Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 694 Falling into the Water


The local cosmonaut frowned, seemed a little confused, and said

"The two owners of that store didn't seem to be in a very normal state of mind."


As he spoke, he opened the relevant reviews of the store. Naturally, there were many good reviews, but the negative reviews were also quite prominent.

The negative reviews inside are not for the boss’s skills, but for their extraordinary thinking.

He just noticed that one of the bosses also had a rather outrageous taste in clothes, half black and half white, with an enlarged yin and yang face, yin and yang clothes!

This is not something that normal people can choose from.

"I see there's nothing wrong with it."

A cosmonaut on the side said: "This is obviously in line with the thinking of us cosmonauts. Look at us, which one of us has normal clothes?"

Local cosmonaut: "..."

Indeed, after staying on Earth for a long time, he almost forgot that the way of thinking of people in the universe is very different from that of people on Earth.

Except for Ultraman, who evolved from the species "human", or has a human-like form, most of the cosmic beings have their own unique looks, such as the Jettons. , the appearance of the Jettons seems quite strange to outsiders, but they themselves think they are very handsome!

And they may also think humans are ugly.

To put it bluntly, the aesthetics of each race are different.

Therefore, even for this local cosmonaut who has been on Earth for a long time, his image of a bald head with various hell-style tattoos is very untraditional and has the style of a hell rock fanatic.

"Perhaps this is the clothing style of their race. By the way, are there any cosmic people who are half black and half white?"

The cosmonaut on the side frowned: "Dada, the three-faced monster?"

"Obviously not! Dada's black and white stripes are so classy and completely different from this person's style."

"In my opinion, this person's style is a bit like, um, the Dragon of Light and Darkness."

The cosmonaut on the side patted his head: "I told you, don't just look at the ones that are there or not. We haven't even heard of his name now. Chatting with you is like chatting with an alien. "

The spaceman who was patted on the head was a little dissatisfied, and murmured in retort: ​​"Aren't we originally spacemen?"

"Okay, okay!"

A bald, muscular cosmonaut who had been sitting stood up.

"It doesn't matter whether this store owner is insane or not, and it doesn't matter what kind of cosmic being they are! What matters is whether he can do what we ask of him and whether he can transform monsters for us!"

"Slade asked me to bring a few scientists with me when I came here. I didn't bring them with me, so I brought a few of you. I regret it to this day!"

That being said, in the entire multiverse, the status of scientists has been improved too much. He, a relatively peripheral cosmic person who even has a chance to escape from the control of Dark Belial, is completely unqualified to get help from scientists. .

Moreover, Dark Beria treated various scientists quite well and gave them a very stable research environment. Unless there was something wrong, how could there be any top scientists accompanying them to mess around here.

The group of people walked out of the door in a grand manner.

But what they didn't notice was that there were several translucent Ultraman staring at them in the sky.

Soon the three-person team in the sky flew back and returned to Kudo Hiroyuki.

"Fortunately, you are smart, they really came out of that room!"

Kudo Hiroyuki smiled and said: "When that person talked to me just now, he was a little nervous. Generally speaking, he doesn't want me to stay here. Can't he just stare at me and leave like everyone else?"

"I came here specifically to talk to them, obviously because they were afraid that we would find something if we stayed for a long time. But if we were still there, nothing would happen. They would only show some signs of showing off if I left on the surface."

Taiga: "Do you need us to follow them?"

Kudo Hiroyuki shook his head: "It's better to say goodbye. Our mission is to prevent monster attacks. There are no monster attacks yet. It would be bad to alert the snakes and let them release monsters in such residential areas."

Although this street is full of cosmic people, there are also serious residential areas not far away.

Besides, not all humans in the universe are bad, nor can they be killed with a single blow.

Now that they are being watched by these cosmic beings, any movement they make will definitely be discovered, so they might as well observe remotely and create opportunities.

So Kudo Hiroyuki quickly contacted Asahikawa Mirika.

"Meilihua, I found those space people. They should have just left this neighborhood and went to an area where there are normal surveillance cameras. You should track them quickly."

Meilihua in the office nodded: "I understand, Yuuki, you should be more careful on the front line so as not to be discovered by them."

While speaking, Mei Lihua's fingers did not pause at all and kept typing on the keyboard, activating the AI.

Sure enough, these cosmic beings soon appeared in front of the surveillance cameras. The surveillance cameras kept switching, and their stretched out positions were also displayed on the electronic map.

This is the technology that an ordinary security company should have.

Although a little too magical.

Soon Asahikawa Mirika sent their real-time positioning to Kudo Hiroyuki and Sotani Yu's watches. The two could intuitively see their and each other's positions through this watch.

As for how to act, that's up to the two of them.


The two followed along, and then they both realized that something was not right.

They were very familiar with that road.

Isn't this the way to Dr. Duanmu's shop?

"Probably not?"

Regardless of whether they would or not, the two of them immediately made a decision.

Zong Guyu was worried about the safety of the two store managers and rushed to the store as quickly as possible.

Hiroyuki Kudo knew that the two store managers were actually Ultraman, and that these cosmic beings might not have thrown themselves into a trap.

So he, who was quite nervous at first, is now completely relaxed.

Just follow them slowly.

. . .

At this moment, Duanmuci is trying out Kirizaki's new invention.

Electron microscopy.

On the surface, it is just a new invention that is not very eye-catching.

In fact, it's really not that eye-catching.

"You mean, this microscope doesn't use electricity."

Kirizaki looked forward to Duanmuci's praise and said, "Yes! Although it is an electron microscope, it does not require electricity at all!"

"This completely solves the problem of the electron microscope being unable to be used in a power-free environment!"

Duanmuci: "..."

I wanted to vomit at the old saying, but it was difficult to dampen the enthusiasm of the child. In the end, I could only hold back and asked

"Show me your other inventions first?"

Hearing this, Kirizaki took out another thing, which looked like a magnet. It was also painted with red and blue paint and had "N" and "S" written on it. It should be the magnet.

Just as Duanmuci was about to ask what was so special about this thing, those spacemen came to the door.

The two people with keener perceptions looked over at the same time.

At first glance, the two of them understood.

This is a rock band!

Everyone's dressing style is weird, and they don't look like normal people.

Although Duanmu Ci also saw that they were all cosmic beings.


On this earth, a stone thrown in the crowd can hit seven or eight cosmic beings, so Duanmu Ci doesn't think there is anything special about the fact that these people are cosmic beings.

At the same time, Zong Guyu also arrived near the entrance of the store.

"Oops, it's too late! I wonder if the doctor and the others are okay!"

Although he was worried about the safety of Duanmu Ci and the two of them, his professionalism remained stable. He did not rush in. Instead, he turned on the anti-detection effect of his clothes and quietly reached the door of the store.

I heard the conversation coming from inside.

"Oh, what you mean is that you want me to transform a monster with the combat power of Jin Guqiao in this era, right?"

This is Dr. Duanmu’s voice!

When Zong Guyu heard Duanmu Ci's voice, he was still healthy, and his nervous mood relaxed a little.

It's just that these cosmic beings look like they want the Doctor and the others to create monsters?

Is this possible?

"Yes, Jin Guqiao. Jin Guqiao's technology is mainly reflected in material technology. Although we are not as good as the Pedan people in this aspect, we also have good materials and have brought them over. So on the surface, we want to let you, Doctor Researching the Golden Ancient Bridge is actually just asking you to build the Golden Ancient Bridge based on the existing information and the materials we provide. The difficulty should be reasonable. "

Duanmu Ci nodded: "In this case, it is quite reasonable, but it is useless for you to ask for the Jingu Bridge."

"Aren't you a rock band? Are you planning to let Jin Guqiao be the lead singer?"

"You don't have to worry about the purpose. I can guarantee that if you can create the Golden Ancient Bridge for us, in this entire universe, we can give you wherever you want, and we can give you whatever you want. "

Duanmu Ci nodded, as if he understood their purpose.

"I see, I probably understand."

"But you should also know that if we two brothers come to this universe, they will obviously not have any thoughts of kingship and hegemony, and this kind of thing will not be very attractive to us."

The bald cosmonaut wanted to say something more, but Duanmu Ci stopped him with his hand and said instead


"We two brothers don't want to live in a universe where we can be treated like cattle and taken advantage of at any time."

"In the normal universe, we two brothers obviously can't escape the end of being a fool for Dark Belia, so we came here."

"Since you are here, as long as you can give me a little proof that you have the strength to rule this universe, then our two brothers can help you, not only Jin Guqiao, but also the famous Galatron , and I can make any metal Tyrant for you.”

"I just need you not to embarrass us two brothers when the time comes, and just give us two brothers a clean and free space."

"Life is very long. The two of us are not interested in fighting for hegemony at all. We might as well enjoy our current life. Are you right, boss?"

The cosmonaut nodded, and they knew this mentality. In fact, the local cosmonaut who hid them before also wanted to live a free and unrestrained life, but that cosmonaut had been rescued by someone from their team, plus Shangya really couldn't defeat them, so he was forced to help them.

"Okay, we agree to your request, but you asked us to prove it to you. I don't know what kind of proof you want."

"If you want us to deal with Belia, forget it. First, he is too far away, and it takes too much time for us to go back and forth. Second, we have no grudges against him in the past or in the present, so there is no need to deal with him."

Of course, the main reason is that we can't beat him.

But such embarrassing words are obviously not allowed.

Duanmu Ci was direct: "It's not that difficult, isn't there Ultraman? You can fight casually. As long as you can defeat an Ultraman and show me the video, I can determine that you have the ability to rule the earth. It's not impossible to do some research for you in exchange for a leisurely life in the future."

The more Zong Gu Yu listened outside the door, the more shocked he was. What kind of tiger and wolf words are these! These aliens actually want to invade the earth! ?

At this moment, his watch vibrated, and he looked down and saw a sentence on it.

"Come in and knock out that bald head as soon as you hear 'deal'."

The other party was obviously well prepared.

"No way, where can Ultraman come from in this universe? Besides, if there really is Ultraman, would you still be willing to stay here?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Obviously, I don't want to, but you don't have to deal with Ultraman in this universe, can't you just find a universe with Ultraman? You can come here, and you can go out, right?"

"If you go out for a short time, you shouldn't be noticed by others, otherwise you can't come here."

Several people looked at each other.

Most Ultramen in the Kingdom of Light are indeed powerful, but as long as you calculate in advance, it is not difficult to find one or two weaker ones.


The bald man looked at a yellow-haired cosmic man on the side. They don't have to really defeat Ultraman!

Isn't there a Barbar star here?

Just go out and let Barbar star turn into an Ultraman at will, and then take a video of him being defeated, isn't it?

Thinking of this, the bald man smiled proudly.

"Okay, for this cooperation, we are willing to go out and find an Ultraman to solve it for you!"

Duanmu Ci laughed secretly.

He could tell at first glance that the yellow-haired man was from the star Babar.

"Then, deal!"

Hearing the key words, Souya Yu outside rushed in without hesitation, holding up the electric baton, and took advantage of the moment when the bald man just relaxed after hearing "deal" to put him into a high-quality sleep with one stick.

The cosmic people around were also a little dazed when they saw the boss being knocked out instantly, and they were knocked down by Duanmu Ci and Kirisaki's sleeping "magic" before they could react.

After dealing with everyone, Duanmu Ci blew on the tip of the electric baton, as if blowing away the gunpowder from the muzzle, and then said coolly

"Just kidding, my sleeping staff is always effective!"

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