Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 693 Aegis's Mission

Ever since Kudo Hiroyuki and the others joined Iggis, Iggis's level of activity has obviously increased.

Previously, Sotani Yu always thought that his work would be easier after Kudo Hiroyuki joined. Later, he discovered that the intensity of his work had not weakened at all due to the arrival of the newcomer, but the company could take on more work. That’s all. . .

But Zong Guyu didn't have any objections to this. He was originally a relatively honest type. If he didn't usually smile a lot and seemed to be a bit unfriendly to strangers, he would have been picked up by someone on the road and taken back to plow the fields.

Of course, the above are just adjectives.

Galatron MK3 was stuck in traffic on the way here.

Well, it was actually Duanmuci's fault.

His technological power has improved, and then it is directly reflected in dimensional power. In order to prevent aliens or monsters from randomly attacking the earth, Duanmu set up a special dimensional blockade for the entire universe. Block characters who are powerful enough to a certain extent, and upload all their data to Duanmu Ci's computer, and Duanmu Ci will decide whether to let them in.

So when Galatron MK3 first came over, Duanmu Ci was still sleeping, and suddenly his phone started vibrating crazily.

However, Duanmu Ci was deeply asleep at that time, so he threw the phone away and then put a light on it to make it explode in the air.

In other words, this Galatron MK3 has been stuck in the dimensional rift, unable to go back or get out.

After Duanmu Ci woke up, he looked at the broken mobile phone. With a wave of his hand, time reversed and the phone returned to its original state. Seeing that it was still vibrating, Duanmu Ci looked down and saw that it was just a monster invasion, and then decisively turned it off. Anyway, it's not a big deal. Monsters are invading, so let them get stuck in the space-time rift to calm down. Anyway, this kind of thing has happened many times recently.

But there was another thing Duanmu Ci didn't expect. He only restricted monsters that were powerful enough.

There are no restrictions on monsters that are not strong enough.

Because he felt there was no need to limit it.

Even if the three little ones come over to fight, they can easily take care of these weak ones.

But he didn't expect that there would be countermeasures if there were policies from above.

Soon some cosmic people discovered this rule. As soon as they entered this universe, they found that the powerful monsters they carried with them were gone. Instead, all the mortal bones remained. It was okay once or twice, but it happened again and again. The universe People have also discovered the problem.

It is true that for those ordinary cosmic people, that is, those who do not want to mix with the Kingdom of Light or join Beria's empire, this universe is quite perfect.

But for people from other universes, this universe is even more perfect.

There are still many invaders and careerists hidden in the universe who do not want to become Dark Belial's subordinates. There are also many who want to jump away repeatedly after joining Dark Belial's command. Before, everyone only feared Dark Belial. With such power, I dare not resist. Now that there is such a universe, Dark Beria has ordered that it is forbidden to enter, which means that Beria’s legions will never come, and even the nosy gang from the Kingdom of Light are prohibited from coming. .

Isn't this a holy land for invaders like them?

Then they came in.

Then all the powerful monsters were stuck.

The rest are just three or two kittens.

But it doesn't matter!

As far as they know, the cosmic beings in this universe usually have little fighting power. Even if there are only a few weaker monsters left, they should be enough to complete the invasion mission.

It is against this background.

Eges received his first commission.


Kana Sasaki looked at the man in front of him in surprise.

The man in front of her is her former colleague and friend, and now he works in the "Foreign Affairs X Section", an official organization on Earth responsible for managing various cosmic beings.

The so-called "foreign affairs" refer to matters related to aliens. Of course, the current monster invasion is also regarded as a "foreign affairs".

"I said you might not be able to understand it well for the time being, so why don't you watch the video first."

Then he took out the USB flash drive.

The three little ones who were still eating the president's melon saw this situation and joined in.

Soon a picture of the monster appeared on the screen.

"Well, in general, a monster appears this time."

"According to the information given by the cosmonauts in our Foreign Affairs Department, they are generally consistent. The name of this monster is Sandrias."

Kana Sasaki had a headache: "It's not a bad thing if you want us to help, but we Eges don't have the ability to fight monsters, right?"

Zong Guyu and the others nodded wildly.

If they were to fight against the aliens, they would still have some confidence, but fighting against such a monster that was dozens of meters tall would really make them feel numb.

The other party obviously also knows what level their strength is.

"This time, the main purpose is not to let you deal with monsters. You look at the footage captured by the camera on the other side."

As he spoke, he turned on the video captured by another camera. The picture showed several strange-looking space beings giving orders to monsters.

"The cosmic people in the Foreign Affairs Department said that it is too difficult to defeat the monsters with our current equipment, and there is no guarantee that we can defeat the monsters without causing a lot of damage to the city."

"After discussing in the meeting, we unanimously agreed that the most effective means is to attack the controllers of the monsters, that is, the aliens."

"Without the control of the aliens, these monsters should be able to return to their relatively gentle nature, right?"

Although I don't understand how they know that the monsters are gentle in nature.

However, since this time they are only required to deal with the aliens, it is within the scope of Egis's work.

Especially now that Egis is well-equipped, it can be said that dealing with aliens is easy.

"Okay, we accept this task, but do you really have a way to solve the problem of monsters?"

The other party spread his hands: "What does the monster have to do with us?"

"Although we are the Foreign Affairs Department, we are affiliated with the police station, and our main job is to maintain public order."

"Now this is obviously not the level of public security, so it is not our responsibility."

After saying that, the man left in a chic manner.

Yes, public security issues are handed over to Egis, and military issues are handed over to the army, so they are directly relaxed.


Fishing with public funds.

Although Sasaki Kana also knew what he was doing, wouldn't it be a waste of money if he didn't do the work?


"Everyone gather here! Talk about the mission. We can probably get together again after this mission is over!"

In fact, it wouldn't be difficult to agree on the specific details of the mission.

Because for their existing equipment, dealing with aliens is basically sneaking into the vicinity.

Then rush out directly, crackle and hit, and end the battle.

This is equivalent to the entire plan.

Of course, in order to cooperate with this plan, you must first find the opponent's position.

Soon, all the members of the Aegis battle were dispersed to explore.

Well, the so-called full members of the battle here are actually just Soya Yu and Kudo Yuyuki.

After going on a mission alone, Kudo Yuyuki looked at the translucent Taiga on the side.

"Your usual task should be to fight this kind of giant monster, right?"

Tiga put his hands on his hips and nodded proudly: "Yes, it's awesome!"

Kudo Hiroyuki: "It's really awesome. Can you beat this monster this time?"

Titus on the side said: "Don't worry, Sandrias was indeed quite good in the past, but that was a story thousands of years ago."

"Nowadays, technology is developing very rapidly. Such monsters with no special features have long been abandoned by various cosmic people. Although they are released again now, they don't seem to have made any progress. They shouldn't be difficult to deal with."

Titus's steady voice gave Kudo Hiroyuki great confidence.

"Then if an accident happens, you will go up and solve this monster."

Fuma smiled and said: "Hiroyuki, it's not 'you', but us. The four of us are a team. We can't fight without you."

A three-person team, Taiga, Fuma, and Titus are the "three", and Kudo Hiroyuki is the "person", there is nothing wrong with it.

In fact, Soya Yu and Kudo Yuyuki were not looking blindly. If they were looking blindly without a purpose, they might not be able to find these aliens until next year.

It was Meilihua who had been controlling the computer, calling up surveillance from various places, using artificial intelligence to lock on those aliens, and then gave the last place where they were monitored. There is a rough area, and these aliens should be hiding near this area.

However, this area is a relatively remote place. After Soya Yu and Kudo Yuyuki entered the area respectively, they both noticed a lot of unfriendly atmospheres.

Especially Kudo Yuyuki, he just walked into this block, and he felt like he was being stared at all the time. The people around him with strange tattoos were also very straightforward. They kept looking at Kudo Yuyuki. Wherever he went, those people's eyes followed him, which brought him a lot of psychological pressure.

"What's wrong with these people? I always feel that they don't look very friendly."

Thinking of this, Kudo Yuyuki tightened the electric baton in his hand, ready for a melee at any time.

Taiga and others also became serious.

"These people seem to be aliens. Maybe we have entered an exclusive neighborhood for aliens."

In fact, many aliens live like normal people and do not show much difference, so a neighborhood composed purely of aliens is very rare on the entire earth.

But rare does not mean that it does not exist. There are many aliens with this need.

It is not strange to live together.

However, because they are all aliens, they are often discriminated against by various earth humans when they are outside, so many aliens do not have much good feelings towards humans.


At this time, an alien around suddenly spoke.

"Brother, what are you doing here?"

Kudo Yuyuki turned his head and looked at the man, who was a man with a shaved head and tattoos all over his face.

"There's nothing fun here, it's just an ordinary residential area. If you want to buy something, it's not for sale here."

Kudo Yuyuki smiled, looking harmless: "I'm just passing by."

The alien also smiled: "I see, I'm just passing by. There have been a lot of thieves recently, and we are a little nervous. Since he's just passing by, it's okay."

After that, the cosmic being said to the other cosmic beings nearby: "Okay, okay, this guy doesn't look like a bad guy, he shouldn't be a thief. Besides, everyone is at home now, even if a thief comes, he can't steal anything, don't worry."

After hearing this, the other cosmic beings slowly shifted their gazes away from Kudo Yuyuki.

As for whether they were really on guard against thieves, only they themselves knew.

Despite this, Kudo Yuyuki could still keenly feel that the malice around him still existed. Although no one was staring at him in public, there must be a lot of eyes in secret.

Thinking of this, Kudo Yuyuki couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm afraid we have run into someone else's base camp."

"Now we can't run around, how can we find those cosmic beings?"

At the same time, the cosmic being who had finished talking to Kudo Yuyuki returned to his house.

The few "guests" sitting in his house were the cosmic beings who controlled Sandrias.

"Hey, these are the members of the human civilian security company, right?"

The alien nodded: "This universe is very different from other universes. When the aliens were discovered, there were already a lot of them, and it was impossible to solve them from the so-called official level, but the distrust between the earthlings and the aliens has always existed."

"In order to protect the property and safety of the earthlings themselves, various security groups have emerged."

"The uniform he is wearing says Egis."

While speaking, the alien tapped a few times on his laptop and soon found the official website of Egis.

"Wow, it looks like a pretty powerful team."

"Their president has official connections and was once a good hand."

"And their equipment..."

The alien on the side was listening carefully, and when he found that this guy suddenly stopped, he urged

"What's wrong with the equipment?"

The alien shook his head: "The source of their equipment is a small shop, but the effect is very good. It seems that this small shop may also be opened by aliens."

After hearing this, the people around him confirmed each other's eyes and nodded.

They were new here, and they were still using the lowest level monsters.

Originally they thought this was enough to dominate the Earth, but soon they received news that other aliens were coming to Earth.

Then they really have no advantage here.

Everyone has monsters, and these low-level monsters can't take the lead at all.

Since there is such an alien store that can invent all kinds of good equipment.

Maybe they can make an invasion robot?

Even if they can't create it out of thin air, it would be fine if they can transform these existing garbage monsters.

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