Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 676 Dugu Nine Swords AI

MK3's anti-light magic array is much more casual than other reflections or forced absorptions. It can absorb the super-strong light of Phoenix Shockwave, which is similar to the combined light, without any effort.

This is the first time that Zeed has encountered a situation where his light move has no effect after it is released.

In the past, enemies basically relied on dodging to resist his move.

Or they would fight against him with light, and usually they couldn't beat him.

This is the first time that he has been completely restrained.

It suddenly reminded him of the scene when Duanmu Ci used Thunder Killer to bloody him.

It was not a very good memory.

Galatron MK3 had no emotions. Seeing Zeed was confused, it didn't say much nonsense and walked up to him and punched him in the forehead.

He quickly lowered his head to dodge, and at the same time, he stopped being arrogant and directly merged and upgraded to the heroic form. A pair of big horns grew out, and the whole person's combat power was greatly improved.

It seems that the transformation time in the small dark room is relatively long, but in reality it is only a moment.

Zed, who had completely changed his appearance, was still in a state of successful dodging, so he did not hesitate at all and punched MK3 in the face.


Sparks flew and a clear sound was heard.

MK3's neck was also twisted by the punch.

But the imagined situation of causing great damage did not exist. MK3's defense power rose to another level, and he was not affected by the punch.

It was also because of this distraction that Zed did not have time to retract his fist, and MK3 clamped his right hand tightly.

After all, he was too young, and his journey was too smooth, so Zed did not care much about many basic principles of fighting.

He was not unaware of the basic fighting principles of this kind of fighting that you must quickly retract the frame after punching, but he did not care much about it in normal times, and this time he was finally hit.

Zed, whose right hand was clamped, wanted to move, but was restricted everywhere. He wanted to break free, but found that the power of this MK3 was quite strong, and he could not break free at all. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not get rid of the restraint.

At the same time, a magic circle of about the same size as MK3's head appeared in front of him, with a large amount of magic power condensed in it.


This is to release light close to the face!

Even if Zedd has never seen this light skill, he can guess what MK3 wants to do based on his previous combat experience.

So he did not hesitate at all, opened his left hand that was not clamped, and a green transparent barrier appeared in front of him.

He himself did not know how much the single-handed Ultra Barrier could resist, but it was better than using his face to directly receive other people's big moves.

Seeing that the energy in the magic circle was becoming more and more full, Zedd finally gave up the struggle of his right hand and focused all his attention on the barrier of his left hand.

At this time, a loud and high voice came:

"Hey! Why are you so cowardly today?"

Zedd looked in the direction of the voice, and a gold and silver Zero appeared in the air.

Shining Zero.

This is a form that Zero doesn't use very often. It's not that it's not strong. Zero in this form is quite powerful. The only problem is that the energy consumption is too outrageous. Even he can't maintain this posture for a long time to fight.

Then Zero put one hand across his body, and the laser on his forehead emitted a thick cylindrical light.

This is the Emerim Cut of Shining Zero, which is far more powerful than the original Emerim Cut of Seven.

The bright beam of light fell down and hit MK3's arm accurately, loosening its grip on Zedd's arm.

Zedd no longer hesitated, and immediately pulled out his right hand and supported it on the barrier.

Almost at the same time, the magic power of the magic circle reached its limit, and a purple beam of light blasted out and fell hard on Zedd's barrier.

This move can be said to be accurate.

But soon MK3 found that something was wrong.

Magic light generally has the ability to corrode. No matter how strong the opponent's defense is, the body will be corroded by the residual magic power and eventually become slag.

But Zedd was not affected by this, as if the erosion effect did not exist.

At this time, the core of MK3 began to calculate at high speed, and finally could only guess an answer through the performance of Zedd's body.

Zedd should have a certain degree of magic resistance, but how is it possible?

In this regard, MK3's artificial intelligence can only classify Zedd's resistance as an individual situation.

After all, magic is something that the entire universe has not studied thoroughly. How could anyone be able to study a means of obvious magic resistance so quickly?

Without the influence of magic erosion, this magic light column is just a stronger light. Now Zedd resists with both hands. Although it looks a little difficult, he finally resists it. In the end, he even swung it violently, and threw the light into the sky together with the barrier.

At this time, Shining Zero also landed beside Zedd.

"Why are you so cowardly today?"

"I only have one hand left to move, so I used it to fight against its beam!"

Jed was speechless: "This robot has the ability to restrain beams. If the beam used to fight is absorbed, wouldn't I be hit head-on by a powerful attack?"

Although Duanmu Ci also told him that after various resistance training, his defense is very strong, and sometimes it won't be a big problem to be hit head-on by others' powerful attacks.

But Geed has killed enemies with his ultimate move so many times in recent years that he is now very timid and dares not to test the law with his own defense to see if other people's ultimate moves are powerful enough.

Cero spread his hands: "Then it depends on me."

After speaking, a flash of light flashed on Cero's body and he turned into Legendary Cero.

Shining Cero is indeed powerful, but the Amerim Cut just now failed to break the opponent's arm, which means that that form cannot end the battle quickly.

The biggest problem of Shining Cero is endurance. Since the battle cannot be ended quickly, it means that the battle cannot be ended at all.

So he did not hesitate at all and directly changed to Legendary Cero, who is also the Ultimate Ultra Form, and used the posture of Seiga to deal with the opponent.

Legendary Cero is exactly the opposite of Shining Cero. Legendary Cero uses a sublimator to transform, and does not even use his own energy. And with the bonus of the highest technology in the Kingdom of Light, this form not only consumes little, but can even restore energy and replenish consumption by itself!

It's like practicing the Nine Yang Divine Art.

"Let's go together!"

After making a pose, Zero rushed out first.

He is indeed a reckless man!

But it suits Zedd's heart now, so he rushed up with him, and the two of them beat up MK3 together.


A familiar feeling appeared again.

During this period, the two of them have been cooperating with each other, and it can be said that the cooperation is quite good. However, after facing this Galatron, it feels that everything is an illusion, and the good cooperation does not exist.

Galatron dodges the attacks of the two very accurately, and can cleverly divide and counterattack, so that the joint attack of the two has never worked, and can only be divided and attacked.

On the surface, it looks like two people are beating up one person, but in fact it has become a one-on-one, just against two people at the same time. This kind of calculation difficulty is nothing for artificial intelligence.

Dual thread is more than enough.

At the same time, the two of them felt the aggrieved situation again.

Just like the previous battle with Dark Lopus.

Completely controlled by the opponent.

No matter what moves he made, the opponent always managed to strike first and restrict him.

If it weren't for Zero's rich combat experience and Zedd's growth during this period, the two would probably be completely suppressed like last time.

And the feeling this time was actually different.

The last time they faced the Dark Lopus, they were like facing a flood.

They knew it was coming, but they couldn't resist it, so they could only be swept away and didn't know where to go.

Facing this enemy this time was like playing rock-paper-scissors with someone, but he went first and the opponent went later.

No matter how he made a move, the opponent could always accurately restrain it, as if he had conducted a special restraint study on the moves.

"Zed, it should have recorded some of our fighting moves, so let's change some moves we have never used to play with it!"

Zed nodded, and then the two began to change moves, and even used some different fighting skills. Zero even used the Bajiquan that he learned from Duanmu Ci.

But the imagined situation of breaking the situation still did not appear. No matter what moves they used, the opponent could break it naturally. They changed several kinds of boxing and it was useless.

This time, even Zero was a little confused.

What is the situation with this opponent?

Could it be that this is not a breaking move, but the opponent's fighting skills have really reached the level of a master?

How is this possible?

Not to mention that there is no such technology in the universe at present, even if there is technology that can make robots reach the level of a master, it is not very meaningful to create it. The battles in the new era are still dominated by light, and fighting skills cannot kill people!

Even now, he and Geed are completely suppressed by fighting skills, but they have not suffered any substantial injuries, but they are just a little headache.

On the other side, Duanmu Ci was also called out from the laboratory by Saitada Riko, and he was watching the live battle with VR at this moment.

"This fighting style! It's interesting."

Saitada Riko was surprised: "What did you see?"

She didn't see anything wrong, but just felt that the fighting skills of this robot were quite clever, with a feeling of Dugu Jiujian.

But she couldn't figure out how to do it.

That's right, Lizi was just a college student studying art. Even after she became Lucifer, she often played the hard power to crush others.

She can never compare with scientists like Duanmu Ci who have seriously studied fighting skills.

Duanmu Ci said: "Look at this Galatron carefully. It actually attacks a moment later than Geed and Zero every time."

"And it doesn't rely on speed, but on precise calculation. It can accurately hit the opponent's weak points every time to end the opponent's attack. So now Zero and Geed are both uncomfortable."

In fact, this fighting method can be seen in many action games.

In most action games, the opponent usually has a fixed starting move before making a move. As long as you can remember what moves are after this starting move, you can do it like Dugu Jiujian, accurately avoiding the opponent's attack every time, and then counterattack at the most appropriate time.

But real combat is not a game. There is no fixed starting position, and there are all kinds of fake moves to deceive people. If you fight in real life according to the way you play games, you will definitely be killed by your opponent.

However, the current scene is that Zero and Geed are being beaten by each other like they are game bosses.

"how did you do that?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "I have made it very clear. There are obvious preparations for moves in the game, so players can predict what moves the enemy will use."

"In real-life fighting, everyone's way of exerting force is somewhat different. It may seem like just a straight punch, but in fact it will mobilize many muscles in the body. If you want to deliver a lethal punch, you will often use your whole body. the power of."

"Since the whole body's strength is used, there will naturally be more subtle changes. This robot should have grasped this change, analyzed it in a very short time, and then carried out precise counterattacks. "

"It seems complicated, but it's not impossible for top-level AI."

Saita Riko nodded: "So, the AI ​​you invented can do this?"

Duanmuci: "Uh..."

Duanmuci really hasn't done much research on fighting AI. The AI ​​used in the robots he built are relatively basic. AI that has mastered various fighting skills does not have this kind of AI that can analyze in detail.

Moreover, the AI ​​he created was mainly used to help with research, and combat was a secondary matter.

"Anyway, just know that this can be done."

Finally, I found an explanation to fool him.

At the same time, Duanmu Ci was also a little helpless.

In the past, everyone thought that Duanmu Ci was a round scientist and the best in all aspects. This is indeed not bad. He is indeed the best in the universe in all aspects.

Even the shortcomings are much greater than the strengths of others.

So before, Duanmu Ci always seemed to have no shortcomings.

Now that a top scientist has made a comparison, it can be seen that there are still some shortcomings that are not really shortcomings.

If this had happened in the past, Duanmu Ci would have wanted to go into the laboratory and start research to upgrade Doraemon and turn it into an AI that could use the "Nine Swords of Dugu".

But now, Duanmu Ci's first priority is to study Noah, so he put it aside for the time being.

Anyway, the fighting skills of the new generation are not the key to victory or defeat.

"However, compared to fighting skills, the real purpose of this Galatron is not that simple."

Duanmu Ci muttered as he discovered something.

This Galatron is not a waste of time, but a real operation.

It is absorbing the energy of Geed and Zero, and mixing this energy with magic power inside.

It was very subtle, and if Duanmu Ci hadn't been very sensitive to magic and energy, he might not have been able to detect it.

"It looks like it's going to make a big move!"

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