Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 620 MIB Established

The structure here is relatively stable, and the gym is well managed, which is completely different from the legendary gyms that are ignorant of the world.

However, under excellent management, the purity of the internal personnel is still maintained. Everyone gathers together to explore the peak of "martial arts".

However, this has nothing to do with Duanmu Ci.

He just came here to get a set of death suits and white feathers and then left, leaving Kubo Nobuaki alone to train here.

However, he thought that a cartoonist should not be able to bear the hardship of "martial arts" training, and might give up soon.

But at least they have met, and I will still support new comics in the future.

In the world with Ultraman, having a body of force can only be used to help the protagonist with special training in nine out of ten cases, just like the background board.

Just like the group of people who were beaten by Fengyuan at the beginning of Leo.

And because the MAC team was too brave, it caused heavy casualties. Later, there were few such teams that ran out to fight with the cosmic people for no reason.

Even if it was a close fight, it was still more appropriate to use a gun.

The technology on this earth is no different from that in the early 21st century. Whether it is medical treatment, war, or various technologies, they are still at the most basic state.

This state is not even suitable for a world where monsters may appear.

Duanmu Ci took out the monster detector to detect it, and vaguely guessed some of the reasons why Ultra Father and Belia chose this place.

There are already many monsters in the late stage of "hibernation" inside the earth, and they may wake up at any time within 20 years.

Such a huge monster is not the type that can be killed by conventional missiles. If you want to destroy a monster, you must at least use nuclear weapons.

Destroying monsters is tantamount to sending people to undergo chemotherapy for such a world.

And monsters are not a disaster that happens once or twice. Once they reach the frequent appearance period, they will appear frequently. Nuclear radiation cannot be fatal to monsters, and may even add some messy enhancements to them.

It is undoubtedly unrealistic to rely on human power at this stage to solve monsters.

So Ultra Father and others must be thinking about raising children here, and by the way, they will solve the monsters when they appear.

This idea is very similar to the Kingdom of Light, which is to watch humans develop on their own and have their own rules.

If it were in the past, Duanmu Ci would most likely choose this approach.


. . .

Duanmu Ci, dressed in a black suit and quite formal, came to a very ordinary apartment.

This apartment is so ordinary that it is a bit shabby.

However, no one knows that there is a very special old man living here.

This is a special person that Duanmu Ci has been looking for for a long time.

His status in Japan is equivalent to Director Sawai, but now he is in a semi-retired state, and he doesn’t like many things that the superiors do now, so he doesn’t show up very often. He just goes out with other uncles to make some tea and play Go when he has time.

If Duanmu Ci’s hacking skills were not perfect, he would not know about these things if he broke through to the highest level of confidential files.

Of course, Duanmu Ci has always been very clear that the top-secret files themselves are related to the most critical people, so he went for the top secrets from the beginning.

Standing in front of the old man’s door, Duanmu Ci thought for a long time about how to explain the matter.

But after thinking for a long time, he finally decided to just tell the truth and let the old man judge for himself.

Just when he decided to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened.

An old man walked out.

"Do you have anything else that needs my help?"

Because Duanmu Ci was dressed too formally, he mistakenly thought that Duanmu Ci was sent by the superior.

Seeing the old man in front of him, Duanmu Ci knew that this was the special person.

Yamamoto Shinji, this name can tell how special his status is in this country.

Although it is only special in this country, it is enough. After all, the monsters detected by Duanmu Ci in this world are the same as always, all concentrated in the area near Japan, and the farthest is no more than the Pacific Ocean.

"I think you may have some misunderstandings."

"I am not a staff member sent by the superior."

"Not even ~ an earthling."

When this was said, the old man thought he had encountered a mental patient.

Where did the aliens come from in this normal world? Could it be that the person in front of him could be a modified person? A clone?

Duanmu Ci: "Let me show you."

Now everything is fake. An old man who has known the "world" for a lifetime tends to be more stubborn.

It is better to do it directly than to talk.

Luckily, Duanmu Ci is not a spaceman without any special abilities, otherwise it would be difficult to prove himself.

The old man was about to close the door and lock this lunatic out, but suddenly he felt his body lighten, and he floated up uncontrollably.

Although it was not floating high and very stable, it was indeed floating, and the person in front of him did not even touch him.

Seeing the shock in the old man's eyes, Duanmu Ci explained naturally: "This is just a way to use telekinesis, which should be able to prove that I am a spaceman."

The old man nodded: "I probably understand."

Facing various major events for many years has trained him to be calm in the face of emergencies. Although he is not clear about Duanmu Ci's purpose, Duanmu Ci did not take action at the beginning, which means that he came to discuss something.

Then we have to talk about what it is before we know.

After that, the old man invited Duanmu Ci to sit at home, and Duanmu Ci walked in directly without being shy.

Originally, he wanted to talk directly, but the old man still made a cup of tea for him. The two were silent for a long time. After the tea was finished, Duanmu Ci said: "Actually, I don't drink tea very much."

The old man was a little curious: "Really? Don't cosmic people drink tea?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "This is just my personal situation. In the new era, many cosmic people have learned the lifestyles of various ethnic groups, and there are also many cosmic people who like to drink tea and coffee."

"In fact, there are not many differences in personality between cosmic people and earthlings. Some love peace, and some like to make trouble and invade everywhere."

"This is as it should be." The old man can understand this.

If you have never really come into contact with aliens before, your thinking about aliens will tend to be all kinds of science fiction, and then you will instinctively regard aliens as bad people.

But now that Duanmu Ci is so calm and has a stable temper, he can probably guess what other aliens are like.

They should be the same as the people on Earth, with good and bad, all kinds of people.

He is just more curious about how Duanmu Ci found him and what he wants to talk about.

"We can talk about the extra things later, let's talk about the main points first."

Duanmu Ci nodded. Since the other party was so straightforward, he didn't beat around the bush: "I found you through your top-secret files. In front of cosmic technology, Earth's technology is like primitive people, just like modern people who are used to using electricity look at ancient people who can only light lamps to face the night."

"Many races in the universe have the ability to jump between stars and dimensions."

"It's not entirely right for me to say that I am an alien. In fact, I am not even from this universe, but from another planet in another universe."

After that, Duanmu Ci briefly introduced the history of the Kingdom of Light to the old man.

For example, hundreds of thousands of years ago, the people of the Land of Light were actually no different from the people on Earth (that is, the fact that there was no crime for 100,000 years is relatively fantasy to the people on Earth).

After gaining power, the Land of Light has been thinking about how to use its power, and then began to maintain the peace of the universe, and later expanded its business to maintaining the peace of the multiverse.

"But now the biggest enemy of the Earth is not even the aliens, but within the Earth, in Japan."


Yamamoto Shinji frowned: "Why specifically mention Japan?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "How do I know, it may be the arrangement of the screenwriter."

While speaking, Duanmu Ci took out an instrument and handed it to the old man.

"You can see for yourself, this is the distribution map of giant monsters."

The old man looked at the distribution map, and his face became more and more weird.

"It's really basically all in Japan, and there are only a few scattered in other places."

"What is the principle?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Actually, I don't know."

"But since it is mainly a problem faced by Japan, this kind of thing still needs to be led by Japan."

Yamamoto Shinji has deep concerns.

"Do you mean to provide technological support?"

Duanmu Ci nodded.

After receiving the affirmation, Shinji Yamamoto sighed helplessly.

"If you have too much power, you will definitely be used by those hawks, and then you may even start a global war."

He knew too well what kind of people were on his side.


It doesn't exist, because you are not strong enough and have to lie dormant. If you are strong enough, there will be no such state of swallowing your anger.

Just like the line that has been said to make people sick, "The son of Zhongshan wolf, he will be rampant when he succeeds."

He simply couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if the space technology was first mastered by Japan.

So he personally suggested starting with the United States, letting the United States have power first, and then maintaining global peace.

But Duanmu Ci just sneered at this, and all his good feelings towards the United States were lost in the world of X.

Seeing Duanmu Ci's expression, Shinji Yamamoto also understood that he probably knew the specific situation of the earth.

Sighed: "In this case, there is another choice."

He usually didn't want to talk about that choice.

Because the relationship between there and Japan is not very good.

However, before he could speak, Duanmu Ci said directly.

"Then just start in China."

Duanmu Ci is not from Earth, but his name comes from China, and he does have some different feelings for that place.

But many details need to be discussed slowly.

Before that, Duanmu Ci took out a VR cabin and let Yamamoto Shinji experience what normal humans would feel like when attacked by monsters.

At the same time, he also felt how fragile conventional technology is in front of monsters.

It was also after feeling this urgency that the old man finally deeply felt the importance of the matter.

So, under the secret operation of various countries, a secret department was established, which was only used for aliens, not for any organization on Earth, but had the highest level of authority and the right to appoint the world's top scientists.

Everything was to deal with the upcoming monsters.

This department was also named "MIB" (man-in-black) under the operation of Duanmu Ci. It specializes in dealing with incidents that cannot be solved by earthlings and monitoring the lives of aliens on earth.

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