Duanmu Ci thought that he and this unknown being would fight soon after meeting.

However, in fact, this being watched him destroy Ultron and did not take any action, but began to talk to him about scientific research very naturally.

Originally, Duanmu Ci was not going to talk to him about these, but the questions raised by the other party were too clever, and even just the questions had solved many of Duanmu Ci's problems.

So the two of them discussed peacefully as if nothing had happened just now and no one had died.

After only discussing for less than half an hour, Duanmu Ci was very sure that the so-called "master" of the robot in front of him was comparable to himself in some aspects of science and technology.

Even some very critical parts.

Even the other party's research on magic technology is quite in-depth, much deeper than Duanmu Ci's research that has just started.

Duanmu Ci only conducted research based on the magic in various entertainment works in the past, which is equivalent to walking a path that has been speculated by others, and has not yet deviated from ordinary imagination.

Many adults have this problem. After growing up and knowing the world, their imagination is restricted by the world. They are no longer wild and unrestrained, but not as free as when they were young.

The master of this robot gave Duanmu Ci too many inspirations, allowing him to see a broader future for magic.

The other party obviously did not expect Duanmu Ci to have such a strong acceptance ability. Just listening to many of his questions, the answers naturally formed in his mind, and he continued to ask questions and communicate.

Duanmu Ci was also unceremonious and asked him many questions about traditional science.

These questions were also very high-end, and made the other party silent from time to time.

"Not bad, not bad."

Seeing that he was silent for longer and longer, the other party finally called a stop.

"You really have something."

"Maybe in a few thousand years, you will become a threat to me."

Duanmu Ci raised his eyebrows: "Thousands of years? Is your arithmetic okay?"

"Why do I feel that you are still 20,000 years away from me?"

The other party was silent for a moment, and then a flash of light flashed out, and a fluid metal robot with only a human form appeared in front of Duanmu Ci.

"This is my strongest mechanical creation."

Duanmu Ci: "Force cannot solve the problem."

Master: "But we can make the most intuitive comparison."

"Right here, you and my technology will have the most intuitive competition!"

Duanmu Ci: "..."

... . .

Ten minutes later, Duanmu Ci returned to the Eight Thousand Flow Dojo, of course, unscathed.

The opponent's robot is really powerful, even more powerful than Duanmu Ci's own science.

Duanmu Ci simply can't make such a powerful robot, and even directly reached the top level of the ultimate.

Not to mention Duanmu Ci, no one in the entire universe currently has such technology, otherwise the mass production of the ultimate, the universe is afraid that chaos will occur on the spot.

But in the end, Duanmu Ci won.

Because he used Noah's body, he directly stunned the robot on the opposite side.

Even the "master" behind the robot was stunned.

He thought his technology was much stronger than Duanmu Ci, but the final result was that he was completely crushed and had no power to fight back. This seemingly invincible ultimate level robot showed all its characteristics, but it still couldn't even break the defense, and was finally blown into countless light particles by a lightning Noah.

Yes, this robot even has the ability to be completely restored after being shattered.

But in front of the lightning Noah, it was completely useless, and it didn't even show this ability and was directly gone.

The final result was that both of them couldn't figure it out.

Duanmu Ci really couldn't figure out why his technology couldn't reach the ultimate level, and he had to use hard power to win the battle.

The owner of the robot also couldn't figure out why Duanmu Ci could easily defeat his robot, so that Duanmu Ci left openly and took away a lot of his high-tech products, and he didn't notice it.

Of course, this is not stealing, at most it is a gift for meeting, and Duanmu Ci also gave him a gift for meeting, a lightning Noah, it takes a lot of effort!

This energy can be calculated to make a lot of things!

Taking something is considered a courtesy, not impolite at all.

The mechanical riot in reality has ended, or rather, it has ended temporarily.

But all the data of Ultraman has been uploaded to the "master", and the highest-level artificial intelligence is analyzing the fighting styles of all Ultraman.

Yes, it is fighting style.

Moves are indeed easy to remember and relatively easy to restrain. Generally speaking, artificial intelligence analyzes the enemy's fighting by analyzing moves, such as when Zoffy was beaten up by Roberage after the moves were analyzed.

But style is a completely different thing.

Because moves can be innovated, but styles are generally fixed.

A person can constantly change moves, but cannot constantly change styles.

As long as the fighting style is targeted, it is basically equivalent to completely restricting the opponent.

However, generally no one does this, because it is easy to practice a kung fu that specifically restrains other people's moves, and it is very feasible to practice a Dugu Nine Swords that can restrain various moves.

So this requires high-intensity calculations, and because of this, only the most advanced artificial intelligence can do it.

At the same time, Univos's fighting style is also being calculated!

Once the calculation is complete. . .

After returning to the Eight Thousand Style Gym, Duanmuci had completely isolated himself from the outside world. He grabbed Noah who still wanted to go out to play, dragged him into his laboratory, and then started researching.

Mainly studying Noah.

After all, this may be the most "high-tech" existence around Duanmuci.

So Noah can now study with Duanmu Ci.

Mainly responsible for being studied.

But Noah is quite happy. After all, Duanmuci will give you benefits after completing the research. Various new games and new animations will come as soon as possible. Besides, although those researches are dangerous, they are only for others, and for Noah In other words, all dangers are not dangers.

"Actually, our research from the very beginning must return to ourselves."

. . .

When Duanmuci was doing research, the outside was not peaceful either.

The difficult journey of falling in love and killing each other began between Geed and Dark Belial.

After the two collaborated once, Dark Beria suddenly had the idea of ​​​​having a child.

He didn't bother to train him anymore, so just Jade, this kid is pretty good.

But it's obvious that Geed doesn't think so, because he has a happy family.

Of course, the premise is that his mother is not a third party in the family.

Anyway, he has both parents here, and he really has no intention of finding a new father for himself.

So the two father and son started a long-term fight with each other.

Mainly Dark Belial beating up Geed.

Zero didn't know what was going on, so he just watched Ged being beaten and had no intention of going up to help.

If he helps, Dark Belial will most likely not be able to defeat him.

However, he also saw that Dark Beria did not really want to kill Geed.

During this time, Zero finally recovered all his strength and all his injuries. Now, in addition to the legendary Zero form, he can also transform into other ultimate arcane forms.

Ultimate Zero, Radiant Zero, all these powers are unlocked.

Now he can exert all his strength at any time, and even speaks with more confidence.

As for Ultra's father and the three of them, they are still living the same life.

It's just that Ultra's father and Ultra's mother successfully became CP, while Beria became an "outsider". Of course, this does not affect Xiao Lu's life here.

Because whether it was Ultra's father or Ultra's mother, they really regarded Xiao Lu as their own child.

It is equivalent to having a common child.

Toba Kuriha left temporarily.

Since participating in the last cosmic war, the light within her body has awakened.

For this reason, Duanmu Ci even came out to see her once and confirmed that the light in her body was the light of the Ultra King.

This time, Toba Raiha, who had no sense of presence at all, suddenly became a celebrity in the Kingdom of Light.

Everyone knows that the King of Ultra is still there, but they don’t know where the King of Ultra is. Now everyone has a guess. Is there a possibility that the King of Ultra puts the test of the power of destiny on On such a girl.

So now, although Toba Kuriha has left temporarily, her movements are under everyone's attention.

Xiao Lu also wanted to go with him, but Ultra's father and others had always opposed it. Of course, the so-called test was most suitable for him to participate alone. With Xiao Lu's help, it would not be a test.

Time rolls forward.

Finally, after three months, the monster appeared.


Strictly speaking, it's called Galatron MK3!

The first one that appeared in the Orb world was the initial version of the Galatron MK series. Later, the one that defeated Metal Tyrant was MK2, which was considered an upgraded version of the first version.

Today's MK3 is an upgraded version of MK2. The overall golden area is more, the silver dragon gradually turns into a golden dragon, and the magic power in the body is also several times the original.

Not only the magic power, but also the AI ​​of the entire monster has been completely different. It is equipped with a super artificial intelligence that restrains all Ultraman's fighting styles. Nowadays, MK3 has already laid out the so-called victory formula when it comes out.

At the same time, Riku, who was working hard alone because he was unable to accompany Toba Kuriha, saw such a super robot wreaking havoc on the city. He didn't even wait for MIB to contact him before he transformed and rushed to the center of the city, landing with one shot. Phoenix blast.

However, the imagined situation where the Phoenix Shock Wave instantly killed the opponent did not appear.

A huge magic circle appeared in front of MK3. The light of the Phoenix shock wave fell on the magic circle and turned into pure magic power and entered MK3's body.

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