Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 621 The child has learned the wrong thing

"Although the time has been extended a little bit, Duanmu Jun will still wait for me, right!"

After finally completing the filming of X-TV, Saitian Lizi arranged for her subordinates to release the video multiverse, and finally came to the world of Orb.

She didn't know if it was an illusion. When she first came to this world, she felt that the air was much fresher. After a careful feeling, it turned out that the dark power was basically gone. I don't know if it was another new invention of Duanmu Jun.

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise a little arc.

Although he was cute when he was still Gumen Jun, it's not bad to be a confident scientist now.

Walking and walking, I came to Duanmu Ci's previous house.

Duanmu Ci didn't have the habit of selling houses when no one left, so this house was still there, but because he didn't come to live here often, he gave this house to the SSP trio to live in.

Just let them save some rent expenses.

So when Saitian Lizi knocked on the door, it was not Duanmu Ci she expected who opened the door, but Yumeno Naomi who looked confused.

The moment she saw Saita Riko, Naomi Yumeno's first reaction was, this is a beauty!

The second reaction was, why do I feel like I've seen her somewhere.

"Ah! You are! Riko's actor!"

Saita Riko shook her head and smiled. She is not an actor of Riko, but Riko herself.

"Where is Duanmu-kun? Why are you the one who opened the door?"

"Duanmu-kun?" Naomi Yumeno thought for a moment and suddenly realized something.

Doesn't Boss Duanmu look almost the same as Ikki Komon!

The main reason is that the temperaments of the two are so different that she never thought about it. Now that she saw Saita Riko, she thought about it again.

It seems to be true!

So the couples on the screen actually have an unusual relationship in real life?

I hit it!

"Well, Boss Duanmu seemed to say that he was going to travel around the world. Anyway, this place is empty, so let's use it as the base of SSP."

Saita Riko: "???"

. . .

After saying goodbye to Yumeno Naomi, Saida Riko's face turned black.

Traveling around the world?

How could he travel around the world? It was obvious that he was going to other universes.

Didn't he agree to wait for me here for a month?

Just left like that?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Originally, out of trust, she thought that she didn't need to sense where he was, and could just come here to find him.

"You have to force me to sense your location, right!"

Then Riko suddenly thought of something.

Wasn't Noah with Duanmu Jun?

Does that mean there was no reminder at all?

In fact, Noah played more happily than Duanmu Ci, and forgot more clearly than Duanmu Ci.

In general, Noah is now addicted to various games and has completely forgotten what important things there are.

And Duanmu Ci himself.

He is addicted to being a hands-off boss.

Although he proposed to set up MIB, the whole world is now slowly united under his operation.

In general, although this world still seems to have many countries, it is actually "unified" in essence, and its name is called Earth.

As a transnational organization, MIB does not participate in disputes between countries, so it generally does not intervene. Duanmu Ci's work has been completed long ago.

Technological progress is not achieved overnight. Duanmu Ci is only responsible for putting some interstellar technologies in front of humans, and letting the top scientists of humans study and understand them by themselves, and then go their own way.

If only Duanmu Ci interferes, then after Duanmu Ci is gone, it will be difficult for humans to grow up.

Of course, some basic "common sense" still needs to be unified, otherwise it is not reasonable to go too far as you go.

So Duanmu Ci is now in a situation where he is idle and finds things to do.

First of all, he set up a magazine, and this time this magazine specializes in comics.

Ultraman series comics.

Of course, they are all drawn by Duanmu Ci himself.

Originally, he thought comics were very difficult (it was indeed difficult), but after a simple study with Kubo Nobuaki, he directly introduced artificial intelligence and let AI help him draw comics.

His artificial intelligence is not comparable to those other artificial idiots.

Duanmu Ci is now narrating the plot to the artificial intelligence.

"Yes, that's right. The life that saved the first Ultraman was given to Zoffy by me."

"For these two lives, Zoffy handed Taro to me to help experiment with the water I made, which was the 100,000-degree water used for the Warrior Challenge later."

"So I have some credit for the survival of the first Ultraman. Of course, this is also a reward for his short return to the Land of Light and the inspiration he gave me."

The first Ultraman did return to the Land of Light, but Hayata Jin didn't know about these things, after all, he lost his memory later.

Duanmu Ci knew that the first Ultraman returned to the Land of Light, and of course he asked him about some things on Earth, but he didn't ask very comprehensively, so the things he made at that time were also strange.

Duanmu Ci firmly didn't think it was his own problem. There must be something wrong with the news brought back by the first Ultraman.

The first Ultraman looked like the type who was not good at chatting, um.

So it was the first Ultraman's fault.

Duanmu Ci couldn't help laughing. He didn't know that he could pass the buck like this after so many years.

How to explain the "torture instruments" studied before?

Just as he was thinking divergently, AI Doraemon had already started to draw at least ten versions of comics.

Duanmu Ci printed out all these comics and studied them one by one.

"Well, it looks good, and the battle storyboards are also well designed. It feels like you are actually there."

Comics are like this. After all, you still have to look at the pictures. Always describing with words will eventually fall into the lower level. You still have to look at the feeling of the picture and let people associate it themselves.

A good cartoonist can always give readers a lot of information through storyboards, allowing readers to naturally enter such a world.

But in fact, there are very few cartoonists who can reach this level, and there are even fewer cartoonists who can tell stories in an interesting way.

So there is a sentence in "Dream Eater" that "interesting stories are serialized", which may be the true meaning of comics.

Duanmu Ci feels that the story of Ultraman is still too simple.

If the story of Ultraman is just told separately like a TV series, each story of Ultraman is just a hero appearing and then solving monsters one by one.

The protagonist is Ultraman, but he is not Ultraman.

In the past, the significance of Ultraman in Ultraman TV was actually the same as that of "Crescent Moon Sky Strike", which was very important, but was only used to solve problems.

The real protagonist is actually human beings, the persistence of human beings in the face of various problems, and the reflection in the face of various stories.

But in this way, too many comics are inevitably monotonous, so a complete story is needed.

A complete story requires the design of a main plot, and then experience a series of side plots in the process of achieving this main goal.

So Duanmu Ci directly changed the story of Ultraman into a story of Ultra Brothers "roaming the world", and the stage changed from the earth to the entire universe. The invasion of the earth by cosmic people is no longer an invasion when they want to invade, but a change in the entire universe. The final boss is naturally the Ampera Starman.

And the one who has to deal with Ampera Starman is of course the real future of the Kingdom of Light, the real protagonist of this comic.

That's right, it's Univos himself.

This is in line with the law of the development of the times. Fighting with muscles is not as good as thinking with the brain.

That makes sense!

But it's too monotonous to just let a scientist deal with the Empera Starman.

You have to send the Ultra Brothers up, and merge them into Super Taro, and then be defeated by the Empera Starman. In the end, when everyone is helpless, a scientist comes out.

This design is interesting.

So Duanmu Ci deliberately described the Ultra Brothers as quite powerful, and the scientist himself is positioned like Urahara Kisuke, always hiding in the dark, feeling that he is very powerful, but never making a move, and often making some interesting inventions to adjust the atmosphere.

Duanmu Ci couldn't help but sigh after reading all these versions of the comics.

"If such artificial intelligence becomes popular, the comics industry will really be almost finished in the future."

Of course, by then, it may be like a novel, and it can be seen everywhere on the Internet, and then the competition will not be about the basic skills of comics, but the basic skills of storytelling.

Interesting stories are serialized.

"By the way, I wonder how Kubo is doing now."

Duanmu Ci suddenly missed his friend. Although he relied on AI to draw comics here, he still taught me the basic skills before.

When he was learning comics, he heard him say that he was learning the swordsmanship of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu recently. Yagyu Shinkage-ryu is a relatively famous and widely used sword art. The master here is also the best. The teaching method should be quite scientific.

When Duanmu Ci returned to the dojo, he saw Kubo Nobuaki who was scientifically trained.

In short, he was beaten violently by the master of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu with a bamboo sword, and all the communication between the two was in the fight.

Looking at his miserable appearance, Duanmu Ci smiled and didn't say much.

This is actually the best way.

Fighting is like this. Those who can fight will always have an advantage over those who know nothing.

Now Kubo Nobuaki has not learned anything from other schools. The real swordsmanship he has learned comes from Yagyu Shinkage-ryu, so when he encounters a problem that he can't solve, he will only think of using Yagyu Shinkage-ryu to solve it.

Fighting all the time means giving him difficult problems and asking him to solve them in the way of Yagyu Shinkage Ryu. Over time, he naturally learned how to fight in the way of Yagyu Shinkage Ryu.

And because Duanmu Ci was here, all the beds in the gym were replaced with beds that can be restored to the best condition after a sleep. Every time these masters go back to sleep after training with injuries, they will feel refreshed the next day.

Although everyone is not sure what technology is there, it does not prevent everyone from learning to use such technology.

So now they fight for real, no matter how injured they are, as long as they sleep, they will be fine, so what are they afraid of?

In this environment, the swordsmanship of each master has been improved a lot, and the improvement of the disciples is naturally quite large.

Each school has developed a lot, and Ultra Father and Belia have also benefited a lot.

It's just a pity that I don't know why the little Lu seems to be not interested in this kind of thing. He usually wants to sleep when he sees kendo training, and he wants to get closer when he sees little Noah playing games.

These two people respected Noah and did not dare to act rashly in front of him, so Xiao Lu, who had not even learned to speak, followed Noah every day and learned a lot of "consciousness" of the game.

Noah was not opposed to having such a child watching him play games.

Duanmu Ci had things to do every day, so he did not want to disturb him. It was quite boring to be alone. Although Xiao Lu was still young, he could babble and say something messy, and he could also clap and laugh along, which was quite good.

After exercising for about half an hour, Kubo Xuanzhang, who was bruised all over, finally had the opportunity to rest. At this time, he called Duanmu Ci over.

"Mr. Duanmu, where have you been these days?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "I went to experiment with drawing comics. You look like you're doing well in kendo, and you're already pretty good at it!"

Kubo Nobuaki smiled helplessly, "It's just barely possible. If it was a real sword, I would have died a long time ago."

"In fact, when you wake up from sleep here every day, all the injuries on your body will disappear. I think this should be some ancient black technology, right?"

"Like that kind of internal force or something."

Duanmu Ci spread his hands, "Who knows? Medicine and martial arts are inseparable, maybe it's some black technology."

"Well, it's a pity that I still have to sleep."

Kubo Nobuaki feels that his strength has improved a lot recently, but if he can always maintain his best condition, he will definitely perform better.

"If the black technology used to restore the body is not this kind of bed, but a hot spring, soaking in the hot spring can restore injuries, wouldn't that be perfect?"

"Soaking in a hot spring to restore injuries? Do you think it's the god of death?" Duanmu Ci laughed and complained.

But after complaining, Duanmu Ci suddenly felt something was wrong. It seems that there is no god of death comic in this world.

But Kubo Nobuaki suddenly got excited when he heard this

"Death God? Are you saying that the Death God in the legend also recovers from injuries by taking a hot spring bath?"

Duanmu Ci was puzzled: "What does the Death God have to do with you?"

Kubo Nobuaki: "I asked you to read my new comic, didn't you read it?"

Duanmu Ci scratched his head awkwardly: "I've been busy recently, you know..."

Kubo Nobuaki ran to the side and found a magazine and handed it to Duanmu Ci.

"Look, "BLEACH", my comic."

Duanmu Ci: "!!!"

Took the magazine, found the location of his comics, and his name was written on it.

Kubo Taito.

"Aren't you Kubo Nobuaki!?"

Kubo Nobuaki spread his hands: "As a cartoonist, isn't it natural for me to take a pen name?"

"So, does the Death God really rely on hot springs to recover from injuries?"

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