Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 679 Make it yourself

Univos felt a strange gaze on him, and turned to look. Oh, isn't this Yabuki Tsuki?

Just at this moment, the female doctor standing on his left hand said

"The two below are my children."

Univos looked at the "determined" eyes of the two young men and nodded: "Good eyes, like a warrior."

Little did he know that the two people wanted to swallow him.

"But it's a bit too pitiful to fall into Hikari's hands at such a young age."

He saw how Torrekia was tormented by Hikari over the years.

He always believed that Torrekia must have missed the days when he followed him to do experiments and contribute to space technology.

"Then I'll put you down first."

After Univos sent her to the ground with telekinesis, he turned his head and looked at the colorful dragon Rugset who was being dragged by him like a dead fish, and shook his head. This monster was said to be very strong? Why does it feel like a loser?

The only interesting thing is the light, Genesis Requiem, the name sounds powerful, and the effect is indeed powerful, it can annihilate matter.

There is a kind of beauty that can only be used by mysterious Ao.

But it is completely useless. The simplest solution to the ability to annihilate matter is to use more matter to resist it. Even if it is normal light, as long as the impact force is enough, it can still resist this light, and it may even be pushed back.

And Univos used a simpler method, directly removing the special organ used to emit light, and Genesis Requiem stopped.

And then there is nothing else.

Now I have to drag its body that has lost its dreams around.

That's right, Univos can even make sure not to kill it when beating it.

This is the gap, the gap in realm.

After thinking about it, Univos lifted it up.

Grab the neck.

"I will throw you into my Meta Domain in a while. If you dare to run, I will chase you to the end of the universe and destroy you. Do you understand?"

Cai Long struggled for a while, trying to refute what Univos said, to show his unyielding spirit.

Then he saw another purple light flashing in Univos's hand.

"You can think about it carefully, otherwise I will connect your large intestine to your throat!"

Rugeset: "..."

What else can it say?

Then a burst of light covered it, and soon it was completely swallowed up.

Then Univos turned into light and dissipated, falling in front of everyone.

Just at this time, Yabuki Yue also came up.

"Huo Hai, Yong Hai, he is the current director of the Space Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light, Univos Ultraman, and his human body is called Duanmu Ci."

Hearing this, Huo Hai was fine, but Yong Hai raised his eyebrows and curled his mouth.

"So, he is also a scientist?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "As the director of the Space Science and Technology Bureau, of course I am a scientist."

Cou Yonghai snorted and then took action decisively.

He wanted to beat Duanmu Ci up and vent his anger that had accumulated over time.


Duanmu Ci just stretched out his hand and easily deflected the direction of his force, then twisted it and twisted it to the ground.

The whole process took less than a second. By the time everyone reacted and wanted to stop the fight, the fight was over.

"Wow, young people are playing sneak attacks!"

Cou Yonghai's mother came up and apologized helplessly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my child has been naughty since he was young."

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Oh, it's not a big deal."

Minato Yonghai sobbed on the ground and couldn't help muttering

"What's going on, what's going on, why are the scientists in the Kingdom of Light so good at fighting?"

Yabuki Tsuki helped him up and smiled: "You are just survivor bias, most scientists are not very good at fighting."

Then he looked at Duanmu Ci: "Why did you suddenly think of coming here and solving Rugset by the way?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands, and then a ray of light gathered on his shoulders, turning into the image of a Q version of Noah.

"Hey, I didn't expect this white blood cell to be so weak. I thought it could be more resistant."

Duanmu Ci: "That's right. We were originally looking for powerful opponents in the entire universe to experiment with new technology, and then Noah asked me to find this Rugeset, known as the white blood cell of the universe."

"With such a powerful name, of course I have to come and meet it! Then I found that it is just like that. It is stronger than the lowest-level Ultimate Ultra, but it is also limited."

This is true. Those veteran warriors of the Kingdom of Light, such as the Ultra Brothers, basically have the ability to single-handedly kill Rugeset.

Even its strongest ray, Genesis Requiem, is estimated to be no match for the signature rays of those veteran warriors.

After the various high-tech enhancements of Univos over the years, the strength of those warriors has long surpassed the understanding of ordinary people.

So relatively speaking, the enemies in this universe are too weak.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Ci suddenly felt a little emotional.

Fortunately, there is such a robot master who comes out for a walk, otherwise it would be too invincible, wouldn't it be fun?

"So what about you? Are you trying to come up with something new after all these years of running around?"

Yabuki spread her hands: "Unfortunately, the sublimator you are having fun with is my latest product, but I do have some new evolutionary ideas here. The sublimator can be upgraded, but not now. , there will be plenty of time to study slowly in the future.”

"Furthermore, I think it will be more important for the time being to train two qualified warriors so that they can protect their planet."

Duanmu Ci understood this better: "This statement is correct."

For many people in the Kingdom of Light, it doesn't matter whether they engage in scientific research or not. What matters is that everyone lives a peaceful and peaceful life.

There are 18 billion residents of the Kingdom of Light, of which only one million belong to the combat order.

The remaining residents of the Kingdom of Light may never know what war is all their lives. Most of the time, everyone lives in a peaceful world, free from restraints and desires, just like the world of great harmony.

Therefore, in the Kingdom of Light, people like Yunivos who want to make big news and develop powerful technologies from time to time are among the very few.

"Okay, you can continue to educate young people here, and I will return to the universe to find a powerful opponent!"

"It's harmful. Now that science and technology have become more sophisticated, we won't be able to find any opponents who can beat us."

After lamenting that life is not easy, Duanmuci turned into light and disappeared from the horizon in an instant.

After confirming that he was really far away, Minato Haicai came over and asked: "Doctor, is this Ultraman Yunivos very strong?"

They don't have a clear positioning of their own strength, because no matter how they fight, they are no match for the scientist Hikali. When the team was building, they were defeated by Beria alone.

So they have no idea what their strength should be in the entire universe. Although they know that Univos is definitely stronger than them, they don't know what level Univos is in the entire universe.

Maybe fellow readers don’t know either.

After all, Univos hasn't taken full action for a long time.

Yabuki spread his hands: "He was very strong before, and he keeps getting stronger and stronger. Now, I can't even see clearly what his strength is."

"If this continues, he might be the next Ultra King."

Minato Yonghai on the side was confused: "Ultra King? It sounds very powerful!"

Minato Huohai complained: "Yonghai, we are talking in Japanese, don't use Chinese to make jokes."

Is it his fault that Minato Yonghai spread his hands?

. . .

On the other side, Duanmu Ci has entered the universe.

"The more your strength improves, the more you discover the limitations of your fist."

"It seems that after reaching a certain level, battles will compete with various rule-based abilities."

Noah pinched his chin, unable to understand what Yunivos meant.

Is it really better than rules-based abilities?

Then why does he still use light skills to deal with opponents when fighting?

But if you think about it carefully, his signature light skill Lightning Noah does have some meaning in the rules system. After all, it can crush the enemy into the most basic light particles. This effect is indeed almost the same as the rules system.

Thinking about Regedo's fighting methods, he uses the power of Aurora to absorb the enemy's attacks, and then uses Spark Legend to kill the opponent instantly with one shot. It also looks a bit regular.

Look at the King of Ultra's magic, it's more like the power of rules!

Finally, Noah nodded: "Yes, you need to study the power of rules."

Duanmu Ci: "No, what I mean is that if you want to find a strong opponent, you must not find someone who only has good statistics. You must have some power of rules."

"Like immortality, then fight it to see if you can kill it."

"For example, Yefu, you know? Yefu!"

Completely living form of leaf rot.

Start with an egg, and you will be invincible in the later stage!

Of course Noah knew.

But he didn't think Ye Fu could be that strong, because this kind of monster generally has a limit, but many people just can't reach this limit.

"What if we had an unlimited leaf rot?"

Yunivos said: "When I was studying the power of chaos before, I absorbed the power of the void and created a seed of chaos that contains infinite chaos power. It is now a leaf rot."

"There's no limit to its power."

Noah: "So you're going to fight the leaf rot you created?"

Uniworth: "Of course that's impossible. I created it. Of course I hope it lives well."

"I'm going to go back and transform Dark Belial to make him stronger, and then, Jie Jie Jie Jie."

Noah: ヽ(_;)ノ

Why did he suddenly feel that Yunivos was a bit obscene now.

He was clearly using his own image to do such obscene actions and also make such a villain-specific laugh.

This is going to cause trouble.

"But, how are you going to reform him?"

Univers raised an index finger: "I have been thinking about a question these days. I did defeat other people's technology by relying on my own strength."

"But, I haven't defeated my own technology!"

"Is it possible that my own technological strength is so powerful that I don't even know it?"

"I plan to transform Dark Belia with all my strength, and then defeat him, and compare him with the so-called perfect robot. Wouldn't this prove that my technology is stronger than that robot's master?"

Noah: "!!!"

He suddenly felt that what Univos said made sense.

As for how to transform Dark Belia, that was not a problem for him to think about, nor a problem he could think about.

At this moment, Dark Belia, who was quietly waiting for his new power on Earth, looked at the sky through the window idly.

Now he is the great emperor of the dark universe, but he has arranged most of the things for others to do. He only needs to rest in the center and wait for the opportunity to take action.

Just when he felt that the years were peaceful, Fukui Izuku suddenly opened the door and walked in.

"Lord Belia, our scientific research has achieved great results!"

"The capsules of Ampera and Dark Lugiel have been developed!"

"At the same time, our research on magic has entered a new era. Guess what we have discovered?"

Beria glanced at Fu Ideshi with an expressionless face: "If I don't guess, are you not going to tell me?"

This scared Fu Ideshi and he shook his head repeatedly.

"No, no, no, of course you don't have to guess."

"Our latest research found that after this magic power is enhanced to a certain extent, the capsule created is actually..."

At this point, Fu Ideshi instinctively paused again, wanting to wait for Belia to come up with a joke.

However, Belia just looked at him quietly, causing more and more cold sweat on his forehead.

"That capsule is actually Univos's capsule!"

A cold light flashed in front of Belia's eyes.

"Unives? So the so-called Galatron was actually created by Unives?"

He thought about it for a long time, and all kinds of complicated plots had automatically come up in his mind. Unives has always been a righteous hero, but in his heart he wants to conquer the universe, so...

But in fact.

This capsule was created by Duanmu Ci with his own energy, and of course it will reflect Unives' own appearance.

He extracted his own magic power, turned it into a capsule, and added various modular technologies to it.

As long as Dark Belia uses this capsule to sublimate and evolve, he can remotely transform Dark Belia and give him various abilities.

This is just the first step of the transformation.

The only problem is how to make Belia believe that this magic power is not given to Belia by him.

Otherwise, Belia will definitely refuse this power.

However, this problem is not a problem when it comes to Dark Belia.

"I knew that this Univos had so many exaggerated technologies, how could he not have any ambitions at all, it's just that his plans were so big that they have never been exposed!"

"But now that I have this power, he didn't expect that his conspiracy would make me successful!"

"Fuji Izukui, hurry up and study the sublimator, I want to use this power as quickly as possible!"

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