when he thought of the terrifying situation that the captain was involved in, Duanmu Ci decided to give up this unrealistic idea.

"The former captain of the Space Guard has taken a back seat and is now the captain. Everyone must know this."

Zuo Fei nodded, he was also aware of this kind of thing.

It is said that Captain Univers developed a large number of combat robots during the Ultra Universe War, which instantly reversed the situation on the battlefield and wiped out all the evil aliens and monsters.

Later, with the blessing of Father Ultra, he became the captain of the new generation of the Space Guard. For tens of thousands of years, he has been regarded as the successor of Father Ultra and the hope of the Kingdom of Light.

"The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This is the rule of the earth, and it also indicates the inheritance relationship."

Yunivos said: "I am the same as the captain. The captain was the former sun. He spent a lot of energy to train me so that I could become the new captain of the Universe Guard. This also allowed me to become the captain of the universe." The security team can quickly get used to the complicated work of the space security team."

"Today, I am the sun at noon and near afternoon."

"Sooner or later, I will become the sunset, and then a new, responsible warrior will be needed to take on the important task of leading the Space Guard."

Hearing this, even the simple Zuo Fei noticed that something was wrong.

"Captain Uniworth, do you want it?"

Duanmuci nodded: "Yes, Taylor admires you very much, so why don't I?"

"Do you have the courage to accept my trial?"

Courage, what Ultraman lacks most is courage.

Especially Zoffie, a hot-blooded man who is still very young now.

He originally thought that if Captain Univos asked him to be the future captain of the Space Guard, he would refuse.

Because he feels that there are many powerful young people in the Kingdom of Light, such as Taiga, who are quite good.

But what we are talking about now is whether we have the "courage" to accept the test.

The key word is courage!

Could he have no courage?

As a result, Zoffie became the "acting captain of the Space Guard" in a daze.

"Don't worry, I won't fool you. This position will be yours sooner or later!"

After giving Zuo Fei a few words of encouragement, looking at Zuo Fei's young face, I couldn't help but recall the days when I worked hard with Zuo Fei when I was a child.

At that time, he was not the chief scientist, and Zoffi was just a young man who could be KOed by Beria in one move.

Same as now.

At that time, Zuo Fei was as passionate as he is now, a young man with endless energy.

When did his personality change?

It should be after becoming the captain of the Space Guard, right?

The burden on him became heavier, and he was careful every day, fearing that his wrong decision-making would bring bad consequences. As a result, Zuo Fei's character gradually became mature and steady, and he no longer dared to rush towards enemies he could not defeat when he was young. That kind of passion.

Now that Zuofi has finally returned to his youth, is he going to send him to this grave called "Captain of the Space Guard" so soon?

Thinking of this, Duanmu felt a pang in his conscience.

"Zophie, if you..."

When Zuo Fei heard Duanmuci calling his name again, he turned his head curiously and waited for his next words.

"Well, if you feel tired, that's right. Nothing in this world is easy. As Ultra Warriors, we have to face difficulties and overcome thousands of difficulties, so as to hone our hearts and let We become a truly trustworthy and trustworthy person!”

When Zuo Fei heard this, he became excited again. He clenched his fists and said seriously.

"I will work hard!"

Uniworth nodded seriously: "I believe in you, just like the captain believed in me back then!"

After he fooled Zuo Fei away with his compliments, Duanmu Ci's conscience began to hurt again.

never mind.

It hurts and I got used to it.

Anyway, in the normal timeline, Zoffie has become the captain of the Space Guard, and these are indeed his jobs.

. . .

Taylor's eyes widened: "What? He asked you to do these things?"

Taylor was shocked by Duanmuci's "shamelessness".

"Didn't he realize you were just a kid?"

Zuo Fei, who is now 8,000 years old, is really just a child in front of Taylor, who is 31,000 years old.

"No, I have to persuade him!"

Just as Taylor was about to leave, Zoffie held him back.

"Tyronisan, this is of my own free will."

Tyro's eyes widened, and he looked at Zoffie as if he were an ignorant girl who was deceived by Huang Mao and still fell in love with her.

"Do you have any idea how tiring this position is?"

Zuo Fei nodded fiercely: "I am ready to face all difficulties!"

"The power of faith turns into courage!"

Taylor: "..."

Yes, I have been deceived.

According to the character setting, Tyro is now Univos's childhood friend, and the one who has received the most scientific research from Univos since childhood.

He knew very well Uniworth's ability to deceive.

Seeing Zoffie leaving with a heavy responsibility, Taro couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh, another poor man."

"Univers is simply not human!"

At this moment, Duanmu Ci, who came back happily with milk tea in a relaxed outfit, saw Taylor.

"Hey, Taylor, come and drink milk tea!"

Taylor shouted: "Are you still in the mood to drink milk tea?"

"You, the captain of the Space Guard, don't go about your work and call Zoffie. Isn't this bullying a child?"

"By the way, when will you let Taiga wake up! They are still pestering the mountain!"

Although he didn't know why, Taylor had a feeling.

Univos is supposed to be omnipotent.

How could there be no way to restore several stone statues to their original state?


Uniworth is truly omnipotent. . .

"Are you sure you want them to wake up now?"

Taylor: "What? You still want to trick them into doing those chores with Zoffie?"

Duanmu Ci waved his hand, looking like a profiteer: "Don't say that, I'm doing this all for Zuo Fei's own good."

"Don't you think my position should have been Zoffie's?"

"A scientist like me should manage the Space Science and Technology Bureau, right?"

Taylor was speechless: "You manage the Science and Technology Bureau, what does Hikari manage?"

Duanmuci: "He can be managed by me!"

"Anyway, he was like an invisible man when he was managing the Science and Technology Bureau. It's fine to leave it to me."

Taro nodded: "That's right. When you were the captain of the Space Guard, you were like an invisible man. It suits you very well."

"Don't worry, I believe Zuofi can do it, just like the captain believed in me back then!"

Speaking of this, Taylor became even more angry: "That old man is the same as you, both are lazy by nature and only care about themselves!"

"There is no Ultra spirit at all!"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Isn't it also the captain who decides what the Ultra spirit is like?"

"Whatever he thinks is something, then it is something!"

"I think you should keep some anger in case it doesn't burst out after a while."

Taylor: "Ah? What do you mean you can't explode in a while? What else do you want to make me angry about?"

Duanmuci looked at the stone statues of the Taiga trio in the distance and murmured, "It's not that I want to make you angry."

As he spoke, he took out something that looked like a flashlight.

"what is this?"

Duanmuci introduced: "A flashlight for charging Ultraman."

"Tao Zhi Jian, my realm has improved recently, and I won't just do those super high-tech things."

As he spoke, Duanmuci raised his flashlight, pointed it at the colored timer on Taiga's chest, and then turned on the light.

Then a large amount of energy turned into a beam and poured out of the flashlight.

Soon, Taiga's colorful timer began to show ripples. As the ripples continued to spread, his body gradually returned to color.

This process actually only lasted three seconds before Taiga was completely resurrected.

Duanmu Ci then pointed the flashlight at the next Ultraman. . .

"That's it?" Taylor couldn't understand.

"Just that simple, resurrecting them?"

Duanmu Ci was speechless: "Otherwise, how difficult do you think it should be? A whole resurrection ceremony or something?"

Taylor: "Then why did you wait until now to resurrect them?"

Duanmuci said matter-of-factly: "Because you started asking me now, it means you are more anxious now."

"As you know, I am the captain of the Space Guard. I am usually quite busy, so of course I give priority to those who are more anxious."

Taylor's eyes widened: "You're quite busy, can't you spare a few seconds?"

Of course, Duanmu Ci mainly didn't want Taiga to meet Taylor now.

Both father and son need to calm down.

As a result, after the three little ones recovered, they excitedly transformed into human bodies and appeared in front of Duanmu Ci and Taylor.

Then Taijia shouted happily when he saw Duanmuci.

"Brother Univos!"

Duanmu Ci happily responded: "Hey!"

Then Taiga looked at Taro.

Taro had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

Sure enough.

His son started talking.

"Taro Ni-san!"

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