Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 677: Muscles Defeat Technology

Thinking of this, Duanmu Ci suddenly became curious. Although the other party developed magic earlier than him, and there were many things that were wild and unrestrained, far ahead of him.

But he was still quite deep in some magic.

I wonder if I can restrict this Galatron.

The Galatron MK3 in the field was still gathering energy. When it was fully charged, it would use such a super beam that could directly kill two ultimate O.

In the field, Zero had been suppressed in fighting skills. Finally, he couldn't help it. Regardless of the situation that Zedd had experienced before, he stepped on his feet and retreated rapidly. His hands were in a dangerous starting position, one hand was put at the waist, and the other arm was opened horizontally.

Then his hands formed an L shape in front of him.

A very bright beam of light whizzed out. Because the distance was very close, Galatron was completely swallowed before he even saw any reaction to it.

Zedd thought that it was Zero's light that worked, so he quickly retreated, his eyes shining, and prepared to charge up to use the real signature light of this form, the big explosion light path.

But before he could make a move, Zero on the other side shouted.

"Don't use the light! Be careful of the opponent's sneak attack!"

Unlike Zedd's third-person perspective, Zero could clearly perceive that his light did not really hit the opponent. He did not feel that the enemy was decomposed, but instead felt that he was absorbed.

And now the opponent was swallowed by his light, he could not even see what the opponent was like inside, and did not know what kind of moves the enemy was hiding. Seeing Zedd wanted to make a move, he hurriedly reminded him.


It was too late.

Regardless of whether Zedd had used the light, Galatron MK3 had already absorbed enough energy.

At this moment, its body was reacting at a high speed.

The energy that followed traditional science and the magic that violated traditional science were mixed together.

These are two completely different energies. When they are forcibly fused, they will be annihilated from the inside and release all energy at the same time.

With this level of energy gathering, not to mention dealing with two Ultimate Odds, even the entire Earth might be destroyed.

But it doesn't matter, what the Earth will become is never considered by the mastermind behind the manipulation of Galatron.

After receiving Zero's reminder, Zedd quickly stopped charging the light, stared at Galatron who was engulfed by the light, and began to gather energy at the same time. If he couldn't avoid the enemy's attack, he could only use the barrier to block it.

At the same time, the "Lord" who was hiding in another dimension and watching everything quietly watched the situation of this battle.

He felt that it was already a sure thing.

The next move was about to cause the two Ultimate Odds on Earth to fall. Unless the mysterious four Odds came, no one could save them!

The Q version of Noah sitting on Duanmu Ci's shoulder also thought so.

"It looks like I have to take action!"

Duanmu Ci took off his VR glasses and said, "It doesn't make much sense for you to take action in this posture, and you still can't end the battle."

"In this case, of course, we still have to rely on the power of science!"

Noah was surprised: "Your Silent Forbidden Zone should be useless to this robot, right?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "They are experts in magic research, and the ability generated by pure magic power such as the Silent Forbidden Zone is of course useless to them."

"But I never said that the magic I am best at is the Silent Forbidden Zone!"

Noah: ⊙_⊙

"Isn't it?"

Duanmu Ci was speechless: "I use the Silent Forbidden Zone just because it is easy to use, just like playing the blocking deck in Yu-Gi-Oh, but no one has ever thought that the blocking deck is their full strength!"

Those decks that come out specifically for "Newspaper Office" are obviously not regarded as ace decks.

First, it is a bit too wretched, second, it is not handsome enough, and third, if it is cracked by the opponent, it will inevitably be beaten.

If the opponent fails to crack it, it's okay to fight online, but if it's a real card battle, it may turn into a fistfight.

Duanmu Ci often uses the Silent Forbidden Zone, but it's not because he is good at this ability, but because others can't find a way to crack it for the time being, so he can do whatever he wants.

Now that the opponent has used his real skills, Duanmu Ci will certainly use his real skills to play with them.

In the field, Zero's light has stopped.

At the same time, everyone finally saw the picture in the center of the field clearly.

There are several magic circles around Galatron.

According to Zedd's previous understanding of it, these magic circles are obviously used to release light.

Zero over there also discovered it, but even he can only passively raise the Ultra Barrier at the moment.

However, Zero was unsure about the trace of terrifying aura released from the magic circle. His barrier might not be able to withstand the opponent's big move.


When the opponent's light gushed out, time seemed to be frozen.

In this frozen image, a silver figure with wings on its back appeared in front of Zedd and Zero.

Noah! ?

No, it was Dr. Univos!

Zero quickly identified who the person was.

Although he looked almost identical to Noah, the light on Dr. Univos was much weaker, and it did not have that vast feeling. It was relatively easy to judge from the energy level.

But this is enough!

Dr. Uniworth never fights an unprepared battle.

Geed was also shocked by the sudden appearance of Noah.

The three ancient gods! How could he not recognize him as a loyal Ultraman fan?

I just didn't expect that such a character would suddenly come to earth and save his life at this critical moment.

Is this the pleasure of deus ex machina!

Yunivos appeared on the stage, grabbed his hands in the void in front of him, and a circular barrier enveloped Galatron MK3.

Then Galatron's light blasted out and landed on the barrier, all of which were blocked.

But even so, you can see from the outside that the energy inside this barrier is accumulating more and more. At first, you can barely see the shadow of Galatron. Later, when the energy becomes more, you can only see the entire spherical barrier turning into a Huge ball of light.

Seeing this, Sero stood up directly and said: "No, it is better to block it than to open it up. If this continues, the power of the explosion will only become more powerful! The earth will definitely not be able to withstand it!"

If this thing explodes on the earth, the entire earth will really enter its doomsday moment.

"rest assured."

Uniworth just replied lightly.

What he wants is for this energy to gather more and more, and finally explode.

But of course it didn't explode on Earth.

Yunivos stepped forward slowly, with colorful lights blooming from the soles of his feet every step he took, as if he was walking on a rainbow path.

Until he reached the spherical barrier, he put his right hand on it, and a large amount of magic power and his own power were released together, forcibly opening the dimensional channel!

That's right, what Univos, who possesses the power of Noah, is best at has never been the ability to block light. What he is best at has always been the power of dimensions!

Forced dimensional teleportation.

When the robot's "master" saw Yunivos's hand, he instantly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, soon the super dimensional power produced by combining the dimensional power of Noah and the dimensional power of magic in Yunivos' hands expelled this super energy body.

And the destination of exile is. . .

That dimension where all the robots are busy doing their jobs!

Uniworth has only been there once, but he has already memorized the coordinates of that dimension very skillfully.


Not only did Yunivos throw the Galatron MK3, which was about to explode, into the place, but he also timed it so that the robot's "main" didn't have time to react.

Galatron MK3, which was wrapped in a spherical barrier, reached the critical point as soon as it arrived at the scene, causing an exaggerated explosion.

This is enough to cause the huge energy of Ultimate Arcane Annihilation to burst out instantly in that special dimension, not only causing damage to the buildings and entities that actually exist, but also directly annihilating the entire special space and erasing the entire time and space.

Because of the loss of that space, the owner of the robot also lost the monitoring window of the earth.

It is far away from here and cannot look directly over. Moreover, it also knows that if it looks directly over, it will be locked by the mystery, so it has always used that special space as a transit station to observe the earth.

But also because of this, when that space is completely annihilated, it will be equivalent to completely losing control of the earth.

"It seems that my dimensional power is stronger."

After saying this, Yunivos turned and left, his figure gradually becoming transparent and disappearing into the air, as if everything just now was just an illusion.


too strong!

Cero didn't even know how to describe Dr. Uniworth's performance just now.

When Dr. Univers returned, he had just regained his body, and his strength was already quite terrifying. Noah's physical combat power was enough to crush most people.

Later, Zero's strength continued to grow stronger, and the emergence of various ultimate arcane forms gave him a bit more confidence. He thought that he should not be inferior to Dr. Univers in terms of hard power, and his fighting skills should not be much different. He is still a professional warrior and should be even stronger in terms of combat literacy.

Maybe he has surpassed Dr. Univers.

But just after Univos took action, Zero realized that he was simply overthinking.

The gap between Ultimate Arcana can also be exaggerated.

"Zero, Zero!"

Geed patted the dazed Zero and said, "We should go."

Only then did Zero realize that the battle was over and it was time for the two of them to leave.

. . .

After the two of them transformed back into the human body, Xiao Lu said: "I really didn't expect that God Noah would appear at this time."

"Is it possible that the boss is the Noah who keeps playing games with me?"

Because Duanmuci has strong technology and can create artificial intelligence, Xiao Lu has always thought that the Q version of Noah was a small robot with advanced artificial intelligence created by Duanmuci over the years.

Now it seems that maybe that is the real Noah?

Otherwise, how can we explain that Noah, the boss, was able to appear in time to save his life at this time?

Zero: "Uh..."

He didn't know how to explain this kind of thing for a while.

Xiao Lu's guesses were all wrong, but he came to the conclusion that the Q version of Noah is the real Noah, which is indeed correct.

The reasoning was all wrong, but the result was right.

Forget it, it would be a good thing to make him respect Mr. Noah more in the future.

Duanmuci went out and came back just for a moment. When Noah saw him coming back, he jumped back on his shoulder.

"In fact, you don't have to take this risk. Although I can't exert my combat power now, I can still use many abilities. It's not a problem to deal with a robot."

Duanmu Ci showed a meaningful smile: "This is different. This is a war between scientists."

"Now I win!"

Noah: "???"

"Just now you took a risk, have you ever thought about what if your dimensional power can't exile the enemy?"

"There is no such result!"

Duanmu Ci: "After all, I am the top scientist!"

He said with a proud look on his face.

Noah was speechless, this damn desire to win.

Duanmu Ci took this action not for anything else, just to prove that even if you have calculated everything, our science and technology are still better.

"But, have you ever thought about it."

Noah suddenly said: "This time you still used your own strength to defeat other people's technology, proving once again that technology is worthless in the face of absolute strength."

Duanmu Ci: ⊙_⊙

It seems... . .

It seems to be true?

The dimensional power he used came from Noah's power, and the dimensional power of that magic was also a dimensional magic transformed from the combination of Noah's power and magic.

Does it mean that he, a top scientist in the universe, once again defeated the technology of another top scientist with his muscles?

"But this magic power was developed by me!"

Duanmu Ci felt that he could still make up for it.

Noah ruthlessly complained: "This is based on your dimensional power."

"Besides, no matter how powerful your magic is, it is still magic, and it does not belong to technology itself."

Duanmu Ci: "I don't care, my power is technology!"

Before Noah could refute, Duanmu Ci quickly added

"Don't say anything more, let's go back and do research!"

After that, he picked up Noah and left.

Saida Riko, who was standing by, was stunned and couldn't find a chance to intervene in the conversation between the two.

These two people are like the Haier brothers, two merged into one...

When Xiao Lu and Zero came back excitedly and wanted to ask about Noah, they were told by Sai Tian Lizi that Noah had been captured by Duan Mu Ci for experiments.

Xiao Lu understood immediately.

"So, that Q version robot that looks like a doll is really Noah?"

Sai Tian Lizi nodded: "You have played games with him for more than ten years, and you didn't recognize him?"

Xiao Lu smiled awkwardly: "Brother Duan Mu's technology is so good, normal people would think it is just an artificial intelligence robot, right?"

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