Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 678 Univos Noah is invincible?

Chapter 678 Univos + Noah = Invincible?

Let’s not talk about how excited Xiao Lu is here.

Dark Belia is really anxious.

“What! The strongest opponent of Geed has now changed from me to an unknown robot!?”

“It’s simply unreasonable!”

“Fujing, are the two capsules and the latest sublimator ready?”

The capsules of Dark Lugiel and Anperla are being made at a high speed.

Dark Belia can’t wait any longer.

“It’s almost ready, but the sublimator has not been tested yet. We are worried that it may not be able to play a sufficient role.”

“What if you go to the battle but fail to show your absolute crushing strength, isn’t it our fault?”

Hearing this, Dark Belia’s excited heart calmed down immediately.

Although he has always been a very arrogant type, he actually has a forbearing side in his character.

When facing an enemy that is too strong or unable to achieve his goals, he will hold back all his anger and hide himself.

Originally, he wanted to use the form of Evil Belia to deal with Zedd, and then become Zedd's strongest opponent, train him with high-pressure mode, and finally find a way to make him admit that he is his son. Now it seems that this combo is impossible.

If there is no absolute strength suppression, many things will definitely not be done well.

"Don't worry, study slowly. I think the robot's combat mode is very special. It uses a very unusual power, especially the last move. I am afraid that the power can easily blow up the entire earth."

"Its own power is definitely not that strong. It must have absorbed too much energy from Zero and Zedd in the middle, and finally combined with its own power, and then produced such an effect."

"In this case, we can't do without the study of this power. You first collect the remaining energy on the battlefield, and then find a way to cultivate it into a capsule. I want three capsules to use together!"

Fuji Izuku bowed his head and said yes, and then left Dark Belia's office respectfully.

After leaving Dark Belia's sight, Fuji Izuku breathed a sigh of relief, and then a complacent smile appeared on his face.

The strength of Evil Belia is enough to crush these warriors of the Kingdom of Light, and it is also the end of Fushigi's ambition. He believes that if Belia reaches this level, he can dominate the universe.

Unexpectedly, Belia's idea is even more domineering. He not only wants the form of Evil Belia, but also wants to be one step stronger than this form.

This is the gap in realm!

The gap in capacity.

There has always been a saying in the universe that the greater your capacity, the greater your potential.

Although it is said that those who are content are always happy, being dissatisfied with the status quo is the fundamental reason for human progress!

Although Belia's dissatisfaction with the power of Evil Belia will put a lot of pressure on Fushigi in scientific research, it also gives Fushigi more confidence!

And Belia's attention also makes Fushigi quite complacent.

At the beginning, a group of people wanted to revive Belia, each with their own ideas, and everyone has their own way to work for Belia, but in the end, the technology on their side is more valued.

It turned out that choosing Hikari's technology was not a wrong choice!

However, this combination is also a challenge for Fukui Izukui. It has deviated a lot from Hikari's research, and he doesn't know if he can grasp it.

In the only laboratory of the Yachiryu Gym, Duanmu Ci smiled and said to Noah

"It seems that I have invented something incredible."

Noah lay on Duanmu Ci's shoulder, and poked his head out in confusion to look at the various strange instruments in front of him.

Very good, no one knows him.

"Did you invent anything?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Of course, I found some interesting things."

"Common sense knows that although our light skills are controlled as much as possible, and can be emitted at a long distance to ensure that the power dissipation is not too high, no matter how hard we try, the light is indeed the farther the distance, the less powerful it is."

Noah rested his chin on Duanmu Ci's shoulder, looking very serious in thinking.

"Is that so? Why do I feel like my light is powerful enough no matter how far it is?"

Duanmu Ci: "..."

"I'm talking about normal situations, not comparing myself to you, because you're not normal."

"Normally, the farther away, the weaker the power. This is as it should be, but this as it should be under traditional science!"

Duanmu Ci raised his lips and said, "What if, under the influence of magic, the farther the light is, the greater its lethality?"

It violates conventional laws and everything in conventional science. Not only will the power not be lost, but it will become stronger and stronger, just like a high-temperature object constantly absorbing the heat of a low-temperature object. It's unscientific, but it's magical!

This is the science of the magic world!

Noah was surprised: "Can this really be done?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Of course, in fact, the last battle with Galatron was simply a blasphemy of magic, and it can even be said to be an abuse of magic."

"It just combines magic with ordinary energy to detonate annihilation and release extraordinary power."

"Indeed, annihilation is the complete destruction of matter, which should be the most complete way to utilize energy, but he forgot one thing, this is the theory of traditional science!"

"And magic has a wider range of possibilities, even some possibilities that we have always thought to be absolute."

As he spoke, a purple light appeared at Duanmu Ci's fingertips. Pure magic is purple, but it can change various properties and then produce different effects.

"For example, like this!"

Duanmu Ci snapped his fingers with the magic.

At the same time, Iga Li Ren, who was shopping with his wife and daughter outside and preparing to buy something, suddenly felt his pockets empty. He reached in and was stunned.

"Where's my wallet!"

Duanmu Ci pinched a wallet that looked a little flat with two fingers.

"See, this is magic!"

Noah was speechless: "Isn't this just a simple dimensional ability? I can take anything I want at any time."

Duanmu Ci: "This is different. This is not a dimensional ability. I didn't use the dimensional ability at all. I just rewrote the location where the wallet should exist!"

"Do you know what this represents?"

Noah shook his head.

Then Duanmu Ci waved his hand again, holding the purple magic power in his palm. The movement was very natural, and it was not even obvious that he was casting a spell or making a seal.

"Just like that, Zero can't take a shower."

Because all injuries have recovered, Zero, who has left Iga Liren's body, is taking a shower happily.

Then he found that his towel was missing and he couldn't find it. The water pipe was blocked. No matter how he turned the switch, not a drop of water dripped out of the shower head.

Of course, all this was seen by Noah. He even saw that the "missing" bath towel was blocking the water pipe at the moment, ensuring that not a drop of water dripped out of the water pipe.

"What's the point of this except to trick people?"

Duanmu Ci was surprised: "Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Think about it this way, almost all enemies want to use energy, so they have an internal pipeline, right?"

Even when a radiant life form like Ultraman uses energy, it has something to do with the body structure.

What if the position of these structures is changed?

For example, if the laser light on Seven's forehead is reversed, when he uses Aimerim to cut, he will directly attack his brain at zero distance.

If the flamethrower organs of those fire-breathing monsters are reversed, they can blow themselves up.

Take yourself away on the spot with a special move.

At this point, Noah finally understood.

"Then we are invincible!?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Of course, the combination of the two of us is directly invincible!"

Noah thought for a moment: "No, even if we don't combine, I haven't met any opponents."

Duanmu Ci waved his hand: "Oh, there is a difference between invincible and invincible."

"Besides, I can change some more conceptual things."

Then Duanmu Ci's fingers gathered magic power again. At this moment, a programmer was coding, and he didn't notice that there was an extra space in a line of code.

"Besides, I found that my current technological level has actually reached the ultimate level."

High technology has basically no effect on the mysterious and mysterious, and they can reject many things.

However, in fact, there is no such level as the mysterious and mysterious!

This thing is purely the level of Duanmu Ci's own imagination. Strictly speaking, the mysterious Ao is only the ultimate Ao that is a billion points stronger.

So Duanmu Ci's current technology is getting closer and closer to Noah and his team.

It feels like a big step forward for mankind.

"So what are we going to do next!"

Noah was a little excited.

He now personally experienced the joy of doing scientific research.

The real joy is in the experimental stage after completion!

Duanmu Ci: "Needless to say? Of course, we'll find an unlucky experimenter!"

"Use your invincible eyes to see where there are powerful enemies. Let's go and test it."

Noah crossed his arms, pinched his chin as if thinking for a moment, and finally nodded

"I found that there is a strong existence in another universe!"

Duanmu Ci's eyes lit up: "What kind of existence!"

Noah: "The white blood cells of the universe! Rugseth!"

Duanmu Ci: "Do you know him? Wouldn't it be bad to attack an acquaintance? And his name doesn't sound like a bad guy."

Noah waved his hand: "It's okay. Too many white blood cells are not a good thing. Let's go and purify that universe, just as if we are doing justice for the heavens."

Duanmu Ci thought about it and it seemed to be right. Too many white blood cells are indeed not a good thing.

But how to judge whether it is too much, too little or just right?

Although I don't quite understand the relationship, Noah has spoken, so it's obvious that there will be no problem just dealing with Rugseth.

It shouldn't destroy the balance of the universe or anything.

If it doesn't work, when the universe is about to collapse, let Noah take over, just like the King of Ultra.

Another universe.

After the Rob brothers learned that they could only stop the "destruction of the world" by solving Rugset, they began hell-level special training.

Under Hikaru, the two experienced life and death every day.

Fortunately, Univos has achieved mass production of life solidification technology, which allows Hikaru to train the two brothers to live and die continuously, allowing them to surpass the limit between life and death!

The quick training system invented by Duanmu Ci for the new generation training was indeed too quick, so that the two of them had no effect after training a few times.

But even though it was ineffective, the defense was still not enough, so they could only use some more traditional methods for training.

Hikaru used to be a scientist, a gentle one.

Later he became a hunter knight sword, and then changed back.

Now he has the temperament of a devil coach no less than Seven.

Relying on the silver Hikaru form, he easily suppressed the two brothers, and even easily suppressed Rob Ultraman after the fusion of the two brothers, and beat them to death.

It was really dead and alive. . .

At the same time, Hikaru also discovered the pleasure of Univos to conduct various new technology experiments in actual combat.

When the Rob brothers were undergoing various devil special trainings, they were treated as innocent guinea pigs, and various high-tech "bombings" could not be stopped at all.

If the two hadn't found that their strength had really improved through such struggles, and Hikaru had a high status in their minds, they would have probably quit long ago.

They just hoped to defeat Rugeset through their own efforts and save their mother from Rugeset!

Finally, after going through untold hardships, the two combined to defeat Silver Hikaru!

Then Hikaru turned golden.

The two were stunned on the spot.

This is a color-changing game, right!

Golden Frieza, right!

Then the two were ravaged by Golden Hikaru for a long time.

Until the end, their sister, Minato Chaoyang, awakened, and the three siblings combined to transform into Grob!

Then they were beaten by Golden Hikaru.

But after beating them for a long time, Golden Hikaru said.

"You should be able to defeat Rugeset now."

This sentence directly numbed the few people.

"No, Doctor, we can defeat Rugset before we even defeat you?"

"Doctor, are you stronger than Rugset?"

Golden Hikaru nodded: "He is indeed stronger in this form."

Three brothers and sisters: "..."

Mouto Hokai raised his hand: "Let me ask a question."

"Doctor, can you defeat Rugset by yourself?"

Golden Hikaru nodded: "Yes."

Rob brothers: "Then why did you train us for so long!!!"

Golden Hikaru said as a matter of course: "I am a scientist, isn't it my job to go to the front line?"

"Besides, you rescued your mother with your own hands, isn't this a very ceremonial thing?"

Mouto Hokai: "..."

"Forget it, it's not wrong to say that. We have suffered so much, and it's meaningful to rescue our mother ourselves!"

Mouto Yonghai and Mouto Chaoyang nodded together.

Just when the three were about to transform and fight Rugset, there was a sudden earthquake outside, and several people left the training ground to take a look.

A silver Ultraman appeared in the center of the city, dragging a beautiful-looking monster in one hand and holding a female scientist in a white coat in the other hand.

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